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Brain Fart

Wright Pads

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there was a post not long ago which had tabulated all the different combos of gears

That would be me:


Might be of some use to you pete, just an easy way of seeing what you need on the rear for different sized front.

The Chris King HD axle is wank. Ask all whom have used one and snaped or cracked it and where it failed. Every one of mine dies on the bass inserts and along the length of the axle. My stainless steel ones has not nor will. The axle is not ment to take the impact and reduce it, it's to take an impact yeah but thats it! It cost me £15 to have it made, taped and threaded and polished. I might get some more done and offer them as an upgrade to the HD already out or skip the King HD and go for this.

Pretty sure that was just a computer joke dude. He meant it as in solid state electronic parts are more resilient to shock and generally faster. Nout to do with axles.

Anyway, I can't really see how you would need a higher gear because of different geo? probably just needs some getting used to, But anyway, have a look at that table above, might clear the different ratios up a bit.

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Anyway, I can't really see how you would need a higher gear because of different geo? probably just needs some getting used to, But anyway, have a look at that table above, might clear the different ratios up a bit.

Well, if you think about it, the bike acts as a big lever. The longer the chainstays, the heavier the gear ratio will feel. It obviously won't affect run up distances etc. but will change the way the ratio feels. BB rise also affects this, in my opinion the higher the rise, the "heavier" the ratio.

Just run 18:16, it's good for every setup although personally I find it way too heavy.

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If this is any help, my mate has a vinco, and its not broken yet before you all start, he uses 16-14 and says thats the best hes found.


Yellow bits are gears that are around 30 gear inch, which is probably the most common gear ratio for trials, partly due to pretty much all mods using it, as well as loads of 26"ers.

Cheers lads (Y) (Y) (1 each), have a beer on me as you've done what Trials-Froum is all about. Topic can now be clossed


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No worries mate, what else are we all here for, and dont listen to the others who say the geo is crap, the vinco rides the nuts so yours should too.


Fresh Products MC2 Mk1 proto was the same geo and up to the point of her suden death she was mint. Stoppies where hard to get use to due to the ride height but thats it. Mk2 will last and work...till i get forcefull and wound up

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I found the stoppies easy on the vinco, are you using the high try-all stem as thats perfect for it.

Shouldnt take long to master it though, you should try it on a motorbike, gets interesting!

Sounds like you have the perfect bike, rides like a koxx but isn't built by them.


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I found the stoppies easy on the vinco, are you using the high try-all stem as thats perfect for it.

Shouldnt take long to master it though, you should try it on a motorbike, gets interesting!

Sounds like you have the perfect bike, rides like a koxx but isn't built by them.


Onza T master which is 155mm x 40* 10mm shorter so i use a 10mm spacer too. Reason is i use 31.8mm bars and Koxx doesn't do a stem to fit the geo.

I did and do, Moped, GSX-R750 and a Bandit N1200. Bandit is beasty.

Oh i do, my geo as bit are slightly tweaked, hand built and machine cut, uk made, on off, never ever been done. Mk2 is a bit bland but just will have hour put into it being sexy smoeth

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Onza T master which is 155mm x 40* 10mm shorter so i use a 10mm spacer too. Reason is i use 31.8mm bars and Koxx doesn't do a stem to fit the geo.

I did and do, Moped, GSX-R750 and a Bandit N1200. Bandit is beasty.

Oh i do, my geo as bit are slightly tweaked, hand built and machine cut, uk made, on off, never ever been done. Mk2 is a bit bland but just will have hour put into it being sexy smoeth

A 10mm spacer wont make up for an extra 10mm stem length, but to be fair, it doesn't matter for shit, because the bars will probably be a different shape to the koxx's anyway. What bars are you gunna be running on it? It's all personal preference anyway obviously, so as long as its in the right kinda area, that 10mm could be good or bad to different people.

Is the new frame gunna be the same plate structure as the 1st one? or is it gunna be tubing?

