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Everything posted by MrMonkey

  1. All I'm going to say to that is.... Wait for it..... Shut the f**k up you moronic fanny.
  2. He means picking up the phone and phoning people.
  3. For those who've followed wrestling since being a child like I have you will most likely heard of Eddie Guerrero, he truly was once of the most famous wrestlers in my books and there's only a few I will remember more, after not watching wrestling for around 2 years I decided to turn it on this morning and the show was virtually dedicated to him. The wrestling world will miss you Mr Guerrero.
  4. Bumperoo. Surely some people play something I haven't played before, Lineage 2? Final Fantasty 11? I'm gonna go buy something today because I've played alot of crap recently and would rather not do it again.
  5. MrMonkey

    Uk Most Wanted

    They've been in OUR country once before to get on OUR list. It's not the BNP side it's just us wanting what's best for our country, and I hate the fact we have to tip toe our way around issues we believe in because we are in fear as coming over racist, sexist, homophobic or some other group that has more rights than us.
  6. MrMonkey

    Uk Most Wanted

    Quote from Phoenix Nights. "Send them buggers back." Lollerskates. The racist folk band if you didn't know.
  7. I've known about it for about 2 years, just didn't think anyone would find it funny so I didn't post <_< Damn.
  8. I love injections in comparison to most people. Doesn't bother me at all, had around 5 or 6 injections in my mouth and root canal work too. None of it bothered me.
  9. I meant more MMO style type games :)
  10. What online games do you currently play? Anything interesting, I would like to see this thread to be just a brief summary of the game, what you think, a link and prices. I don't want loads of posts I have to read through that say "Yeah this game is good." or "No this game sucks." Because I didn't ask for it :)
  11. The stereotyping of Criminals and Tatoos is dying down now, finally. But it's still there it's quite queer and unfair, but as long as you get them somewhere hidden you're fine. Or wear gloves :)
  12. A Kurd, lol a person from Kurdikstan, and yes it is a place. I've not laughed that hard for ages. Keep it on the back wheel if that happens, or just go onto your forks?
  13. Ahhh kk, I didn't know that :)
  14. What? How can you call people ignorant for not going custom. Maybe they've always liked something and they've decided they want that. That's not custom. Not everyone has the time to spend hours drawing up an idea but have seen something they like that's fairly similar. Blah blah blah, ignorance is in the eye of the beholder.
  15. If Microsoft didn't have that Abc button on Word I bet you'd all have me on MSN going over your work for grammatical and spelling mistakes :-
  16. Thanks for wasting my precious time. :) I couldn't think of an animal that began with F, then I got Fox, then Xavier for a boy's name. f**k me that was hard.
  17. You start a sentence with a capital letter not a full stop you silly billy.
  18. Didn't we sort out the whole machines run on ratios of 1:1 not anything else. If in doubt ask a member of staff and ask them what ratio the pulleys run at.
  19. Never really liked Slash. Meh, never been too much of a whole guitar fan either. So yeah, can't have a fair opinion, but still don't like him.
  20. 6'2, 6'3ish, I ride a BT Raven 5.0 I think it's goin on for a 1100 wheelbase. Not exactly sure, doesn't feel uncomfortable.
  21. Erm, did the guy who posted ever put a price, I came in here expecting a gajillion "g3t da t-pro itz well wkd" posts, I haven't seen one. I have slightly soiled myself.
  22. You're 14, I'm doubting 75kgs, which is like some amount of lbs. But yeah, prove me wrong, but I still doubt it. Unless you got a chest like Pamela Anderson.
  23. The possibilities are endless. "Phone us up if you can't get it shut. Up stairs is a larger selection :blink: "
  24. Yeah, you can take the kids, but I'm keeping the bondage kit.
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