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Everything posted by Echo-SL

  1. Basically, I got a new ring of bearings as I lost my others.. But they were the same make as my bearings (just some onza ones) and when I clamp it down I have the stem loose then tighten it up after. I think it might be the steerer/top cap. It's a thick cap and my steerer is probably a few mm high. Gonna shave a bit off tomorrow. Changed my top cap to a thinner one and it was better, so just gonna give it ago in some daylight. Oh, do I need to buy special crank bolts for specific cranks and BB? I have an FSA ISIS BB and some Tryall cranks, need to get some bolts. Will any ISIS bolts do? Cheers
  2. Got some bone shake on my bike, I have the right headset for crown race and it's all clamped down nice and tight. Not sure where it's coming from? Anything would help! Cheers
  3. Do nothing over winter come some nice weather you will be dying to ride and it will be awesome!
  4. I love BF2! Have it on the pc, get some really nice mods that takes the graphics up to modern game standards. Would like to try the new BF3 but pc cannot run it.
  5. Some argyles are always a good. Maybe some pargyles, like half pike half argyle, or Reba and argyle. You can buy new Society forks for around £100-200. But they are not the best!
  6. Pretty awesome riding, fastest downhill video I have seen! Silvia at Sun Peaks Bike Park - Matt Miles
  7. Are you looking for a full build or frame and then you could build it up?
  8. Needs a new maggy blade.

  9. Echo-SL


    Hot Rod! Funny but retarded! Hang Over II2 was good!
  10. I think it's because it's so simple, it's okay for something to do on a rainy day but I get bored easily.
  11. Congratz! That is very nice
  12. I love garrysmod! Have a look on youtube it's endless fun
  13. That looks awesome! I nice rear disc like that would be sweet :}
  14. I have a normal cutting disc, the grinding disc just picked up all the aluminum and wasn't a strong grind.
  15. Yeah tarty bikes are great!
  16. Echo-SL


    Yeeah them getting caught is a big fail :L Aye basically they go into websites and companys and steel their databases and information etc and then post it on the interent. I must admit, that Ryan kid stayed in his house since christmas! and threatened to slit his rists if his mum turned of the interent That boy needs to get a trials bike!!!! I have not seen struxnet, will give it a look!
  17. Echo-SL


    Yeah I know but hacking sont must have been something! Gotta been alot people after them!
  18. Echo-SL


    Hey guys, So y'know this kid called Ryan Cleary in Essex who got arrested for hacking and such? Anyhow he was part of a group called Lulzsec, now. I did some research on them, and found out what they have done and what they can do and I was simply mind blown from the things they have done... These guys are serious, incredibly smart. Here is their website: Lulzsec Security. Go ahead and read a bit about them see what they say and stuff, also have a good look on the 'releases' page. Thats where the gold is. I would just like to show you all what I group of men who know their stuff can do. (Sorry if my information is wrong, I'm not trying to be smart, just showing the real stuff) Anyhow if what I said is wrong sorry, but yeah.
  19. Gotta say, I can't get enough counter strike or gmod!
  20. I wish, my dream car. Simply for the brute power of this beast.
  21. I love this game! I got in the valve pack ages ago, and now it's free
  22. Thanks man! I know it's hard getting work, but one day I will own one!
  23. Hello people, As you see I am new to this forum, heard alot of people talk about this forum so I thought I would give it a go! Bit about me: 16 (17 soon ) Love riding, any type but mostly DJ! I have ride Giant STP, and I want an Echo so bad! but don't have the money. Computers and editing is what I do when it's raining, an I am in school Anyhow, Sol.
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