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Everything posted by andyroo

  1. You mean a helicopter Until the aircraft leaves the ground, the wheels are everything to do it. They may not drvie the plane, but without them the plane would go nowhere. Lets make things simpler and look at the conveyor belt if it only had one speed. The plane has no thrust, it will move backwards along in the direction of the conveyor belt. It increase thrust, and matches the speed of the conveyor belt. (i.e, if the conveyor belt and stationary runway were side by side, and the aircraft moved in the same direction as the conveyor belt on the stationary runway at the same speed so the anything on the belt would stay next to the plane) to a bystander on stationary ground, the aircraft will appear stationary. If the aircraft increase thrust some more and the conveyor stays the same, it will move forward. HOWEVER, this conveyor belt increase speed in the oppposite direction as the plane increse thrust, so the aircraft will remain stationary.
  2. Conveyor belt matches speed of the aircraft... aircraft increases thrust, speed relative to stationary point increases, conveyor belt monitors speed, and increases to the same in the opposite direction, the aircraft will not move. Stop saying friction, I dont know why you keep saying it cos its got nothing to do with anything
  3. Who said the conveyor belt monitors the speed of the wheels? It says it just matches the potential speed the aircraft would be travlling if it were on stationary ground.... C'mon this is basic mechanics!!!!
  4. ANOTHER EXAMPLE>>>>>>>> A rolling road - we all what that is right - you will never, no matter how fast you drive, be able to drive off it as long as it can free roll in the opposite direction to the cars wheels. Same principle here.
  5. Your telling me if you walked up a down escalator at the same speed it moves down at, you will reach the top? Or will you have to increase your speed? (and in this example, the escalator would match your speed in the opposite direction, and you would still go nowhere)
  6. NO NO NO NO NO!!! A plane has no drive through the wheels, all they do is stop the aircraft scraping along the ground. The engine pulls air towards the aircraft and forces it backwards (if we are talking about jet engines), which pushes the aircraft forwards. This conveyor belt is said to move at the speed the aircraft would be moving if it were oin a normal runway, so in effect its x amount of force + minus (cos its the opposite direction) x amount of force = nothing, tha aircraft is stationary. No air moves over the wings, and so lift cannot be achieved. If you walk up a down escalator at the same speed it moves down, you will remain stationary... think of it like that.
  7. For lift to be acheived air needs to be moving over the wings. The plane increses thrust, but the conveyor belt will also increase speed in the opposite direction. The plane will remain stationary and no air will move over the wings. Meaning it wont take off, or for tht matter, go anywhere.
  8. This doesnt make sense... the Bow has been four years in the making, designed when the original levelboss was considered to be the longest, lowest, silverest frame, before Zoo! brought out the stupidly low Pitbull that would never catch on (as was opinion then), with a design way ahead of its time that could rival the long and low of frames in 05/06, and then it just gets released as a cheap frame for the sister company, the Skoda to your Audi if you will. Doesnt that strike you as odd?
  9. Isnt the Lite made from cheaper material than the Team? Not U6 alu in other words...
  10. Chrisitianity is faith, just like every other religion. It doesn't work on proof, or non-proof, that would defeat the object of faith. In the same way you had faith that your parents would get you the Chistmas present you really wanted, religious people have the same faith in their god/s. Take it or leave it, God isn't going to be something that can be explained or proven on an internet forum. What CAN be argued about is the motives and beliefs of the humans who partake in the religions.
  11. Make sure you inspect the pedals for police-boot rubber...
  12. First bike ive ever commented on. Absolutely gorgeous.
  13. Once again, I am NOT saying this guy knows about the political side of the issue or anything like that, I am saying he knows what its like to wake up in the morning worrying that where you live may get attacked at any point. And it was from his heart not cut and pasted together in a documentary. I really don't think your understanding what I'm saying, so I'll use the WW2 example again. Someone who lived in Britain during WW2 probably can't tell me the political side of the war, whether Britain's actions were fair or wrong, but they can tell me what its like to know the fear of news reports saying that the enemy front line is getting closer and closer, and that enemy aircraft are coming to deliver death and destruction. Its the same with this bloke. He doesnt have anything to do with or want to do with and political wars. He just wants to live his life but all this is something he has to live with. And remember, documentaries and books are all still someones biased opinions, except the info is all second hand rather than first. Michael Moore's documentaries werent exactly 100% now were they? And one more thing for you... when I was in Israel, you see the Palestinians all over the place. The have green number plates so people know who they are, and they just wander the country from one area theyve taken to another. As if nothing has happened. And there isnt just a few, most of the cars on the highways are ones with palestinians in them.
  14. What are you on? The guy I spoke to isn't just some random guy with an opinion, he lives in israel, he is affected by it, he hasn't done anything to deserve whats happening, I think he is entitled to an opinion on how it affects normal people who want to live normal lives amidst all this political conflict! Are you saying some guy who writes a documentary on it all knows what its like to actually live there!? You could do all the research you want into WW2 and still never know what it would be like to fight in it. Im not saying the people of Israel are blameles, they are complete arses to the Egyptians, my whole point was that how selective European Muslims are about which Muslims they associate themselves with. If your a Christian, Muslim, whatever, you ever take the crap about the whole religion or not at all. Its then up to you to choose to react in a mature and adult manner about it, rather than doing what the European Muslims are doing now.
  15. Yes it is true. If you read a few posts up I said I was in Israel a few weeks ago, and the Jews are very unhappy about what the Palestines are doing to them. They are very angry and also very scared about what they might do to them. The Palestines take over areas of land and force the Jews to provide all the services for them, and to provide safe passage across areas they havent taken over yet. This isn't my opinion, this is fact from a Jew that lives in Jerusalem.
  16. Sorry, but last time I checked, the west wasnt in a political war with anyone in Europe? The people protesting are not in Iraq, they don't live there, they aren't being affected by that matter.... Being a Christian, I don't get hot under the collar and start stomping around if Christians are being mistreated in other countries, I don't think its fair that they do, but I don't take it to the extremes. By your argument that all Muslims should feel for the cause of people theve never met in a country theve probably never even been to, then surely all Muslims asscosciate themselves with every other Muslim, extremeist or not. Do you feel bad when other athiests around the globe get killed? Like in 9/11? Were you really all that bothered? So why should European Muslims be all that bothered about others elsewhere. It all seems like an excuse to be violent and get attention. It isnt just extremists, its a whole lot more. For a religion that is relatively new (400 years old compared to Judaism which is nearly 4000 years old) they seem to be kicking up a lot of fuss. They havent gone through a tenth as much suffering as the Jewish faith has over its course in time. And lastly, I thought that religions teach to love your enemy, surely a hateful response is just one of cowardice?
  17. I went to Egypt for a couple of weeks, and I spent two days in Israel. One of the stops along the way was Jerusalem, and I went to have a look at the wailing wall and all that jazz. The wailing wall is the last remaining wall of the original temple in Jerusalem, and is the holiest place in the entire world for the Jews. There is so much religious history connected with the area the temple was built on that noone was ever allowed to go into the centre of it, it was and still is serious stuff for the Jews, nothing more holy in the entire world. Now, for a religion that has a hissy fit over a drawing, surely building a mosque in the middle of said temple would come across as a tad hypocritical? I have seen so many cartoons in newspapers mocking Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, (and let it be known that some sects of Christianity share the Muslims view that no representation of God or Jesus must be made), but all have been taken light heartedly, with no issues whatsoever. SO all this protesting doesnt seem like a group of people defending a religion, it seems like an excuse for a mob to threaten and scare people who had nothing to do with the drawing in the first place! Whats wrong with a letter of complaint to the newspaper company? Or even a lawsuit!? P.S. All those people in the thread who said religion and Christianity are stupid, I'll be round later to behead you and take over your house, if thats alright with you
  18. andyroo


