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Everything posted by Maxie_Monty

  1. Im guessing youve been riding a month or so ? Not bad hops to be honest but need lot less of them Learn to pedal kick now man
  2. Very nice riding . How long have you been riding ? +1 on the spots.
  3. Mine would probably be learning to gap properly. As i dont really have many people to ride with, ive had to learn by myself
  4. If thats nothing big, mostly the drop, i seriously need to stop slaking off. amazing riding man
  5. what make is that hose pipe, been looking for new one ?
  6. not to bad to be honest, but really not to keen on the CNC cranks.
  7. very nice riding to be honest. seemed very smooth i lol'd at the kick to the helmet at around 1:55, looked to funny! altogether though very good video.
  8. Do You have a ground rimwall or has tar been applied? Or is it generally just noisy? How are the pads, was thinking of getting some about 2 days ago?
  9. hahaa looks bit silly to be honest, but if it works for you then by all means use it.
  10. ive only just had this problem starting, dont have a clue whats happening, but all i know is now my bottom bracket is having problems! when i pedal it feels really.. tight? lol.
  11. Really nice riding mate, i got back into trials around the same time as you, and got the exact same bike back on topic, really good picture quality and even better riding.
  12. Maxie_Monty


    SHEEEEET! how many trainers do you think this guy goes through!? seriously though, amazing riding!
  13. not sure if this is a repost but, this boy is 13 years of age supposedly..in my opinion i think he is one of the best 13 year olds ive seen! Linky ---> http://youtube.com/watch?v=PPv5Nnz-0PI or search --->koxx trials, 3rd down.. mX
  14. okay dokey.. so i guess ill have to lower a bit less thanks for the advice, apreciate it
  15. i have been trying to lower the front end but in the 49 out of 50 times i get it wrong .. the front just goes straight down to the ground and thus me falling off thanks for the advice mX
  16. Title pretty much spells it out .. i basically need the proper technique for dropping from height thanks mX
  17. :L that is exactly the facial expressions i did to the same video.. she must of been sitting under that cuboard for ages .. lmaoo! mX
  18. I started trialing when i saw a couple of bikers doing tricks that looked so awesome so i went on a journey looking for a cheap but decent trials bike and about a month in i found a t-pro for 120 pounds, bought it and been learning ever since , 5 months on and im getting better every day, as people say:"practise makes perfect" and obiously it does.Everybody keep up the trials spirit and keep riding out there. mX
  19. yes it is a second hand one im looking for mate thanks mX
  20. hello,im planning to get my second bike , my first trials bike was a rubbish 219 Alp and im looking for a new one, i have around 250-300 pounds to spend and i just want some opinions on a new bike thanks, mX
  21. If i sell my bike and my BMX i can get about 370 pounds all together so that will help just dont know where to sell , dad wont let me sell on the internet but he lets me buy somethings strange.... mX
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