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British Champs? Whats Going On


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Information for you all to read. This is they way things are. They cant be changed. Pull together and behave like adults who love trials. I for one would love to see a fully united BikeTrial UK commity with NBTC and Tyketrial back at the table.

Subject: Re: BIU delegate

Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 15:19:40 +0900

Dear Mr. Deeks

Sorry for the delay of my answer.

There are so many mails about UK domestic matters and it was not easy to comment as the BIU to see the true.

Any way congratulations to be the UK delegate.

Sincerely yours,

Hiroshi Hirano



U Splavu 1419, 684 01 Slavkov u Brna, Czech Republic

To: BikeTrial United Kingdom Copy to: Hiroshi Hirano, B.I.U. President;

E.B.U. delegates;

Dear Sir or Madam,

1. According to Statutes of the European BikeTrial Union the member in Great Britain is BikeTrial United Kingdom (BTUK) under Auto-Cycle Union Limited (ACU). There is absolutely no legal justification for changing this organization as the E.B.U. member.

2. We have noted the 24th of February meeting of the BTUK and have the official minutes that were confirmed by ACU General Secretary. The E.B.U. Committee has no other choice – it must accept this document!

3. European BikeTrial Union accepts the conclusions from the meeting with following commentary:

A. It is necessary to drop the UCI Penalty rules from the ACU handbook as soon as possible. Until that is done a notice must be made that the UCI rules are not legitimate for B.I.U. events.

B. EBU requires that British national championships be run entirely according to BIU rules and from the championships will be selected the British national team for European and World BikeTrial Championships.

C. As stated previously, we advise that it would be very beneficial if BTUK and UCI in the United Kingdom were separated soon and completely.

D. We understand that a BikeTrial United Kingdom Constitution is being established. E.B.U. will get a copy as soon as possible.

E. The E.B.U. committee stresses the requirement that there must be established a voting procedure that is democratic in the strictest meaning of the concept. It is the only way to avoid these conflicts in the future.

We would like to request further that BTUK continues to invite and encourage the two clubs associated with Fred Savage and Barbara Wright to participate in its events and activities. Both of these people have contributed greatly to BikeTrial over the years.

Best Regards,

On behalf of the E.B.U Committee

Libor Musil

E.B.U. President Slavkov u Brna, 18/03/2007

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Dave, obviously a southern rider eh???? yes you pay £10.00 for a biu license that would help fund a WBC and an EBC? butn thats shit isnt it? youd rather the sport got no where in this country with just brit champs and local rounds? look at spain? they hold a world round nearly every year, you need more thought before your biased posts!!!!

Ahahahahaha... rightio. Not sure what being a Northern monkey/Southern fairy has to do with this apart from this whole thing appearing to be Barbara and Fred vs. the World- I'm more of a Northerner than you I'll have you know!! The only reason I mention the BIU fee is that with Uni commitments and being a bit uncommitted/lazy I only tend to attend 1 or 2 max Nationals a year and am rather unlikely to attend any of the Worlds/Euro champs so last year when you didn't pay for a license for purely domestic comps suited me just fine. It hasn't been made clear (to me anyway) that the money being made on the BIU licenses was to be used for funding a World Round, all that's been said is that Fred wanted to charge everyone £10 for something that should be freely obtained by all riders. As an aside I donated money towards the World round last year (2005?) anyway through the Raffle so am all for promoting trials in the UK.

remember when you cross a road? STOP ---- LOOK ---- LISTEN

WTF is that supposed to mean?!!

Meh, I'd rather keep out of this whole thing but at the last Hampshire Terry, who I have massive respect for, was a bit wound up about what was going on and I don't see why people are trying to rip the (already small) sport apart.


Edited by monkeyseemonkeydo
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ThinkYou lot should stop f**king about and kiss and make up, makes me not want to ride the comps becuase of all the shit around them now. Quite frankly I am disgusted with it all.... f**king sort it out! c u n t s

Totally agree with you. I ride comps but with all this stuff making a sham of a mockery of a mockery of a sham of it I may well just stick to the Hampshire comps until this shitstorm blows over.


