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Everything posted by Ravemonkey

  1. stuck on 7 now where do i zoom in on? what am i looking for? Edit:DONE
  2. Done Do i get a share of the prize now?
  3. Ravemonkey


    Part time sales assistant in the co-op :$ Im looking to get a better job
  4. Cranks from £49.95 Have a look at these You could get some czar ones for only £49.95
  5. I hate to be the bringer of bad news but For those of you coming from cornwall/plymouth area on a train Ive been told by the staff at truro station/and checked on the website that there will be a replacement bus (no train) between exeter and taunton and you will most likely not be able to take your bikes on the bus For some reason Network rail hates us riders and whenever there is going to be a big ride they decide that that day would be a good day to do engineering works
  6. No selling in NMC read the rules http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....p;f=13&id=3
  7. don't worry i haven't ruined the second season for you I want to see season 7
  8. I thought that too lets hope
  9. Mcain will die quite soon as hes so old so palin will end up as the president, and as you say someone will proberly take a pop at obama so what people are voting for really is which vice president they think is better. So although i don't know much about obama's vice I also think obama should win as I don't think palin should be given any power
  10. If the cranks creaks you may just have to tighten your cranks You really have to cream your crank bolts up as hard as you can without damaging the bolt head try that and see if it works
  11. Have a look here you'll find plenty of picture on these sites http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/wiki/Trials_shops and stop making the same topic over and over again it will just end with the topic being closed and you being banned
  12. But then isn't that false advertising?? (A sue-able offence ??) But seriously you can't really expect them to send you the rims for £2
  13. Ill do it if you still need one How technically minded are you talking about? I could be either
  14. When I was at school this didn't used to be blocked but it may have changed http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/funandgames.htm not most brilliant site but better than nothing
  15. Im at home on study leave and it is a perfect day So im going riding
  16. I actually prefer the original, this new one does look abit too complicated especially on the right What is the final date for entrys?
  17. I thought you were doing coursework
  18. I doesn't work on all computers depends on the brand I think but if he has done it by accident then it should go back
  19. I think it is Alt+Ctrl+up or down arrow try it we used to do it to teachers to annoy them
  20. Welcome back Good to see another rider coming back after a break
  21. Someone turned up in a 25ft boat (difficulty getting through the gate of the venue) and a bunch of others came riding toy horses (very funny)
  22. English words only I presume 12-letters desegregated-to have eliminated racial segregation hyplolimnion-a layer of water below the thermocline
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