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Everything posted by HargrovesToby

  1. HargrovesToby

    new bike

    kot 2
  2. hey people, yeh i am still here, just!! i think having the stitches out hurt 10x more than having them put in!! god damn staff. and i didnt see the nice south african nurse either but im seing her in march so no worries there!! healing alreet at the moment reall,y lots of pain in my eye which is because of the tear duct but il be ok they say. my bikes still mint though lol, damn grass is to forgiving, still trying to shift it as im going to be out for a bit now due to hospital and my knees!! toby
  3. well here we are a week on, had the stitches taken out today and boy oh boy did it hurt, started to bleed again too. heres a small pic, just top make u cringe, and i know i lok like a twat in it, also im not crying, its where my tearduct burst all over the place!! enjoy!! toby
  4. HargrovesToby

    face plant

    my facial injury
  5. HargrovesToby


    From the album: face plant

  6. hey guys, thanks for the support. i go back on firday morning to see an eye consultant as i made a hole through my tearduct so they want to have a look at the damage and see what they are going to do next, hopefuly all will be well. today i feel a little better, face hurts like a mother though. i think il just have to start wearing those cool shades as that guy said, or just the traditional paper bag job lol haha. once again many thanks, toby
  7. Hey people, whilst riding my bike yesterday, i had a little tumble, pictures to follow but i would share a thought with you. Was just balancing on the back wheel, as you do, then a gust of wiund threw the bike upwards with the reservoir of my hope mono trial front brake hitting me in the eye, then piercing a hole through my eyelid, around the lower of my eye and out through my tear duct. 1 shaking toby a hell of alot of blood and an ambulance later, i was going into shock as it fooking hurt. you could see my eyeball through the hole, its 56mm lowere than my eyelid on my right eye. after going to hospital, and seing a really hos south african racial consultant, i had 9 stitches in my eyelid, 2 on my eye, 1 on my tearduct inside my eyelid and a lot of injections into my eye. now my whole right side of my face is like a balloon! one of those things you really wish you hadn't done on new years eve! Il have pictures on here soon as my mate thought he'd take a few to stop him passing out (he hates blood!) i totally sympathise with anybody who has had any facial injuries from trials as i think its possibly enough to put me off for a fair while, so if anybody wants a bike, ask me! toby
  8. heya mate i live just up the road from you, in chichester kind of way and we wrote to our local youth representative a while back about getting a park for us to use somewhere here. of course, the youth representative though it was actualy a good idea but nothing has come of it....predictable! if you do however get permission, do let us all know!! toby
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