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Everything posted by lardo_69

  1. yes i started a new thread for no apparant reason. whys everyone such a thread fascist?
  2. likely illegal. but its those dam cars i would be worried about. speeding about not checking there blind spot and pist cyclist.
  3. craig you sound like a police officer. I havnt been on this site in quite awhile. are you really not allowed to swear. man that sucks balls.
  4. Hey i play abit of CSS i mainly play on Dust 2 and office, assult aint that bad to. My name on it is... lardo_69. But it quite difficult to get on nowa days. the uni sever wont let me up date the platform.
  5. I find when you are in a relationship and you do really like the person loads, Love them even. I find it impossible to think about any one else but them. let alone actually go all the way behide your girlfriends back. But i guess this feeling always fades eventually. And if you do meet some who is really nice then it may be hard to stay truthful. its all about commitment at the end of the day.
  6. Lol i am glad i aint the only one that shouts this.I like to shout it repeatedly in a football type fashion. Its wierd some people dont even no what a emo is. I think deep down, in are heart of hearts we all wanna be emo's.
  7. I aint no expert or owt on getting rid of punchers. Putting tulcun or tulcum powder is just what i do. Loads of people do it. i remember reading a artical in MBR i think it was, and steve petes mechcanic did it to, so it must have some effect. I always thought that when running tyres at low pressures your tyre would deform in all kinds of different shapes, and if your tube is sticking to the inside of the tyre. As the tyre gets forced in the and deforms around what every object you are landing on tube has to follow and if its sticking it is going to cause the tube to stretch in a very small localised area.
  8. ooo I think i will give this "Torrents" a blast see what happens.
  9. Heres a tip before putting the tube in, get some "talc un powder" and put shed loads of it in side the tire. Or better still unload the tub of talc un powder in a plastic bag then drop the tube in and give it a good shack. You can save the spare powder for next time. Also make sure there is no thorns inside the tire, No spokes are sticking out in to the tube and there is a good amount of rim tap. good luck
  10. If you wont get a garanteed job then go to mcdonalnds they are always employing its the shittest job you can get but its money at the end of the day. you will meet some sound new people to. But i reakon the best job is homebase i work there at the moment and i have to say its the best job ever. i take breaks every 1 hour for a fag. I dont actully do any real work when i am actully working. There is always some fit birds doing the check outs to, Mc donalds is good gor this to.Although they tend to be abit more chav which is good in a way. easier. stay away from supermarkets they make you work like a slave. I say stick away from pubs and resterants doing pots(washing up) it gets hot in summer shifts are to short and no one to talk to. Good luck with it.
  11. When i firsted installed lime wire about a week ago it gave me a download rate of about 150-200k a second which i thought was pretty bloody good. Now all i can get out of it is a tops a about 10k. What the hell is up with it. Can any one give me any tips on boosting the performance. I have already downloaded lime wire pro off lime wire thats not helped ethier. Or can some recommened a different shareware program i can use, because this just suck. (Side note, computers are crap)
  12. Hey i dont get it you went all the way to super cycles and they were closed. They have moved upstairs above that new bike shop that is there now. If you give them a ring they will open the door for you and bring out what every you wanna purchase i have done it a few times now they are pretty safe with it.
  13. just fineshed college going uni to sussex. Hopefully its gonna be great. hey get in contact if you are going there. I got a big fat loan so life is going pretty sweet at the moment.
  14. "Miguel was arrested for playing traditional folk music" yes mate. ????
  15. Defo check out them above I rate dub pistols and styles of the beyond. But also have a look at some u.n.k.l.e the music does range abit but his hiphoppy tracks are good. And Dj Format is cool and Immortal Technique is pretty shit hot.
  16. I finished with my GF about 4 days ago. I havnt had a wank since and i aint even had a boner since. Is that wronge i dont no. I think i have lost my libido. when i am going out with a bird i find that when i am wanking i aint thinking about her. Is that wronge to. does any one else do this. legend. i laughed so hard when i red this.
  17. lardo_69

    Got An Idea

    Sambuca is pretty flammable. Taste good to
  18. Hey. I am going to sussex uni in about 3 weeks. i am so looking forward to it. I was just wondering if any one was going there this year. Or has been to uni there, whats it like. If you dont know sussex uni is right near brighton. What is the riding seen down there like. Also whats the nightlife down there like and the birds of course. Some people say its a really chilled out, open minded place. I just wanted to what you guys thought of it. mig
  19. lardo_69

    Baby Names

    San miguel or maybe just miguel
  20. Hmm this may seem stupid but why dont trials bikes just move to 14mm drop outs. Then there will be a huge range of quality rear hubs to choose from. Okay yeah, they will be more weight. But the BMX market offers some absolute indestructible hubs. Or better yet does some do a conversion kit so you can use 14mm hubs with 10mm axles, or can the process be bodged in your own garage. Hell what about just spending 10mins on a lathe. Just a thought
  21. The things are quite complicated. They work on a clutch system and dont have a ratcheting mechanism. I will give a go at explaining it. Basically the system works on a thread when you pedal forwards the clutch turns on the thread to the drive side and this propells the bike forwards. When you roll backwards the clutch unscrews to then non drive side. So you dont need to pedal backwards. hope you understand. They cost around 100 pounds upwards.
  22. I like the fact that there are lots of different people that ride trials. Any way i was just wondering what type of music people were into. So i will start off by saying that my favourite album of all time is Rage against the machine. The Last album i have brought was Global communication 76:14. And if had to recommend a album it would most deffinatly be Leftfield. Sht hot album. every music lover should have a copy. So come on guys lets hear what type of music you are all into.
  23. Its so peoples posts go to the top of the forum. I think it stands for bing up my post.
  24. theres more to being a chav then just wearing trackies and TN hats like there going to fall off. Its the attitude of the person to that defines them as a chav.
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