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Everything posted by M-i-t-c-h

  1. i did reckon i had a similar feeling about a year ago, power through! get on you bike and ride, it works wonders!
  2. sweet shots dan! we should go pappin' sometime
  3. screw nike, you want one of these bad boys....
  4. sweet pics bra! timings dam near perfect, get a flashgun and head yourself over to the photography thread when your valid, you will be welcomed with open arms
  5. 10 points for Jon! i also use breeze systems to operate more than one camera at once, its a pritty smart bit of kit!
  6. with a wireless camera on the hotshoe, its not in an old slave flash reciever caseing anymore haha, iv made a proper case, i need to get a little fan, maybe like the ones you use in computers because it gets abit hot, anyone know where i can get a small one?
  7. someone said earlier that there bike half hidden because it wasnt allowed in there room, try to hide a 50ft telecsopic mast.......... anyway thats my hole...........
  8. depemds on the set up, you either pay for it yourself, so you decide before eg i wan2 go to spain, and see how far you get in 36hours then pay for the rest of the way, when you get to spain you have a holiday and then come back. or you take the money for getting back out of the money you raised, so take a train and stay in hostles and stuff till you get back home, if that makes sence so like every £100 you raise £25 goes on getting back or something like that.
  9. Thats such a players room! perfect for taking the ladys back too, i bet yu have another room thats like everyones elses covered in bike bits and computer! Jon your room is awesome! its bigger than my house! haha and the wallpaper is actually amazing, its like being in a scene from lucky number sleven.!
  10. yer aparently Cambridge holds the record, someone got to Hawaii! thats a good effort....
  11. doing a similar stunt this summer, gota get as far away form uni (in lancaster) as possible in 36 hours, without spending any money! its guna be fun
  12. wakerboard, ski and sail i have a kayak but havent been out for months and months. Chris that looks like a serious bit of kit mate!
  13. haha echo scotty, i was just guna write that! sucker for an aussie accent
  14. looks good, im not sure about the shaking on the nav buttons. Sweet pics at Milford!
  15. Right, i do remote photography and the set up as it currently is happens to be like this: 1) USB cable come out of my laptop and gets converted to a Cat 5 cable. 2) Cat 5 runs for 100ft 3) Cat 5 then is turned back into a USB and is split. 4) One USB goes into the camera, the other goes into the pan and tilt. Now would it be possible to place a wireless cable router at the begining of 2), so the Cat 5 doesnt run for 100ft but plugs into a router and then at stage 3) use a usb wireless dongle before the split to recieve the signal? does anyone know if that would work and wether i would still be able to control the camera like i could through the cable, before i go buy kit to test it with? Is there a simpler way and im way over complicating things? any help will be must appericated!
  16. flash whore fo'life! you love flash really haha
  17. My Myspace! have a look and add me! its flashbased so anyone with sh*t computers will not be able to see it, and before you ask, no i wont make you one
  18. anywhere else to stream?????? im desperate!
  19. Im with Norwich, im 19 (just) i have a 1.8 ford courior with signage, im the main driver, but my dads insured on it however he has a host of driving offences so thats why mines so expensive at £880 Havent had a problem with them yet Mitch
  20. cheers for that jon. Is anyone having troubles with the picture on the branches page? Mitch
  21. i had some savings to start it up and given it alot of time hahahaha.
  22. Yer Rudi! when i get back, where guna ride the f**k out of ringwood
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