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totally steaming!!

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Everything posted by totally steaming!!

  1. its nice to see that standard on a mod, all my mates get me for having a mod but that will show them lol awesome vid, cant wait until the next one good stuff
  2. thats f**king lush, i really like that
  3. i think they are lush, im getting some of them after xmas
  4. roughly £1300 and if you include repairs then probably about 4 million lol
  5. ummmm im not sure about this but, you have natural and street, for example neil tunnicliffe rides street. But is he a street rider ??? I would say no. i would say street is all to do with spins and manuals like ryan leech, so yeh i agree with you.
  6. well i ride a gu long and it is amazing. It is up to you, but i would personally go for the gu as i have never heard of a snapped one and they ride amazing.
  7. everyone has to start somewhere lol the first part of this is a piss take lol second bit is good though
  8. ummmmmmmmmmmmmm i rode one of them and it was lovely, they look awesome to BUT that pic of the snapped one has put me off them a bit lol
  9. i love that they ride lush aswel, one of my chinese friends had one. Top bike
  10. very nice ive liked aortas since i rode one it was really good, but it was the 20" version. they are nice looking aswell. Not so sure about the gold parts but apart from that, its very nice
  11. i like that it is nice and plain without the stickers
  12. george seamons, dave, me. kyle and his bunch nd a few others hopefully
  13. sorry for the short notice basically if you want to come be at the station at around 11 more the better
  14. what happened to the guy who fell off the rail, THAT WAS HORRIBLE and put me off riding lol he should check his brake set-up. NASTY lol
  15. you bunch of kooooons cambridge sounds great but its to far. i will in the summer though
  16. 6.5 ft on to grass and on to stones aswell nothing to ride home about owell lol
  17. wooooops sorry ryan i used your user lol
  18. are there any other posts where people get as angry as this. its quite funny
  19. i have really enjoyed reading this topic its probably been the most violent section ive ever seen lol
  20. i have encounted this problem many times and there isnt a contact number so you cant complain. the guy that runs heatsink started the business off as a part time project and didnt think it would be as popular but it is......... so he dosnt have as much time as most companies, he has also just had some kiddys aswell that take up time as you can imagine alongside with his full time job. so yeh your pads will arrive in time lol my pads took two weeks to arrive. hope i helped alex
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