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JJ Leigh

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Status Replies posted by JJ Leigh

  1. What beginner trials bike would people recommend?

  2. Bartley skatepark (in totton but called Bartley) anyone local or rides there? i need more trials friends! x

  3. where is the best place to get tar? (rim hs33)

  4. where is the best place to get tar? (rim hs33)

  5. If I I had a back brake, I might have actually gone to London tommorow

  6. I can't be the only person who thinks Football is utter shite can I?

  7. I can't be the only person who thinks Football is utter shite can I?

  8. Trialtech sports on a grind are the sickest f**king pads ever

  9. Trialtech sports on a grind are the sickest f**king pads ever

  10. Whoops, just won a 4pot XT disc brake on eBay for £13.49. Didn't even want it!

  11. Whoops, just won a 4pot XT disc brake on eBay for £13.49. Didn't even want it!

  12. PIE. I Like Pie, especially Pie Flavour :)

  13. There's a ghost on the forum!

  14. Looking to buy my 1st mod :)

  15. Looking to buy my 1st mod :)

  16. Looking to buy my 1st mod :)

  17. I want an ozonys curve frame :( too expensive

  18. 2014 maggie lever snapped :(

  19. 2014 maggie lever snapped :(

  20. 2014 maggie lever snapped :(

  21. 2014 maggie lever snapped :(

  22. It really annoys me now there's radfest and tartydays. I wish there was just one that everyone went to.

  23. 2014 maggie lever snapped :(

  24. It really annoys me now there's radfest and tartydays. I wish there was just one that everyone went to.

  25. It really annoys me now there's radfest and tartydays. I wish there was just one that everyone went to.

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