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Quote "It was discussed and agreed that it was unfortunate that NBTC and TykeTrials had not attended the meeting" Un-quote

Nobody from Tyke's was invited to this meeting hence nobody went, simple as that really. How does that work then ?

Both were invited to the meeting, they chose not to attend an say that thay had not been invited.

This is all political. The problems stem back to the first AGM in January, which desended into chaos.

The EBU and BIU have accpeted the current commitee for Biketrial in the UK which is as follows:

Antony Rew = Chairman

Phil Tupman = Secretary

Barry Deeks = BIU Delegate

Brian Matthews = EBU Delegate

Carol Slinger = Treasurer

If you wish for proof I have emails from the EBU, Libor Musil. And from Hiroshi Hirano, BIU president.

As far as the National Rounds go the Official championship is the one advertised on the UKBiketrial site. The first round being at Hook Woods.

I have no problems chatting to anyone about this situation. The current Biketrial committe have nothing to hide fron the UK riders.

Yes there are a lot of confusing articles about, but things are being sorted out. The above listed people are trying their hardest to get things sorted asap.

Again, the first round of the British BIKETRIAL championship will be at Hook Woods.

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Both were invited to the meeting, they chose not to attend an say that thay had not been invited.

This is all political. The problems stem back to the first AGM in January, which desended into chaos.

I didn't want to get into this, however, I was at the first meeting in January and I will agree it was chaos for reasons I don't fully understand. I am on the commitee of tyketrial.

I will say it again we were not invited to this latest meeting I have not recieved any letters or emails from anyone about this matter.

I represent the largest club in the uk. So please take the comment that we were invited to come and didn't bother back. What reason do I have to lie.

I stood up at the close of the meeting in Jan and pointed out that the reason we were all supposed to there was not to massage some big egos that various people seem to have, but to sort out this years events for our CHILDREN to attend. I think that all of this is pathetic. And I for one do NOT like being called a lier, I am not a happy man.

Biketrial uk and uk biketrial need to get this sorted once and for all FOR THE SAKES OF OUR KIDS. How will I tell Robbie that there is no British this year. We have to much tallent in this country to be fannying about so close to the start of the season. How many of you all actually ride a bike. You should be ashamed the lot of you!!!


Badboy I don't have a clue who you are but god knows how you sleep at night.

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Dave, what about the ACU fee? or did that dissapear into thin air? ACU will be around £15/20 as opposed to the northern £10.00 BIU fee and no other cost (Y):) so lets leave it as it is and just have a "fun" 2007

Loads of love. Waynio.....................

BTW does this mean that the 6 speed rule applies at brits? and if it doesnt it should as it is a BIU rule.

Barry - a sensible question, my position in masters at british championships? would it be lost if i did NOT attend the brit champs? BUT i attended the worlds? your help would be very much appreciated.

The other 5 (maybe even a 6th) rounds that are held up north now LITERALLY have no (stupid) rules and obligations to them as we are independantly running this championship without the ACU OR the BIU rules, we seem to think it will make life easier for the riders/participants taking part. (Y):)

John, the BONGO is sweet (Y) thanks again. and i totally agree with your post, majority of the forum should read it and take it in coming from a respectable adult WHO was at the AGM in jan.

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Dave, what about the ACU fee? or did that dissapear into thin air? ACU will be around £15/20 as opposed to the northern £10.00 BIU fee and no other cost (Y):) so lets leave it as it is and just

The ACU fee (which is £10 and has been for as long as I've been a member) gives me a nice quarterly magazine! Oh and also provides everyone with insurance up to £6M (?) at events... The BIU license is free to obtain (in theory) and I don't think does anything other than allow you to ride in BIU organised events... don't quote me on that though!

