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Everything posted by Ravemonkey

  1. I can't see the edit button so just live with it Still ain't working though if you try to view a entry
  2. Is it just me or is the calender not working when i try to look at an event it shows me this Fatal error: Call to undefined method skin_calendar_38::member_videos() in /home/trials/domains/trials-forum.co.uk/public_html/forum/sources/ipsclass.php on line 5922 please tell me if this is my computer as I haven't got another to try it on. thanks soz but just realised i spelt calender wrong in the title so please don't have a go at me
  3. The best thing you can do is to go to a group ride and try other peoples bikes to get an idea of what you like.....
  4. You have to remember that it's never to late to start riding (again )..... theres a few more mature riders on this forum that ride regularly...why not get in touch with them?
  5. the best thing you can do is go to rides and try other peoples bikes if you're unsure of what to get....or whether to stay with the bike you've got now...
  6. if your shop does end up being better than the others How far will you be able to deliver to Is cornwall to far if not then you have a potentual customer Good luck with it though you will need it
  7. use old football shin pads i do you don't really need to go spending money on specialist equipment when you can just dig your old pads out the garage i personally would want to spend the money on something else
  8. welcome to the forum what are your summers like? we hardly ever get that cold in cornwall (south west england) it rarely gets below 0 we have only had 2 snowy days in the last 3-4 years and that was just a little bit
  9. I know it's a series but the 24 series are a great watch if you haven't seen them they keep you entertained for hours all 24 of them phonebooth is another great film very cleverly done what films are you in to though it is all about taste
  10. 05 maggies onwards are terrible ive got a mate who has broke 2 05's and 1 07 i have had my 04's over a year and they haven't broken yet i strongly advise you to get a 04 not a newer model go for 04's
  11. started riding a bike at 5 trials at 16 now 16
  12. don't what ever u do get a hs11. get a hs33, hs11's break a lot. i know most riders nowdays use disk brakes but i personally prefer the rim brakes as I find that disk brakes don't give the sudden stopping force needed as well as rims do. People proberly will disagree but I just am giving a different opinion i recommend you get maggies on your rims though. Tim
  13. I vote Stock this way then as i cannot vote in the poll
  14. this is what it said when i pressed vote Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. The error returned was: You cannot vote in this poll the same as if you try to comment in a member area
  15. its not working it seems that you have to be a member to vote on any poll im a pre member and it doesn't seem to be allowing me to vote soz ash you won't be getting any new members voting
  16. Same as steve really keep riding it help you to learn to control the bike more as you have to concentrate as the conditions are not always great just make sure you have some decent gloves or you will suffer
  17. About that, but somethings only worth as much as someones willing to pay for it!
  18. Odyssey slic cables are pretty good for the money, and jagwire cables ( high end ones)are really impressive when theyve stretched
  19. I've got a saracen fastrax at the moment...my first serious bike, so im learning trials on it!
  20. the gimp is a great bit of freeware photo editing software.....although photoshop is a bit more powerful,(of course you have to pay for it though )
  21. Well....welcome to the forum, follow the rules, post sensible answers and you'll get validated in no time!
  22. I want a new gu..theyre lush, and if theyre an improvement over the current typhoon, well worth the notes!
  23. Either v8s or vp cage pedals are the best options out there.....caged are a wee bit weak though, but well worth the 10 price tag
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