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Everything posted by Bronz

  1. Because you know this then I'd do this I have a .accessibility class in my CSS, view source on my homepage to see how I tackle it
  2. This code in your WP loop is broken here: <div class="post" <h1><a href="http://samuel-turner.co.uk/blog/5830-crossfire-benchmark/">5830 Crossfire Benchmark</a></h1> <p class="date">15 February 2011</p> The opening div tag is missing a closing chevron which is messing up the rendered source, which is why your headings don't appear as such. Oh and that h1 should be a h2
  3. Just gave an 8. Good job with a better one lined up. Promotion/payrise at the new job. Missus is awesome. No debt. Awesome mates. As Ali said, the country I live in isn't a massive f**k-up. Personal site/career/stuff going through the roof. Downsides at the moment: Spend far too much. Don't ride enough. Always seem tired (pro'ly need a better diet!) So yeah, things could be better, but an 8/10 at twenty suits me fine.
  4. You could do to upgrade from IE anyway, it's miles behind any others in terms of customisation and speed. Give Chrome a try, all the cool kids are.
  5. Bite both ends off of a penguin biscuit, use it as a straw to slurp up a cup of tea, eat biscuit, win.
  6. Hell yeah, I wouldn't have done the family thing either because you just know when something's too far don't you haha?
  7. Well you said it yourself; anyone that reckless is opening themselves up to such situations. I wasn't involved, I heard about the story months and months after.
  8. Got some mates who managed to make a guy strip on webcam for this 'girl' they were pretending to be. They screenshotted it a load of times, printed it, went to his house (before he knew the whole story) and left the printouts in his kitchen for his family to find. Don't think they ever got his forgiveness, actually…
  9. Where pricing is concerned, this is worth a read: http://daringfireball.net/2010/11/apples_pricing_advantage
  10. Can't remember exactly as we didn't speak about it for ling but along the lines of it being far less intuitive and just not seeming as polished/finished as the iPhone.
  11. My boss just went from iPhone to the Windows 7 phone. It pissed him off as being such an inferioir device that he switched back a few days later. If it's between iPhone and Windows 7, I'd say iPhone based on that alone.
  12. Seen the second but not the first, thanks
  13. It's because the channels that aren't the BBC are subsidised by advertising. Only the BBC doesn't have advertising on it for third-party products, so it's funded by the license fee. There was in fact a case some years ago where a woman successfully claimed she only watched ITV or one of the other channels for one program, and that was her TV viewing done; she watched nothing else at all. She successfully avoided paying the license fee! (To the best of my knowledge, that's how I remember it anyway.) Also, if you head to http://bbc.co.uk/ do you see ads?
  14. Nae worries, updated my above post for clarity. Looking sweet!
  15. Seldom004: Winter Blues Between 0 and 0, 0 and 4, W and i and e and s are all a lot closer than their surroundings. If you're using PS (which I presume you are) look in the Character pallet and the set the kerning mode (have icon) to Optical for an out-of-the-box fix EDIT: 'have icon' is meant to say AV icon. Spam filter thingy changes it
  16. Looks cool, I'd just work on the kerning a little
  17. No. F*cking. Way. Dude that is amazing!
  18. Wikileaks is far more than just that. They leak all manner of documents, the Iraq war was just a tiny amount of it. They leaks cables and other communications between embassies, individuals and organisations. I read an interesting leak about China's nuclear advancement that they're keeping heavily under wraps. Interesting stuff. So yeah the war is just one part of it, but Wikileaks are exposing governments worldwide and showing just what little tinkers they are. This is why Assange has been hunted down and large companies has been stopped from dealing with them; PayPal, Amazon, Visa and more were used by Wikileaks (for hosting and accepting donations, mainly) but they've (obviously because of government pressure) stopped, to certain extents, dealing with them. It's basically the biggest mass-exposure of worldwide corruption and other secret things that the government would rather you didn't know.
  19. My ex of also two years did a very simiiar thing to me (though not quite as severe). She basically knew how I felt for her then left me to get with some twat. I was really really cut up about it and hated her for f**king ages. However, if she invited me round for ‘tea’ (which we all know stands for tits et ass anyway ) I'd say yes. I'd say yes just to be civil and at least speak to her, find out what she's been up to and just see what happens. Plus: Don't go: chances of getting some = 0% Do go: chances of getting some = 0 < 100%
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