Just wondering if there's any significance in the fact that the two people trying to go it alone and tear the comp scene apart are the two people who own and run commercial businesses selling trials bikes?... Could all this be motivated by $$'s? Answers on a postcard.


P.S. Love you too! ;)

Edited by monkeyseemonkeydo
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OK Forum users, time for some facts;

To date I have not received official notification that I no longer the BIU Delegate.

I concede that a meeting was held at ACU headquarters on the 24th of Feb.

An agenda was sent to me, – not an invitation.

The content of the agenda appeared inappropriate and aggressive, along with the Chairman of BikeTrial U.K. I chose not to attend.

Many key individuals that had represented clubs at BikeTrial U.K. meetings were not invited to the meeting held on the 24th.

The meeting took place. Some of those that attended and were allowed to vote had never been to a BikeTrial meeting before; others had not attended for years. A vote was taken; the result suited those that were in attendance.

An email was sent to the principals of the BIU claiming that I, (as BIU delegate), and Mr. Eyre, (as BikeTrial U.K. Chairman) had attended the meeting. I have a PDF file to support this, the claim was totally untrue.

A further email was sent to the BIU claiming that copies of the minutes had been sent to me and Mr. Eyre by registered post, (special delivery), neither of us have received the document. I intend to challenge the supposed sender to produce the postal receipts.

It may prove that I am no longer the Delegate. After all the lies and accusations, (about me and those I consider to be friends), I have had to endure recently it will not be a problem. I have done my best to represent the interests of riders from the U.K. in an unbiased and fair manner.

A rift now exists between two factions involved in organising competitions.

To date I have worked with a group to produce a British championship series.

I have signed and issued 97 BIU licences.

The 1st round of the British championships that I am involved in is at Bracken Rocks.

The principles of the BIU are concerned that there will be confusion as two championships could possibly be run in the U.K. regardless of their ultimate status.

Libor Musil, EBU President has asked me to try to mediate in an effort to bring about a compromise.

I have already discussed possibilities with key individuals from both “sides”.

I continue to do this, even though Mr. Deeks (the new Delegate), appears to be taking a negative view of the situation, pushing hard to promote the events of one group to the exclusion of the other, even when the group he wishes to exclude contains some of the most efficient and experienced organisers the U.K. has to offer. (Barry, if you take on the role I urge you to be unbiased and fair in all that you do, consider the opinions of others even if you don’t agree with them).

I continue to do this, even in the face of false accusations displayed on an organisations web site, documents containing false claims sent to the BIU, along with many other negative acts

I have sent a proposal to the BIU outlining a workable solution. It may or may not meet with their approval, but at least I will have tried.

What ever happens, see you at Bracken Rocks.


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OK Forum users, time for some facts;

To date I have not received official notification that I no longer the BIU Delegate.

I concede that a meeting was held at ACU headquarters on the 24th of Feb.

An agenda was sent to me, – not an invitation.

The content of the agenda appeared inappropriate and aggressive, along with the Chairman of BikeTrial U.K. I chose not to attend.

Many key individuals that had represented clubs at BikeTrial U.K. meetings were not invited to the meeting held on the 24th.

The meeting took place. Some of those that attended and were allowed to vote had never been to a BikeTrial meeting before; others had not attended for years. A vote was taken; the result suited those that were in attendance.

An email was sent to the principals of the BIU claiming that I, (as BIU delegate), and Mr. Eyre, (as BikeTrial U.K. Chairman) had attended the meeting. I have a PDF file to support this, the claim was totally untrue.

A further email was sent to the BIU claiming that copies of the minutes had been sent to me and Mr. Eyre by registered post, (special delivery), neither of us have received the document. I intend to challenge the supposed sender to produce the postal receipts.

It may prove that I am no longer the Delegate. After all the lies and accusations, (about me and those I consider to be friends), I have had to endure recently it will not be a problem. I have done my best to represent the interests of riders from the U.K. in an unbiased and fair manner.

A rift now exists between two factions involved in organising competitions.

To date I have worked with a group to produce a British championship series.

