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Paul Mckenna


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I watched a program with Paul McKenna some days ago. He showed a knocking/tapping technique that makes your lusts go away.

Can someone post a tutoral how we do this tapping?

This was really bad explained, but i found it on the internet now :)

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i saw his show once i think. he taked in a funny voice and made someone love themself in like 5 minutes.

also, this lady had a huge fobia of water, she would not let it get on her face (;)) and had been scared for 30 years. He cured it in 1 hour. I wonder what she felt like afterwards, sure, she's happy becase she's cured, but having lived like a spoon for 30 years and the cure was that easy... DEPRESSION AHOY.

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I wonder what she felt like afterwards, sure, she's happy becase she's cured, but having lived like a spoon for 30 years and the cure was that easy... DEPRESSION AHOY.


Martin Grainger is scared of putting his head under water, like in swimming pools and baths and stuff. HAHA

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I watched a program with Paul McKenna some days ago. He showed a knocking/tapping technique that makes your lusts go away.

Can someone post a tutoral how we do this tapping?

This was really bad explained, but i found it on the internet now :)

post what you found then? whats the point in leaving us hanging...

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the technique is based on pressure points allover the body. What he does is make you recall moments in your life when you were extremely happy or not scared at all (depends on you fobia) he then talks to you usining a special technique putting you in an "alfa state" when your subconcious is more suseptable to influences ( scaringly this is the state that advertisments on the telly put you in!!) he then taps a certain part of your body so your mind asociates that certain feeling with a tap in that exact place, thus the person can control their fobia o suchlike.

i don't know if anyone saw the darren brown special where he tried to brain wash a group of people into robbing a securitas bloke... well thats the same principal but using words/music and colours etc..:)

Edited by rhythm_101
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