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trialsking 55

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Everything posted by trialsking 55

  1. yup been down to my local blockbuster today and saw them, lots of boxes of them everywhere with sale signs on them.
  2. hehe made me laugh anyway we've seen it all before, just grind it for best results
  3. having ridden with him, i can safely say he is very consistent and pulls huuuuge moves off without thought
  4. oldest riding pic i could find, even though id had two bikes before this one lol
  5. money hella lot of lindt chocolates clothes smart dress shoes k-swiss shoes hockey stick (was pretty expensive) samsung d500
  6. a fred perry sweatband that cost me nan like £!5, why would i wear sweatband? bless her. i'll probably wear it in the summer when i play sports.
  7. you look really comfortable on your new bike gaz! nice vid and i liked the song at the start.
  8. erm phone, clothes, shoes, hockey stick and some money to get more clothes hopefully
  9. been watching football factory?
  10. internal bleeding is some scary shit hope all is well mate.
  11. WTF!!! i went to that exact same place a few months ago with school wieeeeeerd . i can remember those stone wheel things everywhere and those rocks that look like animals at the top. anyway great riding, i was looking at all different lines when i was there lol!
  12. man: did it hurt? woman: pardon? man: when you fell from heaven, did it hurt? man: did you just touch my arse? woman: no man: damn!
  13. they didn't have the right atmosphere about them, unlike football factory. and FF is more gritty
  14. really thought it was boring, the characters where hard to beleive. it's got nothing on football factory.
  15. or8 lil video there. mindless self indulgence eh
  16. if you mean trials vids, well most trials vids around 2min are usually between 10-20mb
  17. got mine for a tenner off ebay. just to let you know the v3 razor only has 4mb of storage for media
  18. that was funny hahaha!!! more! more!
  19. clothes, new phone, hockey stick, erm probably money n some cd's and dvd's i've been hinting at
  20. lmao, i have a very similar ring tone to him erm team monkey? mr.monkey seeing how many people he could get to bum him lol! 3/10
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