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Trials Personality Of The Year?


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so just post the name of your chosen rider and give a reason why?

i have said Nick G as he always makes me think F##k how did he do that, then secondly F##k how did he do that so smooth :o:sick::sick:

please get your vote up (Y)

##### i have posted no poll as there is about a million riders out there #####

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na i just closed it to put a poll on to the post as i was getting winged at but i guess now people have started to just post there favoured rider.

as it really ent to hard to put

the name and then a reason why A? (N):D:lol:

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what are you on? people have started to answer? havn't you asked for the othe rone to be closed again?

:huh::huh::huh: < sums up my feelings about them...

sorted now mate. so just put your rider and a reason why. SWEET B):lol:

Ryan Leech.

Because he does a lot to promote Trials and doesn't seem arrogant. I like his style too.


edit: now closed?

good choice mate, no one is more dedicated than this man (Y)

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It is hard i would say shawn denny because he pulls off crazy stuff and makes it look easy also he comes out with the funniest comments what make me laugh every time or if it was just english riders it would be mr tunnicliffe he is a superb rider who also makes trials look easy.

both are great and really put a good name on trials so i can not choose.


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Ben Savage.

John Peacock is an inspiration for and to any DAD!!!! (Y):)

Robbie for the under12's category of the "trials personality"

this thread is purely going to be based around peoples best friends, hard to gauge how good anyone is from down south unless you have ridden with pretty much anyone and everyone on here. its good to see peoples names from up and down the country.

for example, you could have a "family" personality, and the olivers would win (Y) 2 boys and a gal rider, and also a mum and dad who are very commited and dedicated.


Boothy's dad for the observer of the year award (Y)

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I would say john peacock because he is a really sound guy and has lots of fun when riding.


Yes but I am crap

But I do like a good larf :lol:

Rider of the year Ali C Waynio (for all the Help), Ben for his worlds results, Olivers for coming from nowhere and shocking a few folks.

Most of all our Robbie for getting me off my ass and having a go and taking the British 3 years on the bounce. (Y)

Can't do 2 rounds next year so looks bad for a fourth title (N)

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I would say that Ryan Leech is the 'trials personality of the year'.

This is because he has put in so much effort to promote trials by helping people learn and by doing many demo's. Another reason is that he has also helped those who are already into the sport by creating extremely useful and good quality tuition videos.

Sorry if there is anyone else out there who has done much the same, but i don't know of anyone else :mellow:

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