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Koxx Bloxx (green) R Crap

josh p

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I just got my hands on some green koxx bloxx, I went for a ride and they were sh*t :angry: . I decided to carry on with my ride thinking they had to be worn in, but there still crap. I did just what tarty bikes said, with the light grind. But they don't work. I then got them a bit wet because it says they worked well in it. They were even sh*ter. any one got any ideas. I think I will send them back


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I just got my hands on some green koxx bloxx, I went for a ride and they were sh*t :angry: . I decided to carry on with my ride thinking they had to be worn in, but there still crap. I did just what tarty bikes said, with the light grind. But they don't work. I then got them a bit wet because it says they worked well in it. They were even sh*ter. any one got any ideas. I think I will send them back


I also just fitted a set and yeh they aint very good yet but you've got to give them a chance to wear in, they aint gonna work perfect straight away.

Edited by David20
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Give them a little longer than a day eh? there could be numerous ways y they are working sh*te? a few being that maybe your bleed is gash? the pads may not be set up correctly? do you run a booster? i may think you have got a nice grind but it may well not be, in my past experience when i have used koxx greens i gave them a medium/harsh grind and they worked absoloutley EMENSE!!!! i just dont think you have given them enough time to bed in, why slag off a product that alot of people have used and they work emense on every other persons bike 1 being 'Waddy' his back brake is awsome! Just because they dont work straight out of the packet doesn't meen you have to come on the forum to slag off a product that i and many others know are perfectley good!!!! :closedeyes:(Y)

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Give them a little longer than a day eh? there could be numerous ways y they are working sh*te? a few being that maybe your bleed is gash? the pads may not be set up correctly? do you run a booster? i may think you have got a nice grind but it may well not be, in my past experience when i have used koxx greens i gave them a medium/harsh grind and they worked absoloutley EMENSE!!!! i just dont think you have given them enough time to bed in, why slag off a product that alot of people have used and they work emense on every other persons bike 1 being 'Waddy' his back brake is awsome! Just because they dont work straight out of the packet doesn't meen you have to come on the forum to slag off a product that i and many others know are perfectley good!!!! :closedeyes:(Y)

lol hes writin n essay :D

haha an essay your funny hendy ...so shall i come over yours sometime when i get my new back wheel


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Give them a little longer than a day eh? there could be numerous ways y they are working sh*te? a few being that maybe your bleed is gash? the pads may not be set up correctly? do you run a booster? i may think you have got a nice grind but it may well not be, in my past experience when i have used koxx greens i gave them a medium/harsh grind and they worked absoloutley EMENSE!!!! i just dont think you have given them enough time to bed in, why slag off a product that alot of people have used and they work emense on every other persons bike 1 being 'Waddy' his back brake is awsome! Just because they dont work straight out of the packet doesn't meen you have to come on the forum to slag off a product that i and many others know are perfectley good!!!! :closedeyes:(Y)

he said he gave them a medium harsh grind. i have gone for a light grind, i will also give them time. i bet i will post up in a weeks time saying they r really good. we will see !

thanks josh

p.s sorry i think i jumped the gun

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What rim are you running because that will make a difference,my brother uses koxx greens and they are minta.

And I doubt you will be sending them back if you've used them.


yep, squince uses them and he told me they were beast.It does make a difference to how good your brake is by how its set up , how the rim is ground and how stiff your rear end is.


Edited by max-t
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