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Everything posted by Danny

  1. I don't really need anything but will take a look at the list
  2. The mysterious @tomturd is somewhere in wales.
  3. Nice work on the porsche. Whats the overall plans for it? I like your collection of road signs too. Especially the police one.
  4. Danny

    General Election

    https://voteforpolicies.org.uk/ has now been updated for 2017. Do it.
  5. Danny

    General Election

  6. I guess it had a ruined engine so was going cheap.
  7. Danny

    General Election

    I'm on the old system and don't pay much less than that. You generally don't notice it as you never had that money anyway. Thankfully mine will be paid off in 10 months but I've been paying it off 10 years and that was only a 12-14k loan.
  8. Danny

    General Election

    Exactly what he said. Problem is it seems to be labours #1 policy. Basically to attract young voters.
  9. Danny

    General Election

    Best bit of politics I've seen.
  10. Danny

    General Election

    Their policies do seem good but as you say i don't see how they are going to pay for them. They say they will pay for it with corporation tax. Not really what we want to be doing post Brexit. We need to attract companies here. I don't really agree with the whole free tuition fee thing for 2 reasons: 1) Ive nearly paid mine off 2) I think you'll just end up with people going to university who don't want to be there just because they can't be arsed to get a job Conservatives on the other hand don't seem to really have any policies.
  11. Danny

    General Election

    How do you rate their chances of actually delivering them? The only people that seem to be being vocal about this election are Labour supporters.
  12. Thread: http://www.cliosport.net/threads/daniels-blue-182.749207/page-69#post-11395884
  13. That sucks. What kind of hotel is it? I wonder if theres a correlation between hotel brand and driving ability. Either that or they are all business monkeys in hire cars which don't care?
  14. https://www.ralcolorchart.com/grey-hues ta dar That RS is stealth grey if it helps. They also do another grey called magnetic.
  15. Where are you going to sleep when the van is full of american tat?
  16. Might be worth whipping them out if its easy and checking the lengths, and checking the binding hasn't foobared the CV.
  17. Was it EFI Parts you had it mapped at? RS Tuning in Leeds often have french tin cans outside if you need to find somewhere else.
  18. Ditto. Doesn't sound like any big deal.
  19. Can't expect an engine swap to go without any teething problems. Hope its a quick fix
  20. How long do those things take to boot up?
  21. Danny

    General Election

    I don't really have a strong opinion either way and don't really know much about politics but Corbyn... I really can't see him leading anything. I mean even the Labour Party don't want him.
  22. Danny

    General Election

    And don't forget: https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
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