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A 10mm spacer wont make up for an extra 10mm stem length, but to be fair, it doesn't matter for shit, because the bars will probably be a different shape to the koxx's anyway. What bars are you gunna be running on it? It's all personal preference anyway obviously, so as long as its in the right kinda area, that 10mm could be good or bad to different people.

Is the new frame gunna be the same plate structure as the 1st one? or is it gunna be tubing?

Erm yeah it does mate. 155x40 as to the 165 x 40, it'll just go up a little more. I run Onza 30'' bars, using the alloy ones after my carbons cracked.

Without the 10mm it felt odd, then with the 10mm it made a huge differnce.

Not one of you here got to see the full version of MC2 MK1. I just wana be able to ride and get off the coust so Mk2 is a std syle frame but with lots of planning and tweaks and hours building it so it's smoether than a baby bum with a sheet of slick going over it!

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Helium top tube was a sealed pre preg carbonfiber clinder with 200psi of helium in there via a short sharder valuve used on a phase unit.

haaaaaaaahahahahaha. that old chessnut!!!

Helium is lighter than air, but not when it is pressurised to 200psi lmfao!!!! The higher pressure it is under, the denser and heavier it is! Plus, ther extra material needed to seal the top tube would weigh more than the weight you 'save' by using helium!!!

Absolute waste of f**king space you are my boy... I just don't understand how you are absolutely fine to talk to in person or even msn, yet you persist in talking shizzle on here!

(titanium holes is something you decided to natter on about about 3 years ago. You may not remember, but about 1000+ forum members do!!!) It was the talking point of many a competition/ride!!!)

Im 6'1" and find anything longer than 1070 as baaaad.

And about the bitch fest - you're worse than me

to be fair though, each to there own when it comes to geo. I rode my 985mm WB Xlite mod quite horribly, to the disgrace of many. But it suited me.

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John bongo what ever you are these er days

I may have been converstaion at comps etc but has one of you yet had any balls to do it face to face.....,ERM NOPE AND YOU WONT

All that can be done is bashing on MSN, Tf thats it. Your all are totaly unable to get over your selfs and trying to be the best at everything and have the upper hand.

Yes your ridding and style was doggy but thats you. It worked for you, you liked it so what. For me it's gotta be long as i have to reach and it then doesn;t hurt my neck, sholders, back, hips, thighs as i feel too crouched on anyhting eles sadly.


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if you think im pateftic for still being here. No just wana help the sport on and be part of it but also am man enough still to come here and put up with kids thinking they are the be all of trials and life. Some yes but 99% far far from it.

I think you're pathetic for still being here. You're a twenty-something year old guy who just hangs out on a forum full of younger kids feeding them complete rubbish for no reason that I can see, to give you what? Some sense of superiority? Value?

I suppose that your stories can be quite entertaining, in the same way that fairy tales are. But when you try and pass them off as fact to the newer people on this forum who don't know better (why would they?), that's just wrong. If this was my forum, I would do everything in my power to stop you coming on here. You contribute nothing but a load of crap to this forum. But yes, you are 'part of the sport' - Everyone who knows who you are knows to ignore your posts. It's just a shame that there are people here who are new and will probably believe the stuff talk about.

Maybe the forum should have a warning on? Beware of Pete, he talks crap. Or maybe you should just grow up and stop all this.

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See my point exactly. You can only do it publicly and not directly to me. Think only 1 trials rider has kinda stood up too me and that was Darren in Plymouth of which was proved wrong on what ever it was fairly soon.

Whats been said by my self has been twisted pretty much all by Simon whom i have no real ideal the f**k is..not bothered but thats all he has to do with his life.

I use this forum for the intent purpos of it, to exchnage info on the sport, products, help your self and others.

Over 20. My Brother whom recently died was 20 so get it right.

For you to be in the memeber postion here your very hipacritical seeing as your least 20+ i guess and kids being here. I don't see you kicking off at Mike Poyzer, onzabikedotcom, Heatsink and many others here that rider but not only that come here to show you up and coming products.

