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nathie wafie

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Everything posted by nathie wafie

  1. Thanks for the comments so far guys, struggling to get the clips i want to finish the video at the moment. Will hopefully nail the lines i want then ill release it. Im not guna bring anything out for the sake of it. Cocky, we shall speak later on msn, video coming your way
  2. haha yeah i whacked it up in chat as theres no actual footage just a discription and couple pics lol
  3. Just found this on bike radar. I saw Jack's and Drei's facebooks mentioning riding with Kenny and Wes, but didn't realize it was for this! Starts December 6th. I cant remember if theres already been a topic on this or not, but this is the latest news on it anyway. Looking forward to this! Link : http://www.bikeradar.com/news/article/vide...orts-show-24043
  4. i saw this the other day, but forgot to post it lol. Amazing riding as expected
  5. I couldn't work out what frame it was from Facebook. But yeah its gash, new frame im sure will be nice
  6. the bikes like my cock, not quite long enough

  7. alright i suppose Rides so nicely mini me! just need some carbon bars to finish her off
  8. Maybe there, going out in the eve so will have to leave early, about 5
  9. Hey man, yeah i still have the bars mate, can bring them
  10. So heres a few still's from my upcoming video i thought id share. Nothing exciting but im a little bored at work. Basically TGS stills but the vid comprises alot more! Stay tuned for that. Comments welcome-appologies for the poor quality pics. Nath
  11. Its right by the football stadium. If Saints are playing this weekend there car park will be hired out to the stadium. Ill find out mate and text you either way
  12. Asweome ok dude, if your stuck i work in Soton so could blag a space or two at my work.
  13. 11 as normal sounds spot on. You sorted for parking now mate?
  14. Andy you legend! Blates nathie wafie Southampton ride I need to talk to you actually to explain some bits on video editing, having few troubles atm. See you Sat
  15. Really nice! finally 135mm dropouts!
  16. its not out till midnight anyway isn't?lol
  17. Hey guys, yet another pompey evening sesh, me rossy g and rob out with a couple others. Guildhall around 7pm.
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