    From the album: selling stuff

  19. andyroo

    cd player

    From the album: selling stuff

  20. http://www.milliondollarcouple.com/ Very original...
  21. I'm loving the new BMW M5 at the moment...I love the subtlety of it... and that I might actually one day be able to own one
  22. So when your following traffic in a 2litre turbo and the traffic is moving at 32mph, down a hill that changes gradient slightly every metre or so, you can keep at 29-30mph without looking at the speedo? Its all very well and good going at 25mph an hour just to be safe, but then you risk endangering cars behind you, that may be carrying mum, dad, child and baby... hmm; decisions, decisions... Another factor is that car companies are allowed a 10% discrepency on the indicated speed, i.e 30 mph on the clock is actually 27mph... Merry Christmas!
  23. Thats all very well, but im not talkaing about this difference between 30 and 40... I'm talking about the fact that kids run out in front of your car, so you need to be on full alert, but when you are concentrating on stoping your speed nudging slightly over 30 through a camera, your eyes are not on the road, and one of these stupid kids who runs out into the road is more likely to get hit. Therefore, speed cameras are a big risk to pedestrians, seeing as 90% of all accidents with peds are caused by them walking out in front of your car with a few metres to spare, and if one of those few seconds to save the persons life is spent checking to see if your speed hasnt crept over 30 because of a speed camera, then the accident was caused by the presence of the camera. Get my point? Speed cameras should be ripped up and replaced with the timers that work out your average speed through a section of road
  24. I suppose you drive everywhere at 25mph do you? We dont all drive little 1 litre heaps, and when youve got school children lining the roads on either side, with any one of them just waiting for the opportunity to run out in front of your car, and you want to get to work, you want to be doing the speed limit. In fact, Mr. Supersafedriver, my driving instructor told me that slowing down to 25mph for speed cameras is more dangerous than doing 31 because people will misjudge your speed. And once again, obvioulsy being hit at 30 mph rather than 40 will do less damage, if the hit is exactly the same... you can kill someone at thirty, and someone can get off and walk at 50, so dont just quote me what youve heard off of adverts that dress things up to sound more scary. Im not saying that speeding is a good thing, what I am saying is that speed cameras are more of a distraction than a help on some roads where they really arent needed, and that pedestrians need to use the pedestrian croosings rather than just blindly stepping out in front of cars. Being distracted to make sure you arent going 31mph where there are lots of stupid school kids just doesnt make sense. And theres no need to be a complete cock about it either, stop trying to do the internet attitude thing, it just makes you come across as insecure.
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