I have signed and issued 97 BIU licences.

The 1st round of the British championships that I am involved in is at Bracken Rocks.

The principles of the BIU are concerned that there will be confusion as two championships could possibly be run in the U.K. regardless of their ultimate status.

Libor Musil, EBU President has asked me to try to mediate in an effort to bring about a compromise.

I have already discussed possibilities with key individuals from both “sides”.

I continue to do this, even though Mr. Deeks (the new Delegate), appears to be taking a negative view of the situation, pushing hard to promote the events of one group to the exclusion of the other, even when the group he wishes to exclude contains some of the most efficient and experienced organisers the U.K. has to offer. (Barry, if you take on the role I urge you to be unbiased and fair in all that you do, consider the opinions of others even if you don’t agree with them).

I continue to do this, even in the face of false accusations displayed on an organisations web site, documents containing false claims sent to the BIU, along with many other negative acts

I have sent a proposal to the BIU outlining a workable solution. It may or may not meet with their approval, but at least I will have tried.

What ever happens, see you at Bracken Rocks.


Oh how sad Fred even now you just can't stop twisting things and picking petty points.

1. You where sent he same agenda as everyone else.

2. I suppose you could say that asking for a vote of no confidence, looked "Aggresive" , just how would you call for a vote of no confidence? If you felt as strongly then as you do now I'm sure that you could have made the journey as could have Mr. Eyre!.

3. Nobody Voted at the meeting that did not vote at the January 14th meeting, the minutes of the January meeting where agreed and voted on by ONLY the people that attended the January meeting, I have the voting slips that where signed by those voting.

The extra people that bothered to turn up for the good of OUR sport only voted on matters after the committee was voted on (AT NO POINT DID DAVE BUTLER HAVE A VOTE) though as you all now he had an oppinion! (Sorry Dave)

Tyke Trials and NBTC didn't vote because they couldn't be bothered to turn up and fight there corner, Why is that I ask? If they had maybe the voting would have been different, you can't refuse to vote then moan about the outcome.

4. No email was sent to BIU officials saying that yop where there and you and they know that, you simply have the agenda sheet that has yours as well as others names on it. They were put on in anticipation of your turning up.

A copy of those that where there was sent that had the signatures of those present.

5. I wait with bated breath to see you "Challenge me as to me sending the minutes registered post" I'm the Secretary of BikeTrial Uk so ask away.

6. If taking over and attemting to turn BikeTrial Uk into a Clique of 2 Club is your answer to "I have done my best the interests of riders form the UK in an unbiased and fair manner" then what happens when one of those riders dissagrees with you?

7. A rift I thought that we where all trying to heal why have you decided only now to post all of this? when Tyke Trial NBTC Scotland and NBTC have been intvited to host a round of the TRUE British Championship?

8. We thank you for the work with producing the 97 Licences and would ask that they be forwarded onto the BIU Delegate.

9. As you said at the January 14th meeting to us all Fred " you are more than welcome to run a British Championship and call it what you like, just as long as you don't say it's the British BikeTrial Championship"

10. If the Principles of the BIU are concerned and you agree that you are not the BIU Delegate and that you care for the sport then why do you not agree to host a round of the TRUE Championship and cancel yours, at one stroke you would bring all this "Confusion" to an end.

11.If mediating is done best on an open Forum such as this Fred then so be it, I just feel it's a bit of a shame that it is spoiling the goals of what I would imagine this forum was set up with in mind.

12. You say that the Principles of the BIU are concerned at the "Confusion" that now pervades the running of the Bitish Championship, Would it not therefore be totally logical for OUR BIU Delegate to promote the events of the group that ARE organising the OFFICIAL British BikeTrial Championship? I would imagine that supporting both championships would only add top the confusion, something that you seem only to happy to perpetuate!

