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Everything posted by M-i-t-c-h

  1. what everyone else said x10 edit: except Jen being attractive eeewwwww lol
  2. You Lose your sense of smell (the worst sense anyway) You would lose your nostrils. Tail (like other items) would vary insize depending on person. But it would be similar to the sort of proportions of a Lima. The tail will have very good thumbs, and the tail its self would have good dexterity, like a limas tail No claws on hand, just normal nails. Yes you could lean on it, could even wipe your ass.
  3. question: would you swap your nose for a tail with a hand on it?
  4. I hope to god that you didn't buy a mac and think ill have a bash at the webdesign because i have a mac... If you doing it for fun, get some books, get some google and have a play. If you want to do it to maybe get serious in it, do something different with your web design there are 14milliontrillion (i duno i just made that figure up) people that do design and code website. Think of a different approach, because you will spend the time learning the languages now and then realise there's no real sustainable use for it because the market is flooded.
  5. would be better to all agree on the same name as well. Would cause serious confusion.
  6. 2 frames for the price of one, i like your thinking!
  7. incorrect, they are canned responses. I have used "liveperson" and that's what they do. You can have your own operators, but most of the work is done by computer. I use chat4support (which is more what your talking about) atm because liveperson is stupidly expensive. If you go on the site at 10pm tonight there will still be someone there..... do you think there is actually someone there at 10pm, or infact now at 7.15pm?
  8. you do understand that the answers are automated messages. The program takes every word in your sentence works out what you want and answers you. Just notifys "operators" when it cant answer questions or flags the convo if its unsure if it answered correctly. So you just asked a computer if it could sell you a blowjob. You are coooool.....
  9. I have that facility on my website. Works very well! come chat to someone from my company when someones online haha
  10. do a companies house search to beef up your findings as well (i cant remember what the usa version is)
  11. it happened at co-op as well didn't it, they had an offer on bikes and the forks were the wrong way round.
  12. i think luck works in funny ways, people that have been successful in life seem to need ivf etc to have children, but chavs, who have had no success in life mange to get pregnant all the time!
  13. you should have changed your name before you applied. It costs £15.99 to do it, i know someone that changed there middle name to "Danger" its pretty cool when he gets IDed
  14. Sex is a serious issue sometimes i feel that sex education was neglected in school. We were shown this video and that was it. Couldn't find the whole video but here's the intro. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xSdrrm-L_sk By the way i am being deadly serious, this is all we watched
  15. but there so serious at the clinic.......
  16. Ash now thats a philosophy to live buy, i cant wait till you go to Uni, its like an STD fruit machine!
  17. I would get another check nick, I KNOW you have chlamydia, because you gave it to me....
  18. I think my explination was more interesting! I swear it has some numbing effect cus guys that cum to quickly rub it under there skins? (i dont speak from experience )
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