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Everything posted by Peperami

  1. Just ordered a simtra and some shiny bits
  2. Wheelbase would be from the centre of both axles.
  3. Falling off a slimey wall and landing on my back in a puddle
  4. Lol at some of the replies... isnt there a video on here of TRA letting go of his bars due to the impact of a drop? That looks painful fella! I fell on my ass last night riding, know how he feels! Hope he wasnt too sore.
  5. Bodybuilding Kickboxing Trackdays Cross-country mountain biking Eating
  6. Dont bid until about 5 minutes before the auction is going to end. That way you dont pay more than you have to.
  7. That your missus or summat?
  8. Lol, how will any bottom bracket fit titty boy?
  9. Thats to do with your browsers settings. You can set it so that it doesnt upload images on sites etc, like for when you're at work, or to speed up the internet.
  10. Lol! You think a knuckle duster would enhance your chances of beating him?
  11. Are you guys sure thats a woman? She offends my mirror
  12. Without being a snob, get a set of middleburn rs7's for it pronto if you can. Will make soooo much difference, its not until you try them that you realise how much the fsa's flex, and how much power you're losing. They'll round off soon anyway
  13. Report him to the police. He may have had a right to remove you from property if you were causing a nuisance, but not to use unreasonable force.
  14. Well tempted by a grey one of these... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm simtra or zhi?
  15. Agree with you mate, had a 2.3 downhill on rear and unless you were dead square on top of something, you'd slide off. No grip at all. They only stayed on for a week If the compunds similar these are gonna be reet shite.
  16. Not sure who to recommend, but dont use e&l, complete rip off merchants. Try add it as a named item on your house insurance, might up your premium a little though. I think house insurance as standard covers up to £500 for un-named items on most policies.
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