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Grant H

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Everything posted by Grant H

  1. its pointless... its like putting a jet engine in a mini, just pointless
  2. mine lasted for a couple of weeks first week they were great, then after the second they wore down so fast you could see shreddings of the pads all over the tire and rim. then they wore all wonky and went silent. they do on the other hand provide amazing power. i do prefer my plazzies now, much more bite and alot more noise and they really do last for ages
  3. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=2029 thats if your buying off tarty...
  4. i know, i was just correcting someone for saying nothing will rust when submerged in water...
  5. yes but still proves that things rust under water...
  6. proof? none? thought so. maggies wont corrode because of water. since when has water corroded rubber?
  7. solve all arguing... eenie meenie minie mo....
  8. hands up who thinks OnzaTrials23 is a bit of a plonker
  9. just one vee brake is fine just look at bigman or ali C, they both use vee's...
  10. using a splitter of some kind? the brakes wont have any delay its pointless anyway, i have a maggie with koolstops on the front and its fine, just about...
  11. you post some stupid stuff ? haha only joking
  12. anodising hardens the surface making it more brittle? more likely to crack?
  13. magura's need magura blood but they work fine with water
  14. removing paint won't make the frame weaker, its just what you use to get it off... use nitromorse and wipe off after an hour and it won't weaken the frame and it will take all the paint off. DON'T leave it on over night as nitromorse is pretty corrosive stuff.
  15. just accidently gap to their heads has anyone else noticed that chavs are getting smaller? and the smaller they are the cockier they seem to get...
  16. havn't you just repeated what everyone else has said?
  17. throw a bit of iron in the sea and after a week it will be rusty... as far as i know maggies don't have steel/iron in them, so it won't rust? i wouldn't recommend using too much anti-freeze as that would probably corrode seals etc...
  18. remember to take an AK47 out with you next time
  19. haha small?!? its pretty big. i wouldnt buy it, alright bikes to begin... sounds dodgy to me aswell.
  20. could help by saying how much you'd spend...
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