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Do I Need A Bleed


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Uhm , ok first off ill start by saying i have the 05 maggies front and rear... the other day i spent 4 hours setting my breaks up cuz i couldnt get the perfect. and eventually when i got them right, i pulled in my lever and Bam! something felt like it sliped and the lever

sort of lost compression. It was pulling right back instead of like Half Inch - 1 Inch. Do you think i need a bleed or not....

Thanks for ur help

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Uhm , ok first off ill start by saying i have the 05 maggies front and rear... the other day i spent 4 hours setting my breaks up cuz i couldnt get the perfect. and eventually when i got them right, i pulled in my lever and Bam! something felt like it sliped and the lever

sort of lost compression. It was pulling right back instead of like Half Inch - 1 Inch. Do you think i need a bleed or not....

Thanks for ur help

has your slaves moved out because you might of not tightened them properly. but if they haven't i would give it a re bleed with anti freeze and water also check all your bolts are tight and your hose is fine and jobs a good n.

chris (Y)

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Alrite mate, sounds to me like either:

- You haven't tightened the bolts up tight enough on the clamps and the cylinders have just moved.


- You have popped your hose, try looking to see if/where any water/oil is coming out when you pull the lever (Y) Check the crossovers etc (Y)

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check at the brake mount as sad^^^^^ if its not that check from the lever all way down the hosin to your calipers if its not moist from fluid then lastly check your tpa they can loose ther thread on the 05 models. if so get in contact with edd potts , he can sort you some metal ones i do beleave

thanks padarik

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sound like you have poped your brake. bleed your brake and try again, if the same happens then there is certainly something wrong. cheque the crossover pipe as it often happens here, it happened to my mate a few week ago. if it isnt this just cheque all your brake because will certainly be something wrong with it.

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Hi there mate, if you bleed them and everything else mentioned and they still don't work you should be able to get them repaired or better still replaced by magura (if your the original owner/and there under warranty). Have a look on maguras website or contact venhill (importers for magura uk/atleast i think they still are),

hope this helps,

Ben g WST

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