Edit fatc you do kick off at them as you don;t aprechate what people do these days.

Edited by Wright Pads
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John bongo what ever you are these er days

I may have been converstaion at comps etc but has one of you yet had any balls to do it face to face.....,ERM NOPE AND YOU WONT

All that can be done is bashing on MSN, Tf thats it. Your all are totaly unable to get over your selfs and trying to be the best at everything and have the upper hand.

Yes your ridding and style was doggy but thats you. It worked for you, you liked it so what. For me it's gotta be long as i have to reach and it then doesn;t hurt my neck, sholders, back, hips, thighs as i feel too crouched on anyhting eles sadly.


lol. i respond to either names.

I had no problem at all with you when we met, hence me not saying anything to you. I don't have a personal problem with you. If i did though, i'd say it straight to your face if we met, and you wouldn't do f**k all about it! But thats not the point 'i'm harder than you blah blah!!'. The point is, you have spoken a lot of shit and we all think it's funny!

(Anyway, you're saying 'YOU WON'T' , as if you would get violent if someone did lol. You'd better be careful cos if you did them skinny limbs of your could snap off!)

I have 2 upper hands, one on the end of each arm. I have to lower hands, but they are usually called 'palms'.

I can't get over myself as my knee is a little sore...

And to the best bit!!! Trying to upset me by saying my riding style is doggy (did you mean dodgy?!) Hmmm, i don't think that'll work too well!!! Like a give a toss!

Bye bye!

I think you're pathetic for still being here. You're a twenty-something year old guy who just hangs out on a forum full of younger kids

:unsure: dum dee darrr dee dum.....

thats me hahaha

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lol. i respond to either names.

I had no problem at all with you when we met, hence me not saying anything to you.

Trying to upset me by saying my riding style is doggy (did you mean dodgy?!) Hmmm, i don't think that'll work too well!!! Like a give a toss!

As far as i know. Our paths have never crossed unless you were there @ The Krazy House when i met Phill and was out of my face on a right bender with some scouces lass? God you lot. Right you BMX is out of this world yeah. Only you can do it and have a flair for it. I got a few of the BMX vids a si am impressed right. I'm not saying your shit at that. Your trials ridding was your own style, it seamed risky at times but are we all not like that! ~End of

Sort it out pete.Tosser

Your the tossers as you have seen Bongos post and not waitited for my explerntaion me lover. Go on cower away like a good little boy. there we go, anoderlay anodely. As i said i have many of his BMX vids as im very impressed and the captue is far better than any trials vid up till the Russian boys got HD on there side!


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See my point exactly. You can only do it publicly and not directly to me. Think only 1 trials rider has kinda stood up too me and that was Darren in Plymouth of which was proved wrong on what ever it was fairly soon.
You're a dick on the internet. I have no idea what you're like in real life, but on here you're a dick. So no, I'm not going to come 300+ miles to stand up to you in real life and have a fight. That's stupid.

I use this forum for the intent purpos of it, to exchnage info on the sport, products, help your self and others.
You have never helped me personally, and I'm pretty sure you have never helped anyone on here.

Over 20. My Brother whom recently died was 20 so get it right.

What's your point? Was he your older brother? Younger? Twin? Son? I know you're old enough to know better, put it that way. I'm sure on several occasions you've said you're twenty something, a shop owner, a married man etc. It's kinda hard to know what to believe. Perhaps you'd like to tell us how old you are, once and for all.

For you to be in the memeber postion here your very hipacritical seeing as your least 20+ i guess and kids being here. I don't see you kicking off at Mike Poyzer, onzabikedotcom, Heatsink and many others here that rider but not only that come here to show you up and coming products.

I don't have anything against any of the older people on here (and you're right, I am one of them). But they don't come on here just to look big in front of the younger people, whereas you do.

Anyway, arguing with you is almost as stupid as listening to you in the first place. So adios. Enjoy the slanging match.

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