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Status Updates posted by Brettoll

  1. looking for cheap mod parts, all of them, for a complete bike, for cheap, cheers

  2. Does anyone have a rockman maladie frame with the skulls on it? Thinking of building a budget goth mod...

  3. dangerously close to getting the 24" running.. placing bets on how long I keep it before I sell it ha!

  4. rub-a-dub-dub, I need some hubs

  5. all work and no ride makes Brett a dull boy...

  6. in need of hubs/disc/bash for the 24" project and yet so skint.. gutting I can't finish it this month :(

  7. decisions, do I get my 24" frame sprayed / dipped or just raw it and lacquer...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brettoll


      It's a street frame

    3. isitafox


      Whatever you do make sure you don't spend too much on it!

    4. Brettoll


      No intention of going mad with this one.. just the parts around the frame so if it is as bad as the other WIP's I will drop in a Marino instead

  8. so going to build a stock so bye bye Zoot!!

  9. desparately on the hunt for a rear 24" wheel and freehub...

  10. goodbye trials, hello trails, dirt and street

  11. back on a proper stock and loving it, roll on the better weather.... cheers Trials Addict

    1. BradJohnson
    2. Brettoll


      You've seen it already ;)

  12. got bike, been out once..... need some more consistent weather please

  13. used Tartybike's bike builder for the first time.... I need a lottery win ha ha

  14. excellent, age is starting to catch up with me. Had 2 rides on the new bike and the back starts playing up......brilliant!

  15. back on a long bike, just getting over the flu....perfect timing for the weather to start getting sunny! Best get riding

  16. Has decided to get a long bike again...so up goes the Marino

    1. JackMeek


      I knew this would happen. ;) You cant stay still with one bike. Got some good rides on at the moment Brett. Dont let the cold weather stop you.

    2. Brettoll


      Ha ha. I have been through loads of bikes. Thing is, I need to find a bike that I feel comfortable on, not too long or short, easy on the back wheel yet doesn't feel like a barge. So need to think of what I want

  17. Hey dude,

    Not saw if you got my message or not. Got some cash, want some burns.

    Cheers, Brett

  18. Can't send you any messages as your inbox is full....

    Let me know what you have on the middleburn front, got cash waiting if brucies price is right

  19. Think you got a mention in Clean 01 on the clean website......check it out!!

  20. I have one, just doesn't pay enough! Soon though

    Porbs not, still got a huge ass bruise on my leg from Rugby at the weekend so don't want to smash it up anymore. No Gordon apparently either tonight!!

  21. - Square taper BB there if you need a new one
  22. Haha, I am I am, just slowly....

    Its nice taking your time to do it and being a bum for a bit

  23. is missing trials....might buy a mod..

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