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Ebay Bidding Question

Mr Motivator

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If something is say 300 pounds, and that is the starting bid and there is no reserve..

If I bid 301 pounds, then immediately afterwards bid 1000 pounds (a price that no-one in thier right mind would pay for something like this) would I be certain to get it for 301 pounds because another person would have to bid over a 1000 to beat me?

Would that work?

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no you wouldnt win it for 301, your minimum bid would be £300 hundred but someone could bid a say £600, which would increase your bid to that amount because your maximum bid is higher that there bid of £600. so you could win it for anything between £300 and £1000 depending on how much other people bid for it and hoping bids dont go over you maximum.

hope that makes some sense

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If you try it be crareful of the other person who tries to do the same, only a little bit lower. Last minutes you put a £1000 bid on a £100 item because you reallyh want it, someone else uses the same idea only putting down £800. Your £100 item has now been sold to you for £800 ;)

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I've seen it happen a few times where something is bound to sell for say, £80 and someone puts a bid in of say £500 to "secure" the item only to have another person try the same thing. From here on, people then tend to put in faulty bids and the price will escalate rapidly for no good reason.

A friend of mine listed his mobile. £60 odd pounds it was at with 11 minutes left. Checked after the listing had ended and it had sold for near on £1000. He contacted ebay and his listing fees were canceled so he didn't loose out on any money BUT he still had a phone to sell (luckily someone emailed him and offered him about £80 for it).

In short, only bid up to what you are willing to pay for it - thats the idea of it in the first place!

Andy P

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