13. I simply don't understand, we have posted the copies of signed minutes from meetings that where attended, I see no copies of the democratic process that started this "Rift" by Tyke Trials and NBTC namely the breakup of Biketrial Uk the division out of funds to Clubs, the attempted exclusion of 3 of this countries BikeTrial Clubs, ones that where there right at the start and where instrumental in the setting up of BikeTrial Uk.

14. Why have you sent a "workable proposal to the principles of the BIU", if you say that you are in discussions with "Key individuals" in the UK surely it would have been best to send them to the same "Key Individuals" in the Uk and then disscuss it with them at a committee level rather than in this forum?

15. Whatever happens we THE DEMOCRATICALLY APPOINTED COMMITTEE OF BIKETRIAL UK hope and look forward to seeing you all, including yourself Fred at the first round of the British BikeTrial Championship to be held at Hook Woods on 29th April, even now with all this extraconfusion that you have once again sturre dup we invite NBTC to run Round 2 at Blackpool Moon Rocks, NBTC Scotland to run round 4 and Tyke Trials to run a round that we are trying to find a date for, at the moment 12th August looks the best bet, that all you riders out there will give you a 7 round Championship that will run right throughout the UK from as far up as Scotland to as far south as Devon a Truly NATIONAL Championship

Phil Tupman the very disapointed (Secretary of BikeTrial UK) :huh:

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Robster. I take it that I am talking to Mr Peacock senior?

I, Badboy, am Barry Deeks. And yes you do know who I am. And I sleep fine at night thank you for your concern.

I have a copy of the letter that was sent to all clubs. You might want to talk to the secretary of your club to find out why you werent informed of the meeting.

A letter was sent from the previous secretary/delegate/chairman to the BIU stating that they knew of a meeting (the one held on the 24th Feb) but hadnt been told about it! If they hadnt been told how did they know? Because they had recieved the agenda/invitaiton that everyone else recieved.

Hope thats cleared that bit up for you?



If you compete in international comps as a master then you will keep your national master status.



I will continue to be as un-biased as I always have been.

My comments were in no way negative. I was mearly stating facts

I have in no way pushed the others aside, I was one of the people at the commitee meeting that agreed to ask TykeTrial and NBTC to hold rounds of the British Biketrial Championship.

I realise the experience that both clubs have in organising competitions, and I wish for as many clubs in the UK to be involved in running competitions as possible.

I hope that all clubs in the UK can work together to take the sport forward in the years to come.


For those of you who dont know me, I started riding at the age of 10 (in 1991), i retired from competitions in 2005.

I have helped many clubs set up and run events in those years. From going to National comps on the saturday an helping set up for the comp on sunday, to helping run EBTC events. Setting up and on some occasions observing as well. I even set a comp up with you Fred at Hawks Nest for NBTC.

I attended MTB festivals in the Isle of White ('95-'97) promoting trials competitions an giving people a contact number for more info (EBTC at the time because there were no other Biketrial Clubs running)

For 14 years this sport and rinding my bike was my life, it still is! I have stepped into this role because I want the sport I love an that has been a huge part of my life to continue to grow.

I for one hope that all the politics can be sorted so that everyone can get back to running brilliant comps, for the good of all riders and the sport as a whole.

Thanks you

Barry Deeks

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These are the dates confirmed on feb 6th. People have booked hotels or camp sites and cant get refunds. (As from one post on here already has said)

Round 1 - 15th April - Bracken Rocks, Matlock, Derbyshire

Round 2 - 20th May - Blackpool North Shore, Lancashire

Round 3 - 17th June - High Wood Farm, Brimham, Yorkshire

Round 4 - 8th July - Nevis Range, Fort William, Scotland

Round 5 - 23rd September - Hook Woods, Surrey (to be confirmed)

(Each of these rounds are £20)

Also me and every other rider has been told, (that you only need a BIU licence for this year which is £10)

And also you (DONT) need an ACU licence, as the cost was too much money to pay out for 2 licence's every year.

So they dropped it to 1 licence.

I dont see why something so simple, has to be changed 3 weeks before the first round.

