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iv had a bad few weeks and managed to snap my forks, stem, chain and brake lever in one month. and i would also like to know if the echo stems are stronger then the try-all ones... cheers

Edited by aim@me
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im more skinny then fat!!! the lever was the best, did a tap and as i landed on the wall it snapped, so i had no back brake... i fell onto my back from about 4ft lol... ash has seen me do this before but this one took the piss. it felt like i was in the air for ages

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so i had no back brake

Hahaha i was at a motorbike race british super bikes this year last race of the season and there is a clash of bikes on the 2nd straight... cant remember the rider but he came into the corner at like 100MPH to look down and realise his brake lever had been snapped off and was lying 100 metres down the track! lol that would shit you up more! the supprise in his interveiw was amazing lol

well bit of a random story.... but.... must make you soooo f**ked off! lol i cant imagine!

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Something to consider.........

Is it the components on the bike or the rider that is causing the breakages?

1. How often do you stack and just let the bike bounce off the ground a couple of times, letting the bars and the stem take all the stress?

2. How often do you feck up side hops and lets all your weight fall down on the brake lever as it hits the wall?

3. Do you ever throw your bike in frustration?

4. Chain snapage can often occur as a result of constantly landing on you bash guard/sump plate because you don't always lad so straight and smash the chain a litttle each time causing it to get weaker.

You may be happy to suspect and blame the components too quickly but when you stack, you put them under stress conditions that they are not really meant to be under, such as landing on lever blades, frames, chains, dropping on the handle bars from a height or the stem when the bike lands upside down.

Now, is it really the bikes fault or is it your's because you stack too much?

Learn to ride better quicker.


Edited by Tall_Rob
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funny you should say that cus im the complete opposite of what you said,

1) when i fail sidehops i fall on my right hand lever not my left, as i side hop to the right

2) i NEVER throw my bike and it pisses me off when people do, ryan knows about this haha

3) i try to ride very strictly uci so NEVER land on pedals or bash unless iv f**ked up and also my bash stops my chain from getting hit.

4) i hardly ever stack badly and if i do i always keep hold of my bike..

so it has to be just down to components

so as i said before... are the echo stems any stronger?

Edited by aim@me
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well im running a long GU atm so hope and thompson stems are out of the question, but do zoo stems come in quite a high rise like hifi and try-all stems?? i was also looking at viz stems? any opinions/reveiws on them

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