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What Are The Most Annoying Things You Find When Riding?

Ben Beckett

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Hi all.

The thing that winds me up is when the back brake doesn't feel up to standard,when it is either spongy or not gripping. the same applies with the rear hub, If this slips or cracks once, I feel very insecure.

I live in market town. market town=busy on monday,wednesday,friday,saturday. Not good. this makes me concerned about riding into people,and after a while it just gets fustrating,but its one of them things.

When I'm not riding within my capability. Its extremely frustrating because you can never successfully do anything,eventually I lose my temper. throw my bike down and walk off, get a load of dodgy stares and it doesn't do my bike the world of good either.

Then theres the case off your bike breaking, its normally something that can be fixed easily, but by the time your home you really do not care.

Then there's the recent lack off riders in skipton, only one excluding my self is still around.

Forgetting something.



Allen keys


also when I wear slippy trainers my feet never stick to the pedals.

Well thats about it really.

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Lack of fitness. Im new to trials and it is quite different to ordinary mtb in terms of fitness and strengh. So when i get tired i can't keep my balence as well as normal, which is quite annoying when riding rocks etc.

Rear brake not up to standard at the minute, it's time for new pads. But in the mean time i'm not as confident as i normaly would be when doing larger gaps. So that needs sorting out!

Winter weather...the rain is getting at me these days. I'd generally ride if its wet out, but not when it's tipping it down, which it is doing a lot of now! You make plans with friends to go out at the weekend or whatever, but when the day comes its heavy rain...Typical!

Also what 'abe' said, forgetting things. Getting into town and forgetting something important, eg. gloves, as my hands sweat real bad, so i can't ride without them! :S

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Snakebites. I hate them yet I have to deal with them so often. Next comes my front brake, it's got too much drag. That's about it when it comes to riding over here because nobody takes interest in what we do and doesn't interfere with our riding. But when I went to England recently, I got fed up by these stupid people you call chavs constantly asking about how much the bike is worth etc. My god I'm so glad we don't have them over here...

Not had one for over a year myself, currently running a £1.95 wilko's tube (1.95-2.1) in my 2.5 tyre and not had a single problem.

I don't like it when you get arsewholes who try and tell you to get lost and come over red in the face before they've even gotten to you, shouting and swearing telling you to piss off. That annoys me most, fair enough, ask me nicely and i'll go.... shout at me like that and you get told where to go... usually to go call the police :( which is often stopped by saying the police have just been past and talked to us and said their glad we're not doin drugs and that if someone should ASK for us to leave then we should.

They then stop in astonishment as they realise it might have been easier just to keep their cool and ask nicely.

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Snakebites. I hate them yet I have to deal with them so often. Next comes my front brake, it's got too much drag. That's about it when it comes to riding over here because nobody takes interest in what we do and doesn't interfere with our riding. But when I went to England recently, I got fed up by these stupid people you call chavs constantly asking about how much the bike is worth etc. My god I'm so glad we don't have them over here...

Thats it

Im moving to poland..

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