I know every other rider would most prefer to ride Brackon rocks as the 1st round, and hook woods to be the last round.

This is what it is.

Sort it, so every rider in the uk who is competing at these round's this year is ready in time.

Edited by John Shrewsbury
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Can anyone confirm or clear up the situation with insurance under the BIU? I was under the impression that if you hold only a BIU license there is no insurance incorporated in membership. That's why the majority of clubs make it compulsory that riders enter under the ACU umbrella which insures participants and spectators for up to some silly amount of money in case of injury etc. Hence why the Southern clubs wish to continue to be associated with the ACU and provide riders with free BIU licenses as before. Maybe I'm making that up though.

I'm still not sure why there's this divide at all though! Has it come from the six gear rule or the license debate or what? Seems like some people need to take a step back, take a deep breath and consider what would be best for the sport. At the moment I imagine the World's organisers will be wondering why the hell the UK should be allowed to hold another round if they can't even agree a National championship amongst themselves. Sort it out peeps!!


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These are the dates confirmed on feb 6th. People have booked hotels or camp sites and cant get refunds. (As from one post on here already has said)

Round 1 - 15th April - Bracken Rocks, Matlock, Derbyshire

Round 2 - 20th May - Blackpool North Shore, Lancashire

Round 3 - 17th June - High Wood Farm, Brimham, Yorkshire

Round 4 - 8th July - Nevis Range, Fort William, Scotland

Round 5 - 23rd September - Hook Woods, Surrey (to be confirmed)

(Each of these rounds are £20)

Also me and every other rider has been told, (that you only need a BIU licence for this year which is £10)

And also you (DONT) need an ACU licence, as the cost was too much money to pay out for 2 licence's every year.

So they dropped it to 1 licence.

I dont see why something so simple, has to be changed 3 weeks before the first round.

I know every other rider would most prefer to ride Brackon rocks as the 1st round, and hook woods to be the last round.

This is what it is.

Sort it, so every rider in the uk who is competing at these round's this year is ready in time.

Thank f**k for that - Thankyou, Jon :) .

You coming Koxx Days, this year? You'd better be; i haven't ridden with you in f**king aages (N) ...



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We booked the TykeTrial British Championship round in October or November, filled in the BikeTrial UK application form and sent it off, booked the Brimham venue, booked the toilets, booked the food van and all the other arrangements.

Just last night the club got an email ....

Dear Mr. Buck.

There has obviously been a great deal said over the last few months between all parties involved. Now that everything seems to be moving towards a resolution and we have had a chance to reflect on everything, the Committee of BikeTrial UK would like to ask TykeTrials to consider hosting/running the British Championship round in 2007, with so much going on and with so many Clubs wanting to run a round of the Championship I would like to take this opportunity to say that the committee would very much like your Club to run a round and that we are in the process of trying to find a date for your Club. If you have a couple of dates that you know of when you could host a round we would be grateful if you could let me know, will do our best to fit all the Clubs in.

It has never been any ones intention to exclude any Club in the UK and we will continue to treat all clubs in an evenhanded manner.

With so much being said over the Internet we feel that it is time that all Clubs should pull together to and sincerely hope that your Club will accept our invitation.

We look forward to your positive response.

Yours Sincerely

Phil Tupman (Secretary BikeTrial UK)

You're confused!

Is this some kind of joke? The date and venue was agreed. It is already booked, why do they want to "give us a date"?

The response from TykeTrial is that when the Chairman returns from his holiday, a meeting will be arranged to discuss the Committee's response.

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Thank you Barry (Y):)

Phil, WHAT a suprise it was way too obvious you was "hiding" behind matts name, there was too much political stuff in there that matt wouldnt even understand eh????? all my posts are done by MYSELF under MY NAME, seems like others on here like to hide behind others. (Y)

i will attend a BC down south if i really had to.

