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Everything posted by BigAl

  1. :o I am in love, that is so much better than any monty i have ever seen.
  2. Im gonna be honest, the things iv bought off there came 2 days after i ordered them, i also got some vimto sweets and 2 red and 2 black stickers. It was only a small order but because of the size it would have been alot harder for dans theiving eyes to see, so i say... Go Team Ko! Hahahaha.
  3. You are some sort of badass mofo, i love you. YOU CAN HAS MY CHILDREN. Dude how did you get all that info?
  4. I used to have an 05 221Ti, although i love the shape of them i just think this looks completly awesome.
  5. You only think that because you have a Kamel.
  6. You mean Tim Westwood, he's not acting, he's actually that much of a pr**k. Watch pimp my ride uk, he hosts it and by the end of the intro you are going to want to shove a fork through the side of his face. Stupid gangsta immatating f**ker.
  7. Iv used both an Echo rim, and Tryall. DO NOT GET A TRYALL, THEY SUCK SO MUCH. Where as the Echo was mint, i loved my Echo. GET AN ECHO!!!! Alex.
  8. Just been browsing their site, looks really good! Might have to order a new cadre (frame) from them, have you seen how cheap the Piranha is? Only something like £181 but thats without postage.
  9. Yeah i saw that topic, thought you were either being a drunk tit or you got hacked.
  10. That spec looks alot like my pitbull, look. Beaut isnt she.
  11. Im too hard for threads, they need to be stronger.
  12. Bro's before Hoes, id rather have him as a mate than have someone I could put my penis in.
  13. Friends gf, might have a thing for me. Dont wanna hurt my friend, wtf do i do?
  14. I've got 8mm bolts in my pro 2, if you have a hardware shop near you just take one of your botls down there, ask for the same thread size with an 8mm head. Will be cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeap aswell.
  15. Stole my joke. You my friend, are a genius. But actually that looks really good, red front rim would finish that nicley.
  16. Mann your alot better than when i last saw you. Need to ride soon.
  17. I know 2 people with Montys. They both cracked. 221 Ti has cracked around right side chainstay near the bb. 221 Pr has cracked in the same place, and on the top of the dt connecting to the headtube. Yet I still love Montys.
  18. As its an 04, check around the bleed bolt on the lever. I've cracked a few around there and they have leaked slowly causing a lack of pressure and no hold.
  19. SHUT UP YOU FAG. You could be anyone just trying to rip us off, you joined yesterday so how do we know you not just another scammer? Dont try and put us down by saying were stuck up. You should understand why were not going to validate you. So yeah as i said earlier.. shut it.
  20. Bigal2012. Add that sh*t now.
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