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Everything posted by clerictgm

  1. I'm ok, even did not get a scratch. The way i broke it was even funny.
  2. Arrr not this shit again! It's not my fault! I ride very carefuly. And still can't hook-up's and up to front. Waiting for ECHO response,hope I will get new for free. I was doing a small pedal-up (60cm) and when landed: Tink! and my bike divided in three parts.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvGU-EFpkhI
  4. I like my teeth, and also like brakeless. And nothing happens...
  5. Broke my chainlock today and need some new, because it would be a lot of brainf**k without lock on my bike. Maybe this http://www.uventasport.ru/product/27952/Zamok_dlja_cepi_KMS_7-8_sk_para# ?
  6. >it's full of crap The "crap" is not from the outside of freewheel - it's grinded parts of itself . And how can too much grease kill freewheel?
  7. Cleaned it out and.. well.. It COMPLETELY destroyed.
  8. It was 96 version. >I'll buy some of those pawls It would be difficult to sell it from Russia >that badboy needs a service Well, our CrazyBike shop gives some warranty on parts, so I will get brand new Echo TR freewheel for free. >disposable I don't think so, some old ENO Trials freewheels serves 5+ years and didn't skip. This is all about quailty control.
  9. I don't know WTF is this, horrible quality or what? How Flipp's one still alive? This serves me only for 6 weeks. I ride brakeless, but 6 weeks isn't normal anyway!
  10. Looks interesting, go on. It called riser.
  11. You can ride brakeless trials on everything, on 26, 24, mod is a good choice I think, because it's handy. You can ride brakeless trials even on street-trials bike. The inspiration for going brakeless, I get from Flipp's and Carl Hopps videos. Also very like Ali C on 26 inspired and Mark W and Stan (summer 2010 vid). First time without brakes were feeleing really unusual and interesting, but after 2 rides ( I tried to do rear wheel hops straight on flat, without trying on slope first, and it was REALLY FRUSTRATING and I thought brakeless is not for me) without brakes I set my brakes back and feels happy.. only for 15 minutes, and be bored untill end of that ride, next ride I took my brakes off again, and now I don't need them anymore. Someone said that you first must get good with brakes and then ride brakeless - no, you shouldn't. When I went brakeless I was able to do only pedal kick and pedal-up. Well, if you like it - do it, but just remember - it's not easy.
  12. I'm trying to find out a reason: is it just shitty fork or there are my fault? friend told me that brakeless front pivots like that is a reason why this fork broken.
  13. WTFTFTF? I'm riding trials only for a 8 months! I even not able to do a hook-up!
  14. My are: 1)hydraulic rim brakes 2)freewheels
  15. I don't care aboit noise only reliability.
  16. How to unscrew? clockwise or counterclockwise?
  17. - "Are you human?" - "No, I'm a freestyler."
  18. Can someone tell about difference? im my city there are only 7 riders and no one with street-trials bike, so I can't try it.
  19. Well, after reading this thread I can confidently say that people are the same here in Russia. But I was thinking people in UK are more friendly and there are less stupid dicks.
  20. Thanks) I live in Russia, Perm'. Some not very big(1 million people) industrial city. The only thing I hate in this place - weather. Short summer and long cold winter, sometimes i ride in -20°С, but it's hard to call normal riding, spots are very snowy and this is not so fun as at summer.
  21. Yeah, i definitely find it. Brakeless. And I feel sooo happy. This is it, exactly what I wanted. Don't sure pure brakeless trials or brakeless street-trials, but 100% brakeless(can someone tell about difference? im my city there are only 7 riders and no one with street-trials bike). Started with classic trials but find it too "static" and.. just not enjoyable for me. It took about half a year to get.
  22. clerictgm

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