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Matt Vandart

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Everything posted by Matt Vandart

  1. This is incorrect, over 500 nukes have so far been detonated on planet earth and one on the moon, it would make no difference to what is happening now.
  2. that vid was cool as f**k despite the annoying yokel music
  3. I think it shoulda been called 'Ahm aff away te jump ova the stank on ma bike maw'
  4. China couldn't give a hoot about western trade and expertise you spastic, they have ALL the money, they own america, where do you think Americas 'debt' is too?
  5. It will apply equally if shit does hit the fan, so maybe you should start seriously considering all these things now, before you HAVE to along with millions of others
  6. Incorrect an AR 15 receiver has been made that can fire 600 rounds Also a 'glock' is very much plastic, not just accessories. Barrel cannot be plastic, yet.
  7. Your presumption is incorrect. The voting system relies on it being a representative gub-mint, it would not be representative of the population and therefore would be a farce and seen as such No they just buy up the patents, I know this from personal experience. (information for the 'conspiracy theory!' shouty people)
  8. Mark, the people involved in government is insignificant compared to the people that are not. Also I have stated that it wont just dissolve the system, it's a method of letting the people involved in this scam that the majority are onto them. It all starts with one person, incremental change as you say. So I stand by my statement, all you have to do (along with the majority if you are gonna split hairs) is not turn up to vote. Its the very reason people are encouraged, guilted and cajoled into voting. With a no vote the game is up. Another thing everyone could do is not turn up for work, for one day. There already have been huge and widespread natural disasters?
  9. You misunderstand. If no-one and I mean no-one voted, that message of no confidence and unity would wake authorities up IMO not dismantle anything at all. A non vote result would indeed result in no government and if the current government continued as is then it would show itself to be the farce it is. All the whole situation needs is a way of everyone saying I'm fed up, mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. This could come in the form of violent protest or revolution type nonsense which is just bollox or everyone peacefully registering their disdain for the current system which is better. Many people are under the 'I'm alright jack' delusion. Your not al-right even if you think you are, or at least you are not in the best position you could be. Fact of the matter is that you are all getting robbed, unless you are the ones doing the robbing. Robbed of an education, robbed of a fair life, robbed of freedoms, robbed of the right to live in a planet without hate and environmental madness, quite apart from the global warming stuff. Just look at students now. Leaving university in massive debt, what the f**k is that all about? Unless your rich of course in which case you can leave with a positive bank account, my sister did. It's about getting you locked into the consumer/debt society. It's bondage just like a mortgage. I think I could safely bet that no-one on this forum is actually benefiting from the current system in place.
  10. There is s simple and easy way to start changes, no vote. On election day no one votes, as in not just TF people, everyone. This one simple step would start the change to completely change everything.
  11. Bwahahhahahahaha! Awesomeness! Also: http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2013/03/08/1691411/bombshell-recent-warming-is-amazing-and-atypical-and-poised-to-destroy-stable-climate-that-made-civilization-possible/
  12. Here you go............... http://worldtruth.tv/the-real-reason-hemp-is-illegal/
  13. I think maybe you two are missing the point of the timescale of this. If this guy is not a whacked out werido, we are talking later this year.
  14. The problem with oil is not the scarcity but rather that the energy within what is left has passed the point where we can create an alternative with it.
  15. why are you gripping onto the chem trails bit? It is essentially irrelevant. The important thing to take away from that vid/sound thingy is that very soon a mass of methane is going to be released that will in all probability kill almost everything on the planet if the guy is correct. This ^^ is the information that is appreciated and acknowledged by the scientific community not the chem trail shite.
  16. Just because some of it is bullshit, doesn't mean it is all bullshit
  17. Is he? It is guaranteed that 911 is not what it seems. I am not saying it was an inside job and all that shit but there are many unanswered questions. Phew, I can rest easy now knowing it has been fully and impartially investigated, thanks dude!
  18. Ha ha Koxx must have read this and thought 'We'll show him...............'
  19. got a shimano carbon one now thanks!
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