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Cahill Trials Kid

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Everything posted by Cahill Trials Kid

  1. Well like the title says, i was just wondering if anyone know's what the koxx hosel edition' geo was ? Thanks Sam
  2. Im likeing the light blue one
  3. nice videoo that, i dont think you went overboard with the effects really, very enjoyable video with nice riding
  4. Hes a sponsored rider and will pay hardly anything for them, thats if he pays anything at all. i like mine (limey 320) but when i had a go on a manus i loved it !
  5. ahh maby i should read all the other posts first next time lol
  6. Is it me or is your chain really slack ? I like it though, looks mint
  7. Your getting such a good rider now ross ! looking good on that bike too keep it up Sam
  8. Riteee, So basicaly a while ago my dad bought a camcorder but never realy used it, So i thought i would have a play with it today and get a thew clips, but when i try and get the clips on my computer i cant. Its one of those camcorders that record onto a little disk (sorry dont really no much about camcorders) I put the disk in my laptop, go on to computer and click on the disk, but when it opens there a no files in it the disk its going onto is a DVD-R, Any help wanted, thanks Sam
  9. Realy nice edit good video to watch, what were the two songs ? Sam
  10. what an absolute animal !
  11. Areet, you will be fine then mate, i wouldnt worry bout it cracking or denting Sam
  12. Is that for the front or rear rim ? if its rear then thats really light, and it would be good to try find someone who has it or had it, to see how theres holded up.
  13. This doesnt work with everything, but, alot of the cheaper stuff is stronger than some of the expensive stuff, people normaly charge less when things are lighter, but most of the the time the lighter they are the weaker they are. whats the weight of the neon rims ? and are they single or double wall ?
  14. The gap in the second and third pic of you carl is bigggg looks like an awsome day too
  15. Mint pics, wouldnt mind seeing another video soon either
  16. that frames soooooo nice ! love it mate
  17. Thats ace mate, would love to be able to do that dunno why people are on about how long it would last and stuff, its not a real bike people, and i bet you couldnt design anything like that.
  18. haha im not from afganistan, i dunno why it says that, im form leeds :D

  19. One of the nicest stocks i have ever seen, i lovee them bothh !
  20. Nice rider, weather looks amazing, wish i could of gonee.
  21. It doesnt work with me sometimes, it says it found something but just lists all the newest topics even though they have nothing to do with what ive searched
  22. I have sent my membership off, but not recived it back yet, so i couldnt write my membership number down on the entry form, is this orite or do i need to send another entryform when i get my membership number ? sam
  23. completely agree with CalopS i love all of your videos, keep them coming ! really liked the style of the 20" rider
  24. Im in need of some new trials shoes too, and i think im going for the Ribo Lites
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