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Everything posted by onza1

  1. Don't ask em just grins the rim when they bring it up say " it's always bin like that I wanted to put a fresh grind on and you said no so I left it" if that don't work decent pads will help
  2. The 1.2 is a pretty sweet ride one question though brad do you ride it without a chain tensioner how does it feel, everyone said I couldn't ride mine without a tensioner so it put me off converting ?
  3. It does take balls to ride brakeless but one thing riding natural trials brakeless doesn't go may I suggest more flory street shit nxt time Good riding though?
  4. May I suggest winstanleys cycles and mad 1.2 it's £250 but well worth it ou could go for the 1.3 for £200 but if I were you go for the 1.2 they really are good learner bikes Good luck fella
  5. Not to bad a price really, why do you have express shipping if it takes 5 weeks to come? Leon whos boobs are they on your pic?
  6. Just looking how much are they in £s ?
  7. Yh yh £299 for the bike but like I say single speed £40 new pads £50 thats were the money gets added on. Just a thought but if you ride Bmx already why not get a onza Zoot or inspired if your loaded
  8. Well go for it olman (only messin) depends on how much you gotta spend with te phases ou could do with a extra £100 for singlespeed and eventually new hub and brake pads If u got £350 go for the 1.2 if you got £400 go for the 1,1
  9. How much does a 24" frame usually cost on average from Marino?
  10. I ride a 1.2 only problem gears and front end a little low fr a starter bike ok are you sure u wanna start on a stock as I first rode a mod then became a big trials rider a year later
  11. Seen the brand x ones on chain reaction how do I find out if it'll fit the back
  12. Want it on the back I've seen a silver stainless one then a black carbon one what do u ride so I know if it'll fit mine ?
  13. Only got it Christmas time everything standard, thinking about single speed do you think it's better than geared. Pink rim very nice how much as that robbed you ? I will give you a validation vote tommorow when I'm on the computer as I cant do it on the iPod
  14. Yh mate running mags on me phase but just put some new pads levers cables on me onza. Spose if you got the money get sum heatsinks or someert expensive. Have u converted your phase to singlespeed As for a booster anyone used a brand x one thee about a fiver ?
  15. Well i ride the 1.2 they are nifty little bikes one thing stick with the Vees good pads grind and a booster with avid sd7 levers job done, Mags are pretty good but only on maggie mounts how new are you to trials and where do you live/ ride.
  16. If your goin mags and getting the evo 2 adaptor don't bother there useless as for pads any really to me they all do the job I run a smooth rim but the onza Ice pro pads seem pretty decent think they hold a grind also a decent set of levers will help and a booster What bike do you ride?
  17. Right the hub is the one that came I'll take a guess and say it's fixed (because there the cheeper ones) so I'd need a splined sprocket (would that fit and how) a tensioner the onza one maybe the 4 jerri one and spacers thats about£35 fitted is it worth in the long run also what sprocket should I get 18t or 20t what's the difference and what tensioner is better at keeping tucked out the way oh yeah I'd also need a new chain would get the onza kool one so it's £45 that's a fair bit shall I upgrade it or not ?
  18. I'll need a new chain aswell? Is it really worth the hassle also how do I run a freewheel on the cranks?
  19. I'm a bit confused the fella asking te question then answers his own question by saying stock I love mine why ask if you prefer stock ?
  20. Hi all I own a mad phase 1.2 and have asked before but wanna know a little more. What would I need to make it single speed I know a kit of sprockets but do people run freewheels on te back? As for a tensioner would the onza one on rock n roll bikes fit. What do you think off spoke tensioners all advice appreciated Thanks
  21. Spose he's not commuting a crime. Does anyone know if these are comfy
  22. Yh you shouldn't post for sale here, are they a big 8 ?
  23. Why not put a brake on the front
  24. Pretty good riding think he need to find somewhere else to ride it looks easy for him also were has he had them shorts from?
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