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Wanna Change The Colour On My Frame


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Yeah` all that effort to spray a frame and then it chips off! (N) Deffo go for the powder coating process in my books. Bit limiting on colors, but way tougher.

Find em in the yellow pages etc. (Y)

PS: Don't forget to Photoshop it, to test colour etc.

Edited by Concussion
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If you take your time it won't chip off.

I know it's along winded and most people just want to get it done so will strip/prime/spray and laquer all in one day. But then the results are shit.

You should really leave each coat for 24 hours to properly dry out and harden.

I've sprayed loads of parts and usually i will strip and prime in one day, then the next day i spend spraying it until the can has run out or it's properly covered, then i leave it in a warm place over night and laquer it the next day.

However on my latest bike i've been waiting around for the paint to arrive to i haven't been in a hurry and i've taken my time. And i can honestly say it's so far the best job i've ever done.

I spent 2 days stripping my frame and drying it out, then i spent 3 days priming it and letting that harden, and i'm still waiting on the paint.....

My forks are completely finished and it took me 5 days, and they are smooth, shiney and as far as i can tell very hard. Of course all paint is chip-able but if you take your time it'll be a lot more resiliant, and should only get damaged on majorly harsh stacks, such as scraping on the corner of a wall.

Plus doing it yourself is a lot more fun imo as well as cheaper.

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to save time and prevent first time straying cock ups, go for either powder coating, beadblasting(around £25) , although there is a few things going around such as it weakens your frame etc which it understandable, are for the over 25 theres anodising, i looked into it and it all seems pretty easy to find

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