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Dave G.

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Everything posted by Dave G.

  1. The first video was amazing, but the second I really enjoy it Cheers!
  2. that's what I call a trials bike
  3. Don't be such an ass! he is just posting a video of what he can do on stock, if he is not good enough for you fine. Instead of criticize him you should say, what was wrong, what he should do better. Anyway.... I liked the song, the video was too slow, dude use a helmet! and I think you may try on mod... it looks that stock still is a little bit big for you. Keep it up!
  4. I really enjoy it, finally i saw the subtitles version, it was inspiring.
  5. that was a huge up to front! nice vid
  6. Dave G.

    First 2009 Vid

    Muy buen video! tienes muy buen nivel, eso es todo, a poner latinoamerica como región trialera! buena edición, aunque la musica la sentí un poco lenta, pero son gustos, buena edición, acá en México tenemos un foro para que le digas a los chilenos que lo vean y posteen www.biketrialmexico.superforo.net Saludos!
  7. OUCH!!! on 1.19, Nice doble touch Cheers!
  8. how old are you? good vid, but you need to put some other things on your videos, not only the same shot over and over again, I enjoy it
  9. Dave G.

    Sunday Practice!

    good edition, looks like you have a very fun practise! like the subtitles
  10. thank you guys, it really helped me, I hope the chain won't brake at leas in the next 3 months, then i will change it just for my security... somebody told me that I should change the chain every 3 months so i will use the powerlink and hopefully i will see the fatigue before it brake's. Cheers!
  11. Hey guys I need a little help, I have just broke my chain form the power link and i bought a sram 951, should I keep using it or its better to put it away and use the chain with out it? I don't remember how old was my chain..
  12. good vid, short but good one. song the kid aren't alright
  13. good vid, it was a competition? or they were just riding that zones for fun?
  14. Nice vid, good song, but you need to get a better cam. Cheers!
  15. Dave G.

    Ptc Rafal 2008

    Very nice vid man! I like your style!
  16. I wanted this video to show my experience of what I lived in Colombia, (I`m mexican), but for some reason Patricio is the mainly rider of the video... haha, anyway hope you enjoy! http://www.vimeo.com/2219153
  17. Nice! when is the complete vid?
  18. It has expired.. I didn´t break it riding.. I was trying to remove it from the crank because I just got a new ones...
  19. I have just broke a couple of teeth... sould i keep using it? or wait like 1 month for the replacement.. is hard to find replacement parts in México.. so I need to buy it in the USA. What do you think?
  20. That is an amazing video, you are a very good rider, never stop riding like this!
  21. Muy buen estilo, demasiado ingles para un español pero es un muy buen video y muy buena manera de mover esa maquina, como you dijeron antes muy buena edición, sigue así!
  22. Very nice vid! the riding style is so creative! hope to see another vid like that soon www.biketrialmexico.com
  23. That i know we are like 20.. plus the ones who are lost.. haha i'm not sure because i'm counting people that some other people talkme about.. and is not for sure that they ride trials, and i don't get what you mean with "i como os lo montais: dealers, spots, etc." te refieres a que estilo?? no se bien a que t refieres.. jeje
  24. Hi everyone, me and my friends have just created a new website www.biketrialmexico.com, is not a big thing but we wanted all you to know that in México there are some riders, the site is mainly for mexican riders (we are no too much....) but we want to find more and we want more people involved in this sport, anyway we would like you to see it and post something at the forum cuz by the moment it's very empty... Cheers! ohh... sorry but by the moment the site is only available in spanish...
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