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Everything posted by phil_anderer

  1. And pretty damn right I would say. I don't really like the cliche'd ''all girls like these presents' but they can often work if you are just after a bit of humping with a random girl. With a real girlfriend though, as you said, a bit more thought should go into it. Joel
  2. We will never be replaced by 6 inch plastic lovers. A vibrator is not attached to a living, breathing, thinking man, and women have this strange theory that sex is an emotional - as well as a physical experience. :- Women, who'd have em? :) Joel
  3. phil_anderer


    As Alexx said, anyone can do it, it just takes hard work. And how many people do you know in this country who are malnourished!? The body is very adaptable, if you eat like a horse for 15 years it will become used to that, but then you can just as easily retrain it to graze like a cow. Most gyms have a machine in which sends an electric pulse through your body, and measures your fat content. Or there are calipers that you can buy to measure fat. Neither are 100% accurate, but both give a good indication. I am usually about 7%. Run to the hills! Honestly. If you do 3sessions of running a week on a fairly up and down course, you will burn the fat and get rock hard glutes. Another thing that is excellent for arse - squats. Squats build a whole lot of muscle, which then has the knock on effect of making you burn more calories all day, and squats tone arse like no-thing. :- I personally like to do 3 sessions of weights a week, and 3 sessions of cardio, on alternate days, and this is pretty standard - unless you are a real muscle bunny like Alexx who doesn't believe in Cardio. :) Both are excellent CV - both make you sweat, the muscle head just doesn't realise that, cos he is already wet! I personally get a whole lot more out of running, because my swimming technique is not good enough to get a really hardcore CV exercise out of it. But swimming is undoubtedly the better option for someone who is just starting out on the CV trail, as it much lower impact on the body. Less fat? Bigger muscles? More efficient CV system? Stopped smoking? Bit warm? Could be a whole host of things! Riding is good for burning some cals to keep the fat off, but it will never make you CV fit, or make you really stacked, because it just doesn't work you hard enough. The Gym is the only easy way to bulld the muscle you want. Joel
  4. I'm 19 but have a full time job, and show no signs of maturing for sometime yet! Joel
  5. The hilarious new comedy, brought to you by the makers of 'White men can't jump,' and 'Stuck on you' - 'Black Siamese Twins Don't Need to Jump.' Joel
  6. I give it quite regularly, but I'm a not very exciting B pos. Bongo's frank and affecting excuse made me snort, we should all applaud him for his brave admission. Joel
  7. You think so? Because it is still a pretty new relationship, I don't know her that well. Poetry is free so she gets that whether she likes it or not. :wub: Roses cost cash! Diamond necklace! Someone has too much cash! Joel
  8. Card, poem, and maybe some roses, but I'm not sure if the girl I'm seeing is a roses type. :wub: Joel
  9. 55Kg! Jon is the kind of kid that gets sand kicked in his face when he goes to the beach. (Y) Joel
  10. Glad someone noticed. :blink: Can't go wrong with it. Joel
  11. Mine is 25.6, so I am at the top end of 'healthy,' yet I have a 29" waist and approx 7% fat. :blink: Post a pic Alexx! Sounds like you have been doing some serious work. Haha, Steve is a fatty! (And I am well mature :"> ) 1% fat! That is an absolute impossiblity, like Alexx said, you retain fat around your vital organs, which counts for more than 1% alone. Joel
  12. Nothing wrong with a bit of religion, especially in an open ended topic like this where none of us really know the answer. The world will end when the mice get bored. Joel
  13. Sorry people, when I got made up I used to be on here all the time, but I just don't get much internet access while I'm gallavanting nowadays. I would like to be able to do my job a little better, but other things have got in the way. Joel
  14. I know that! No need for an English lesson for me! I'm afraid you ARE mistaken. If you cannot see the mistake now, never darken the door of a publishing house. Sorry chaps, feel free to get back on topic. :"> Joel
  15. Nah, I'm just a good person with a bad reputation. It's a true sob story. Joel
  16. Just because two people have different views it doesn't automatically mean you have to have an argument, if you were really going to be the 'bigger man' you would contest your ill thought out views rather than offer some lame ass explanation like that! If you believe in your corner as strongly as you make out below, why not answer my points maturely and prove me to be wrong? It's happened to me before, and it will happen again. I'm a big boy and can take it. Adults debate - not argue! Debating can be a lot of fun. I never insulted you once in my post, you just chose to ignore it completely. Bigger man my arse. Joel
  17. :"> Yes, yes it has, sorry for hijacking your thread. I just get shirty when I see people artificially elevating themselves then making schoolboy errors. Getting back onto your topic, I would probably find an interest in something more mainstream, and then go write about that. >_< Something which is a little bit less of a niche market, like topless mammoth wrestling, or underwater fire fighting. But journalism as a career is great, I thought about going into it, before making the choices I did. I didn't choose that career path because I didn't like the scene. I would find it heart breakingly tedious working for some lame local paper or magazine like 'Bus Buyer Weekly,' and not having any ostensible use at all. BUT, then if I did have the luck to get onto a big publication or paper, it is a different world - not a nice world at that. So much treachery and one-upmanship, especially on the big papers. Another thing that really annoys me about journalism is poncey over-writing and wanky over use of cliches. Gossip magazines and Music magazines are always very guilty parties when it comes to these two sins - and I wouldn't want to fall into that trap, writing formulaic nonsense that will be forgot in the time it takes for someone to drink their cup of tea. If I write at a later date, I would like it to be something a bit more substantial. Joel PS. Did anyone read 'The Independent' yesterday? On the same page in the 'comment' section were two articles. One was a very thoughtful piece on the importance of remembering Auschwitz, but this was juxtaposed with some bint writing about how dreadful it was for the people on the Aurora, and how it could ruin some people's lives!?!?!?! Not very good editing in my books. Meh, maybe it was some vicious social comment about the shallow materialistic nature of capitalist society that went right over my head? *Shrugs.* Joel
