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Disk Breaks, Mechanical Vs Hydraulic


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ok a) im bored and B) just thought id write out my life story

AVID BB7 - Pros

* Its pretty cheap to buy

* Easy to set up

* dont have to ever bother re-bleeding

* youll never split a hose and a new hose is a few quid

* piss easy to set up

* red nobs allow you to set up to personal likes

* Dont have to worry about levers

* VERY powerfull

* reliable

* if theres a problem with it its very easy to fix and diognose

* i could play with my BB7 and replace bits in my garage with allen keys

* could adjust the brake sideways outwards up and down using V-brake spacers


* WELL too powerfull for front wheel moves sometimes

* Can loose the red caps when knocked on rocks

* have been know to break at the calipers

* felt very unconfident using it for stopping down hills and genral use - it was really grabby and so it was usually a toss up between face planting on concreate or using your back brake and wasting all the tread and your pads.... usually i found myself really trying not to break at all as the brake was so vicoius it becambe really grabby and uneasy... got good a high speed rolling endos though lol was the only way to stop basically impossible to keep the rear wheel down even under moderate / hard breaking

* can be hard to get replacment parts...

* the tension clip fell out once and the caliper was rubbing against the rotar for ages before i realised why it was really spongy

Hope... (mines a mono mini but basically the same thing)

* firstly looks alot more pimp

* the bore cap / lever looks alot nicer

* has loads of modulation a lot better for front wheel moves you can guage the break a lot easier

* hope offers excelent after sale service

* a lot nicer lever control and the hydraulic system feels nice!

* lever feels a lot more connected to the caliper

* doesnt snatch at all nice and smooth running

* can buy replacment parts for basically every component

* strong probably takes more than an avid??? (not found out)

* works well on the back as well as the front


* more expensive

*hopes service now costs 40 quid

* hoses can split

* i couldnt fix much of it myself in my garage... have to go to a friends house for help

* need to use the right oil

(kinda ran out of steem now add to it if you want)

so BB7 really

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  • 2 months later...

I thought i would resurrect this topic as i was having an argument with my mates today about mechanical and hydrolic disk breaks. I of course was arguing for hydrolic. Somone please give me some more reasons to throw at them. :)

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i used to think hydrolic no question.... until i tryed my friends bb7 and now i have one!

its not even arguable how great a bb7 really is untill youve tryed one. everything is so easy to adjust

for example the pad distance from the disk and the adjuster on my lever.

with my old try-all/ hope disk i couldnt adjust nowt and it felt poo not forgetting cost of services and bleads.

hydrolics just arnt worth the hassel if i could change anything about the bb7 i would make it alittle nicer looking

like the deng levers and the same with the callipers.

thanx scott xx

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Avids are sooo 2006.

I love my hope, i did love the ajustability of the avid, but it was powerless and felt crap.

Edited by JT!
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I think a £13 avid lever is cheaper than a £50+ disk lever.

I prefer mechanical disks:

*more adjustable

*nicer lever shape

*nicer easier lever pull

*can be slighty adjusted to fit different sized rotors

*can pull the lever without the wheel in and not have to push the pads back in again

*can get cable spairs in any bike shop

*doesnt leak


*bloody powerful

*easier to setup

well done ali c once again, mechanical is better than hydraulic.

just wanted to add that a mechanical can be converted to a v-brake for just £13.

can u convert a hydraulic disc? er, no

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I much prefer Hydraulic feel much nicer i think.

i think? dont sound too sure of your self !!

have you even felt a cable disk? because some people just assume they should get

hydrolic because their more expensive!

dont get me wrong........ i would never get a cable on the back but i advise one to be tryed out on the front

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