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Everything posted by tkD

  1. I suggest you check out Tartybikes.co.uk really good for parts and stuff, also, I enjoyed your video, reminded me of the old t-raptor days
  2. Rode BMX for ages and Dirt Jump, I've got good bike skills. Cheers dude, I'll keep that in mind.
  3. So I've been riding 2 weeks now. I can hop onto a bench Pedal up kinda thing, back wheel onto the bit you sit on then flick the back up to the top. But I'm wondering, how do I use pedal kicks to gain somewhat height, maybe a foot? So I could backwheel the first bit of the bench and then kick up to the top, is it as simple as just jumping or do I need to use another technique? As I get no height on them. Cheers.
  4. I need that frame, I keep booting my back maggy
  5. I TOTALLY agree, he's a monster indeed.
  6. I thought that was kinda cool, and the start gives people some heart to be fair, no one gets it perfect first time........ I'm waiting for someone to say "But blah blah does and I did" Haha, cool video
  7. Balance, on a Bash Plate? It's like sitting down and having a cup of tea, I do it, but I'm a noob, so I'm allowed lol.
  8. He indeed was a beast, making those sidehops look easy as hell.
  9. Might well be, but everyone knows they're as ugly as hell.
  10. Was born in Bradistan, If I was still about I'd be up for
  11. and it's like 2 threads down xD
  12. I know mixed opinions on the bench but. Bench Tech! I love it when people mess about on benches, just something you know everyone has in their own town
  13. I could do with one too, but I'm not trying any big stuff at the moment just practising balance and pedal kicks so I should be fine, but I'll definitely get one when I progress to gaps and so on.
  14. He's not a noob, he's going on what he's heard. Good for your freewheel....
  15. I don't have the money for new cranks, and the taper isn't round.
  16. I'm not sure what to change the forks too though, I know stem and bars are preference =/
  17. 586, seemed alot :/ But Tarty is way forward with parts you say?
  18. To be honest, for £65, its not really a bad deal lol! Yeah as I said in the other post, people are fond of Avid bb5's and bb7's, I wouldn't know from experience to be fair, but people seem to like them. Or get dual maggies as it has bolts for them.
  19. Look is everything lol! I like my Onza, but its rather front end heavy I must admit. But I got it 100 cheaper than Tarty price so
  20. How are they better? And eurgh, more money, already paid stupid amount for the bike
  21. Shape is usually a good give away. I've got the same onza need to change my forks, but not a clue what too =/
  22. tkD


    Wow, makes me happy I bought a mod, shame I can't ride it LOL
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