Dave, we have insurance, as a representative for "tyke trial" wee wished to get away from the ACU as they are a bag of balls!!!!! there a MOTOR club not a BI CYCLE club. Hence making "Bike trials" independant to me personally seems a BETTER thing, for others that are on BTUK comittee that support motor bikes they wish to continue to be "small" talk as opposed to being their own independant UNION that chooses to do what they want for a sport they have put so much time and effort into.

ACU licenses are to rise either this year or next year (Y) what i heard at a BTUK meeting a year or so ago. therefor eit being £10.00 totally changes the scenario.

Love me more? or just the same? Just like how "most people attending Koxx days are "civilised" people (to some extent, some are just snakey and have got extremly arrogant over getting half good on a bike!!!) as it is somewhere for people to go and have fun and a laugh it has been for me for the last 2 years, am glad i am going as a "photographer" rather than a rider. (will obviously do some practising aswell but im not competing)

The problem with a forum that consists of so many members and such forth is that there is so many opinions and is an ideal place to gain "backing" these people are doing so to gain backing of an internet place to chat bo**ox and stir S**T its pittiful and pointless. EG Phil Tupman posting as Matt (Y) makes matt look quite bright, where it was he who F**KED everyones license up last year (Y) i nearly got thrown out of Spain for having a license that said "Master" when it should have seen expert. its not all rosey.


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We booked the TykeTrial British Championship round in October or November, filled in the BikeTrial UK application form and sent it off, booked the Brimham venue, booked the toilets, booked the food van and all the other arrangements.

Just last night the club got an email ....

Dear Mr. Buck.

There has obviously been a great deal said over the last few months between all parties involved. Now that everything seems to be moving towards a resolution and we have had a chance to reflect on everything, the Committee of BikeTrial UK would like to ask TykeTrials to consider hosting/running the British Championship round in 2007, with so much going on and with so many Clubs wanting to run a round of the Championship I would like to take this opportunity to say that the committee would very much like your Club to run a round and that we are in the process of trying to find a date for your Club. If you have a couple of dates that you know of when you could host a round we would be grateful if you could let me know, will do our best to fit all the Clubs in.

It has never been any ones intention to exclude any Club in the UK and we will continue to treat all clubs in an evenhanded manner.

With so much being said over the Internet we feel that it is time that all Clubs should pull together to and sincerely hope that your Club will accept our invitation.

We look forward to your positive response.

Yours Sincerely

Phil Tupman (Secretary BikeTrial UK)

You're confused!

Is this some kind of joke? The date and venue was agreed. It is already booked, why do they want to "give us a date"?

The response from TykeTrial is that when the Chairman returns from his holiday, a meeting will be arranged to discuss the Committee's response.

How could Tyke Trials Book and confirm a date before the dates meeting that was held in January, i think you mean that you booked the venue and where proposing to run an event on that day. Also we had a set of dates arranged at the end of the BikeTrial UK meeting in January, But Tyke Trials and NBTC decided after the meeting to cancel that series and the dates that we had all voted on and agreed.

(Once again Matts Dad Phil)

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How could Tyke Trials Book and confirm a date before the dates meeting that was held in January, i think you mean that you booked the venue and where proposing to run an event on that day. Also we had a set of dates arranged at the end of the BikeTrial UK meeting in January, But Tyke Trials and NBTC decided after the meeting to cancel that series and the dates that we had all voted on and agreed.

(Once again Matts Dad Phil)

i'm bored

give it a couple a days everyone, people don't respond to this thread till tuesday.ISH

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Thank you Barry (Y):)

Phil, WHAT a suprise it was way too obvious you was "hiding" behind matts name, there was too much political stuff in there that matt wouldnt even understand eh????? all my posts are done by MYSELF under MY NAME, seems like others on here like to hide behind others. (Y)

i will attend a BC down south if i really had to.

Dave, we have insurance, as a representative for "tyke trial" wee wished to get away from the ACU as they are a bag of balls!!!!! there a MOTOR club not a BI CYCLE club. Hence making "Bike trials" independant to me personally seems a BETTER thing, for others that are on BTUK comittee that support motor bikes they wish to continue to be "small" talk as opposed to being their own independant UNION that chooses to do what they want for a sport they have put so much time and effort into.

