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Everything posted by alextheferret

  1. lol! Best conversation ever ^^ ok il give it ago.
  2. i found myself a dagger, has anyone made a TF clan yet? http://alextheferret.mybrute.com/ for people also what a pupils for?
  3. http://alextheferret.mybrute.com/
  4. Anyone else got touchgrind?
  5. If people are looking for a quick reply they will put that instead of people looking at the title and thinking nahhh. Therefor people have to look in first!
  6. They were like ohhhhhhh, and she was like Oh no you didnt. I dont do good impressions It's true, i believe its the last one tonight
  7. I tried, I think more people were in on this then actually fell for it. "You've Been April Fooled! It would be lovely if it did, but sadly this product exists only in our imagination."
  8. yes, anyone ordered theres yet?
  9. Ive just been sent this, what do you think? For £40 I think its a great deal! It converts it with 5mp camera aswell, much better then the Iphone! Anyway, heres the link: http://www.iwantoneofthose.com/iclamp-ipod...tm_medium=email
  10. Basically, its saying teenages are too scared to ask there parents and teachers about Sex Ed so instead they watch Porn. Or basically, too many teenagers are watching porn. But yes, tits and fanny
  11. Channel 4, 9pm. This probably doesnt need its own thread but im wondering does anyone else think its going to start a new 'Jamie Oliver, Turkey Twizlers' like reveloution.
  12. OK, sure. I dont want to seem lazy but il Copy and paste what i just put into the thread.
  13. For one of the sections of the award I have to take up a new intrest for 6 months, so ive chosen to do Photography. Ive always had an intrest in photography but ive only ever messed around with the camera on my phone. The teacher whos running the award said il have to get a Digital SLR Camera & Il have to Edit my Pictures (I dont have Photoshop but I have GIMP 2.6.) This is where I need your help, firstly I need a SLR Camera, my Budget is £250-£300, I have no idea of prices . Im looking for a fairly good camera but remember ive only just started, although im hopeing to carry protography on after the 6 months. I have to take more then 4 pictures a week to put into a portfolio so that I can show the rest of the year group next year. So that I dont make an idiot out of myself I would like to possibly post some of these pictures in here and you could possibly help edit them to make them look funky and also tell me how to improve. So again, for photography people, can you help me find a Starter SLR Camera with a budget of around £250-£300. Thanks, Alex BTW, heres a link for anyone intrested in what im actually doing http://www.dofe.org/
  14. yer, he was speaking about it for a bit. very intresting, hes a cool dude.
  15. I dont actually look like that, people combed my hair, gave me a posh Jacket and Glasses. Ok, I lie.
  16. He came in to my open my school library last week, hes a very quiet man though. But he did shake my hand.
  17. Got my Result back for P2, C2, B2 part of my tripple Science GCSE exam last week, I got an A. WOO! Anyone else here doing tripple?
  18. only book ive ever read and enjoyed THE HITCHHIKERS GUIDE TO THE GALAXY ORGINAL RADIO SCRIPTS the movie didnt come near to the awesomeness of the book.
  19. Roses on offer £2 Hand made card £0 Easy.
  20. Hmmmm... I admit I didnt make it up
  21. Face in a bowl. Face in a bowl, face in a bowl, get your face in a bowl say face, facceeeeee. Say bowl, boooowl. Get your face in a bowl, bowl.
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