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Everything posted by crashbanggg

  1. All is OK anyway I found a can of 'Vycoat' in the grage which provides a slightly tacky layer, its worked brilliantly, and I dont have to pay for it
  2. I've just tried to look at my emails, however it wont let me, it just keeps coming up with this error message (Below). Ive tried restarting my comp and other browsers however still no luck. Anyone know how to fix this? I've googled it however I don't really understand many of the responses...
  3. How long will a can last, roughly? And how long will each spray last? (It that makes sense..) I need something to improve my braking but without the extremes of grinding...
  4. I would love to if I had the availability of money to be able to experiment
  5. Thats the ZX3 a.k.a the playsport (The one in my first post) I think you can get the Zx1 (Which is the one Dan2707 posted) for about £50
  6. Kodak Playsport The footage at 2mins (Plus other bits) with this camera, its mint for £85!
  7. Finally weighed it after buying some scales, it came to a grand total of... *drum roll* 11.04 KG! Im sure most people on here will see that as a tank though...
  8. True :P Well, as I said, tis' up to you whether you want to go for it :P Also, i didn't mention in the advert, it has rounded edges which makes knee hits (slightly) less pain inducing :P (If that helps to sweeten the deal?)

  9. My current spacer is an old handle from a push scooter :P

    I'll leave it with you, if all goes wrong and you don't like the feel of it you could always just sell it back on again....

  10. Thats why I went for a longer one, perhaps riser handlebars would help to counteract it?

  11. I had a similar thing and it gradually got worse till i blue screened every 5 mins, none of my anti virus could find it except one, however that couldn't get to it. After a quick google I got THIS program which found whatever it was, deleted it and my problems were solved, worth a try?
  12. 13cm (Measuring the main 'shaft' of it from the bottom) Is that the right bit to measure? If not, tell me which bit it is I should be doing :P

  13. Erm not really :/ Its in really good nick + it has all the bolts and stuff, so £8 posted would be the lowest I could go really

  14. f**k wrong copy and paste!


    Yes the stem is 25.4

  15. I currently have a section of scooter handle acting as a headset spacer
  16. Thanks That'd probably explain why it wasn't going in...
  17. Iv taken my old BB out and in the process of putting a new (Well new to me) BB in. The book im following (Haynes Bike Book) says I should screw the drive side in first ANTI-clockwise, followed by the other side. However it doesnt seem to want to go in... Any suggestions? And am I right in thinking this is the right way to put it together once in the bike? (With the chain representing the drive side)
  18. Nope, not yet. I think the next step is for the police to get in contact with the other people he's scammed to build up more evidence, then he'll go to court and see what they say there. But at least its progress an' all that
  19. HELL f**kING YEAH!! The scummy b*****d has been arrested So getting my money back doesn't seem too impossible
  20. All is well! Mum went to the post office for me and low and behold it turned up! ... It was nice of them to tell me it had arrived -.-

    They look good :) Sorry for all the hassle 'n stuff

  21. Age: 16 Male When you cycle, do you: Wear a helmet -yes Wear cycling specific clothing -No Wear reflective accessories- No Wear gloves- Yes Use cycle lights- Yes Have reflectors fitted to your bike- No Have mudguards fitted to your bike- No Have cycle lights fitted- Yes (On 'proper' bike) Do you wear a bag/use panniers whilst cycling- bag When you cycle, do you feel cars notice you? -Yes, On the whole Yes? No? When you cycle, do you feel pedestrians notice you? - Yes Yes? No? What do you do to make yourself more visible to other road users during the day? - Take off invisibility cloak What do you do to make yourself more visible to other road users at night?- Lights How much would you be willing to spend on a product that would make you more visible on your bike? - <5 <£5 £5-£10 £10-£20 >£20 If you have children, would you buy a product like this for them? -yes Yes? No? Would you prefer the product to be: Integrated into what you wear? An accessory that you attach? <--- If the device requires batteries, what is your preferred way of powering a device? Replaceable batteries Charge via solar power<---- Charge via wind up <--- Charge via mains Charge via computer usb Any other comments?
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