  18. Resurrecting this topic so that Phil (White not me) can see it and reply! Joel
  19. I would say it is probably both, but it is a whole lot more fun than going to clubs to find women. There are varying degrees of Christian. I have been with a couple who are absolutely firm on their stance, 'nothing apart from kissing,' but for them kissing is like sex, so it is still fun trying to break their barriers down. Then there are others who's faith is a little more flexible. It is mostly the Catholic girls who are more flexible as they feel after giving pennace their sins are cleansed, but there are CofE/Evangelical/Pentecostals who also think this way. It is ok to do what you want, as long as you feel guilty come your judgement. For some who feel that lust is an unforgivable sin that they cannot commit, just remind them that they have already thought these things, and a tiny crime thought about is exactly the same as a massive crime committed in the eyes of God. - 'No man is without sin,' if you claim you are without sin, you are claiming to be perfect, which would mean you claim to be as God or his son on earth, which would make you guilty of pride - the most deadly sin; and way more deadly sin than simple lust. B) ' He that loveth not, knoweth not God - for God is love.' John 4:8 'O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely.' Song of Solomon. Though there is a bit later in that same song, which probably covers me. >_< 'Take from us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.' I would never ever try it on hard with someone who really believed though, because I respect that level of faith immensely, I know that I could never manage it, so I don't make it any harder for them, but it is fun to be with a different kind of person, regardless of whether you plan to have sex with them or not. Joel
  20. And if they are anything like your car (and women;)) they will cut out randomly just when you think you are getting somewhere.(N) You are right though with the car simile, women are like cars. You have fast, racy ones that are good for nothing apart from looking good with you, and solid and reliable workhorses who will always be there for you, but you are ashamed to bring them out in public. Besides, you can run a car/woman without oil and water or meals out and alcohol, the object will just not run smoothly for too long. Just depends what length of service you desire. Is that a trick question? I'm deeply hurt. Me? Blag? Joel
  21. Mmm, you talk the talk when it comes to English, but maybe a backup career would be useful if the difference between 'you're' and 'your' are not second nature. (N) If you try and indent on this forum, the board automatically removes the indent, it respects the single line space convention. Joel
  22. Is it bob!? You have to compete with an awful lot of other men in a club, and all the girls know what you are after, and they like playing the game as much as you. You are drunk, and not at your most witty, charming or intelligent, and it is too loud to show that side of you anyway. In a church, there are very few elligible young men, the ones there are usually not very social or exciting, and a surprising amount of young and intelligent ladies. You are sober(ish usually,) you are witty and charming, if you do your research you can rinse it down with the bible quotes and religious know how. You are also a little more worldy than most of the sheltered ladies there, so you have a sophisticated edge. Hey presto, you have won a young ladies heart, maybe even the vicars wife. Does a church sound like a better place to meet a lady than a club? Joel PS - hititfaster will disagree, he has been to one of the churchy people parties and didn't enjoy the bibley speak.
  23. I have found lots of people who I have had sex with very attractive. But with me (not saying it is the same with you) sex with the same person can just end up slipping into a rut, and sex with someone new and exciting is always a massive thrill. Will it be her first as well? I have recently been with a few girls that I've met at churches, who have been of the opinion that sex should only be during a marriage, and never really quite got my head around it. These girls were all desperate for sex, but denying themselves the pleasure, and when questioned I got very few real answers. What would you answer? A 21 year old friend of mine from work just got married to the woman he has been in love with since he was 13. The two of them have only ever slept with each other, and are so in love it makes me sick, and a little (a lot) jealous, they never even look at anyone else! It most defintely can work, they are living proof, how long have you known her by the way? Joel
  24. I'm not sure whether you can say 18 is too young to marry. I am 100% sure that 18 was far too young for me to marry, I cannot see myself being ready for the better part of the next decade. But meh, what would I know, I'm a shit boyf and I've never been in love. If someone feels sure enough at 18 to commit, kudos to them. Though there can be a lot of bad reasons. Pretty personal question Andy, but are you two waiting till you get married to bonk? Not all young marriages are fated to break, we should have a little more faith and less cynicism. Joel
  25. I'm not at all evil! I am going straight to heaven, don't pass go, don't collect two hundred pounds. 'Blessed are the children, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.' If you can find a bigger kid than me I will eat my dog. Joel
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