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Oxford Ride This Saturday?


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You know it makes sence ryan!

doubt i'll be able to ride all day as have my gran-dad's 80th birthday party to go to.. :sleeping:<_<:((N):sick:

fukkin hell....... 80 that's a good age!!

where and when cuz i might come down if HOGG's dad takes us in his truck.

will sam wheeler be riding do you know??????

post me details up N.

bi bi,

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weather forecast for saturday looks awesome but will be blooming freezing so bring a jumper!

Will more than likly try to get into Oxford for about 11. Meet county council hall?? (by the castle).

We normally park at the oxford train station short stay, it's right outside the main building. It is free to park and in a safe place. (for those that have bike racks on cars and don't want to pay £20 for parking all day!) :D(Y)

What you think people?? rwiley?? :mellow:

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