ACU licenses are to rise either this year or next year (Y) what i heard at a BTUK meeting a year or so ago. therefor eit being £10.00 totally changes the scenario.

Love me more? or just the same? Just like how "most people attending Koxx days are "civilised" people (to some extent, some are just snakey and have got extremly arrogant over getting half good on a bike!!!) as it is somewhere for people to go and have fun and a laugh it has been for me for the last 2 years, am glad i am going as a "photographer" rather than a rider. (will obviously do some practising aswell but im not competing)

The problem with a forum that consists of so many members and such forth is that there is so many opinions and is an ideal place to gain "backing" these people are doing so to gain backing of an internet place to chat bo**ox and stir S**T its pittiful and pointless. EG Phil Tupman posting as Matt (Y) makes matt look quite bright, where it was he who F**KED everyones license up last year (Y) i nearly got thrown out of Spain for having a license that said "Master" when it should have seen expert. its not all rosey.


Waynio I posted my name because I wrote the answers to the daft Questions and statements that were written tonight, the ones that were done yesterday where from Matt, if you have a secret camrea in my house and would like to share what you feel you know then please feel free! I think you need to only talk about things that you know to be the case as you are obviously easily led and only see what you want to, or is that what others want you to?

AMCA are also a motorcycle body, The ACU have over 100 years of two wheel experience and are a non profit making organisation they have welcomed us under there umbrella of associations and have bent over backwards to help out, Are you awaire that they upheld Tyke Trials gear ruling against Andrei Burton last year,

Are you aware that ACU insurance covers up to £30 million accident insurance (£5 million AMCA if memory Serves) That ACU cover officials during the marking out of an event right up until the last official locks the gate and goes home, probably several hours after riders are all tucked up in front of the TV,

Are you aware that ACU insurance also covers riders for other events, (Yes Motorcycle Trials) but also most other offroad two wheel sport, Do you know the ACU has a group of people who (should you need to defend your self due to an accident they will defend you) AMCA cover you for insurance but not the rest.

The ACU run a benevolent fund that Clubs and centres pay into, so if someone hurts themselves and is unable to work they will (if neccesarry) pay out while YOU can't work, Do the AMCA

Last but not least are you aware that the ACU cover that YOU get when riding in an ACU event covers YOU personally, should YOU hurt someone you are covered under their cover YOU ARE PERSONALLY INSURED not like the AMCA.

Nothing is forever Waynio, I can't remember AMCA saying that they would hold the deal for the next 10 years! So what happens If they hike the price next yeay, They are a privately run body, that are there to turn a profit and good luck to them, I've got no problem with that.

We all make mistakes Waynio Maybe Fred could shed a litrtle light on why HE never sent through licences to correct Matts mistake, he also told Matt not to worry that he could sort out errors at the event as he was BIU Delegate, (though I doubt yet again Fred won't want to admit to that, it's far to easy to ignore the truth) it was the first year that he had done the job and yes he made some, but then at least he had the balls to turn up to a National meeting and offer to give up HIS time to work for the sport HE loves, I suppose that if you have the Balls to stick your head out of the bunny hole you may well get your head blown off, it must be so easy to sit back and criticise, the sport of Bike Trials is predominantly ridden by youth under 25 yet Matt is the only one under 25 (He's 19) to be on a committee, maybe I might take you more seriously if you got down to a National meeting and put your hand up to help rather than throwing verbal abuse and making statements that you can't substantuate.

Finally Waynio If i've got something to say i will put my name to it as will Matt added to that WE will put our point without all the pointless swearing.

Phil Tupman

That's Phil Tupman Waynio the (Democratically elected Secretary of BikeTrial UK)

Not that that makes a lot of difference I think I could shout it from the heavens But I guess your just not listening

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