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Milford Cubicle

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Everything posted by Milford Cubicle

  1. Some pretty kl lighting in this
  2. Actually speechless Edit - Also pretty mad
  3. Especially if the goverment is currently trying to ban said drug...
  4. new ivy lab goodness, free download as well, multiple wins
  5. “A return to growth after austerity has been put on hold is not at all surprising. As I pointed out recently, if this counts as a policy success, why not try repeatedly hitting yourself in the face for a few minutes? After all, it will feel great when you stop.” Paul Krugman http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/apr/28/top-economist-attacks-tory-austerity-labours-limp-response-paul-krugman
  6. I think the Green's anti austerity stuff is a hell of a lot more anti-establishment as is the fact that they are the only party talking about monetary reform which is probably the most important issue in this country as well as the most anti-establishment one as well. And all that for not doing anything either, https://www.facebook.com/peteacousticshaw/videos/10204913220902538/
  7. They kind of are when they can get found out to be doing somthing illegal and can change laws retroactively so they don't have to get in trouble for it. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2013/mar/15/dwp-law-change-jobseekers-poundland
  8. And we're off to a good start :/ http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/snoopers-charter-set-to-return-to-law-as-theresa-may-suggests-conservative-majority-could-lead-to-huge-increase-in-surveillance-powers-10235578.html?fb_action_ids=10153391031647518&fb_action_types=og.shares five more years of this kinda crap should be fun
  9. Because the tories are dead set on selling it off so they can get rich from the sale?
  10. Exactly this. On the train set thing though, that was making hundreds of millions for taxpayer's that shit HAD to go! to be honest I'm not sure what this country will still own if the tories get another 5 years. Will be voting Green myself.
  11. http://www.goskate.com/glow-dark-concrete-real-used-skateboard-park-youre-going-believe/ interesting idea, looks like a nice little park as well
  12. Unfortuantly one of a growing number to die because of goverments sanctions. I could write a lot about this subject but don't have time atm but I will say to the 'get a f**king job' bunch that although that works on an individual level, (as in anyone can get a job) it dosen't work when you talk about everyone on benefits because there simply aren't enough jobs. I think the last figures I saw where 2.5 million unemployed (not including people who are on ZHC and effectively unemployed) and 400,000 jobs for them to apply for and that figure is only going to get worse as more jobs are able to be done better by machines. Also although working hard is a large part of furthering yourself and making yourself more employable, and there are certainly lazy people out there who don't want to work and just rely on the state, some people are born more with more pontential than others and if your one of the more capable ones then just be glad your lifes going better than other peoples and have some f**king compassion. People talk about people scrounging off the goverment as if there having an easy ride but being on JSA isn't exactly fun. Yea they will go earn some money, but if they couldn't get a job before (if there in the majority that are trying to find work) then there not going to be able to get one once you cut them off so they will have to get the money through crime which is a much bigger cost to society than paying there benefits as is housing them in prison if they get caught. This is what gets me most about the sanctions execpt for the people that die from sanctions I don't see how people see it as cost saving for society. Its an ideological attack on the poor that dosen't even make sense, as with the whole of the goverments austerity package. Austerity is bad for the economy which has been proven and yet the cuntcervatives just keep going with it even though all they seem to care about is the economy (or at least its the only subject david cameron use's to answer any given question he's asked). To quote a smarter/more knowledgable man than myself (talking about the US but apply's here as well) 'we're either going to do that, and start walking back the last thirty years or we're going to keep going the way we're going at which point there will be enough people standing on the outside of this mess that somone's going to pick up a brick, because when people get to the end there's always the brick.' David Simon (from this, well worth a watch) I'm seriously worried about where this country is going to be in five years if this country is stupid enough to vote the conservatives back in in may.
  13. Close one Edit - on lucky/unlucky bass jumping bits this is crazy https://vimeo.com/26788405
  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk/…/funny-valentines-matt-berry-wild-love
  15. Edit: the 3 at 2.11 in this is dope
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