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crazy_gap girl

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Everything posted by crazy_gap girl

  1. Wow leeds, havent been in AGES!!! sweet pic's!
  2. See you all there 1 a clock sharpish haha Hope its sunny, really do!
  3. always play it! http://www.addictinggames.com/dangerousdavebrutalbob.html
  4. LOL dont have a skin head! Bowl cut ***! nahh..
  5. Really good Amanda!, keep on riding the t-pro though Least you done a vid. I can't get my arse in gear!
  6. FINALLY!! got to watch it!. and got to admit i did cry when jal was talking at chris's funeral and also when tony and sidehop said their good byes! Its a really sad ending because everyone just goes their seperate ways but it does leave you wondering what effys gonna do.
  7. Some people are like "keep active" when actually people with depression don't want to get up out of bed they sometimes stay there for weeks! No doctor or pills can cure it, the only thing that can, is yourself. Easier said than done.
  8. James, the one who thought he was off home is quite nice!!!
  9. Just be greatful for the life u have! Theres obviously something in life your not liking. So change it.
  10. I dont have e4! lol its either youtube or just wait! lol iv tried 4od but i cant because of some licencing crap! I duno if i want to see it yet by the sounds of it, my love for skins will be badly broken by then end of it LOL
  11. No right!, be honest and tell me haha i cant wait till thursday!
  12. Yet another round for the falcons. The first round had quite a poor turn out but let's hope more of you come to the next one! Which is on April 26th, a saturday, again. at: Horn Hill, Holmfirth, Huddersfield (map's can be found on the falcon site for venues). Starting time is at 1pm. Entry form can be found here: http://www.falconmcc.co.uk/BikeTrials/2nd%...ntry%20Form.htm On the entry form it does say 16th, its a typo but it really is the 26th!! Any question's PM me.
  13. LOL yeah starting to get a routine on thursdays, bit sad but you just cant miss them!
  14. The dude who actually plays chris (joe) is going out with the girl who plays cassie(hannah) in real life.. weird Apprently Joes off to be in doctor who! lol And i also heard all the current skins cast wont be in series 3, a new lot will take their place. Cant wait till its on tonight though!
  15. Aww gutted havent see ep9 yet thats tomorrow but Chris dies!
  16. Getting sponsored dosn't make you ride better!, That bit's still down to you. So if your thinkin oh my god if i get sponsored id ride so good!!.... It's dosent work like that, youv still got to work hard! Sponsorship never used to be easy to get, now it just seems like everyones sponsored
  17. Where is that? calla? Hows the skid lid Oli?
  18. Yeah there is maps, On the main road that turns off towards nethermoor we've put flags and a sign on the side of the wall you cant miss it really as theres a huge rock with carved writing into it. i think its 'Johnson's quarry' Once turned on to that road its a long winding road carry on till you see cars we will be signing on, on that top road anyway.
  19. I actually think it's my best video iv done, my beloved koxx! Think i did this 2003/2004 Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  20. Well all sections have been set out. Just to recap: Beginner: White Flags Novice: Yellow Flags Inter: Red or Blue Flags There are 7 sections, either 3 or 4 laps depending on the weather. If you still want to ride at this trial and your worried you havent got you entry form in then you can enter on the day, bring your entry form with you! See you all there!
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