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Everything posted by Grant-MacD

  1. I think i can tell what this is going to turn into.
  2. Grant-MacD


    Thanks i think thats helped.
  3. Grant-MacD


    Does anyone know how to remove and put in a TPA? I have no idea how to do it and it would be really helpful is someone told me how. Many thanks Grant.
  4. http://www.rocknrollbikes.com/trials/brakes/hope-mono-trials-disc-brakes.html#Option=Rear Hope it helps.
  5. Thats why i don't want to risk it.
  6. what have you done to your bike now?

  7. Grant-MacD


    Would anyone in the Inverness area be willing to give me grind before the Fort William comp?
  8. I know he is not a pro but he was only trying to gap. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/207261_203069866390234_100000616650015_597322_2580951_n.jpg
  9. I'm not 100 percent sure but i think yellows are for grind and blues are for smooth rims. Correct me if i'm wrong.
  10. http://www.heatsinkbikes.com/?p=magura
  11. Grant-MacD

    3 Videos

    http://www.trashzen.com/ This will help you out.
  12. Is your price range £500 or is it just any bike under the 2010 pro?
  13. Thats nothing. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/05/12/article-1180737-04E3DFA9000005DC-54_468x363.jpg But if i was to have any car it defiantly be this. http://www.fourtitude.com/gallery/generated//Motorsport/Rally-Hill%20Climb/Pikes%20Peak%20S1/004__scaled_600.jpg
  14. Do you have to be part of the Scottish trial club to enter?
  15. you should have taken the 0:20 clip from the side so we could have seen how high the side hop was. Keep up the good work tony.
  16. Rite enough about how bad the video is or how gay previews are. What about the riding?
  17. kieran it was you who filmed it
  18. Okay yes i should be shot for the ending but i wasn't that bad for the rest of the video. Was i? :$
  19. Yeah it would have been better if you had put it in the todays riding topic.
  20. Thanks for the help ill try it out tomorrow.If kieran will give me a go on his bike.
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