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Hannah Shucksmith

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Everything posted by Hannah Shucksmith

  1. Relating to the school half terms and exam dates, the 16th and 17th are not set within a half term, and as I am aware, the first exam is the 5th of May, according to the exam timetable on the SQA website. If you're worried about riders being concerned about exams the following Monday, the exams are as follows: -Business Management -Craft and Design -Latin -Russian -Drama -Hannah, x
  2. Oh My Goddd! Sweet riding Rich, keep it up lad!
  3. So, you're in there, just not at this immediate time... Just play it cool, treat her nice, text her, phone her, just DON'T try it on with her, trust meee! (When I say try it on, I mean don't try and bed her...) but be all flirtatious back, just show her what kind of a person you are... she'll come onto you when the time's right. Just, don't let her take you for a fool.
  4. Ha, I said something along those lines many a time. If she enjoyed your company then she obviously enjoys being with you, which implies that she obviously likes you... If she says she isn't ready, just carry on 'seeing' her, like I guess you did last night, and eventually she'll realise that maybe you're a nice lad and so she'll want to try it with you (providing you don't try it on with her; girl not ready for relationship + guy who likes her trying it on = emotional meltdown for her and a broken heart for you.) When she's ready, you'll know, (providing she isn't just playing hard to get.) She'll become all flirtatious and what not...
  5. I now have a reason for living. Succeed in gapping to Australia.
  6. do it (expect a video release of a 40000 inch sidehop and a 4385739846 foot gap straight away...)
  7. Yeah, buy Hannah that new koxx, the silver sky (L) ohhhhhhh that'd be the best 16th birthday present ever. This topic is now completely off.
  8. thankwooo. p.s. it's my birthday wednesday...just buy me a bike
  9. Nope. Skint, got no £££, more things to concentrate on.
  10. Smooooooth as butter. (Lurpak doesn't count, that stuff just isn't spreadable.) I really liked it, just couldn't stand the music.
  11. Took me months! Mind, I hardly posted, at all, ever. Well good luck anyway, Kyrena! -Hannah, x
  12. As everyone else has said, a mod would be better to start on. If you can afford, buy one brand new from sites such as Tarty Bikes or, just be on your best behaviour, make sure you type properly (capital letters and full stops), and just wait to get validated, at which point you can post in the wanted section for someone to sell you a full mod (or request parts if you want to build your own...) and see what offers you get. -Hannah, x
  13. Well, it's evident he likes colours. Jacket =bleuggh. Riding was okay though, got dead annoyed with the rave that was going on though, might aswell have used hardcore instead of drum and bass, changes from colour to black and white distracted me from the actual riding. Other than that, yeahh, wasn't too bad I suppose.
  14. The 'men' on here will eat you alive with your about me, the whole, I'm single thing :P Good luck! Love Hannah, x

  15. Ayupp As been mentioned, I'm Hannah And to Zhi-sam, the control went. -Hannah, x
  16. I had the problem where it wouldn't let me sign in, works like a treat now though. I used this website and sorted it put proper, before though, I did uninstall then reinstall, but that didn't work. Clicky.
  17. Like i said, there's never much in there, I once found a few bikes on there, but yeah, trials-forum for sale section and ebay
  18. Why do I get the feeling a 'post a picture of your kitchen' thread is going to appear? p.s. nice bike
  19. I meant to say country Lord knows why I said government
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