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Everything posted by george_seamons

  1. Says he who gets everybody else to do his work
  2. Surely it will fit in the spastic wagon?
  3. With speaker wire from a shop.
  4. Hmmm...weird. AGU's are pretty stupid (as you know). I doubt its software related, because it dumps after the MAF, so the ECU doesn't know about it until the air gets to the lambda. Do you have a PCV system or anything on there? How do you know you have no vac leaks? How have you tested it?
  5. Sure its fitted right? Even badly mapped, it shouldn't stall when it recirculates unless its not fitted right, or has a vacuum leak?
  6. The f**k are the spiney bits on the tip?!
  7. What power are you running/are you intending to run?
  8. Jardo has always been a knob
  9. I spent years hating Apple, and everything they stood for. However, since having an iPhone 5s for work, and buying myself an iPad, they really are better than everything else. I had an HTC One which I upgraded at the weekend. I looked at a Sony Z3, but it seemed like it was trying too hard to be an iPhone 6, so just went with that. I'll hit you up on Facebook, I may have a proposal for you
  10. P is the revised version. Exactly the same, but made by Mayair instead of Bosch. I have one on my 350bhp 1.8t, and not had any issues
  11. Anyway, I had BBS LMs...f**k you, I was scene!
  12. Must...resist...urge...to...say..."Told you so" Nope, no good
  13. Plus it came from a bad-ass-as-f**k car
  14. I woke up very confused. I'd spent the day with Lauren's extended family, so had been surrounded with 5 kids under the age of 7. We'd also briefly spoken about babies. I had also tried to get my leg over as we went to bed, but got turned down. My mind is a mysterious beast, but I guess the above (kinda!) explains it!
  15. Last night I dreamt I had sex with a 16 year old I met at a party, didn't know her name. She had a baby, and I was forced to be a single parent father. What. The. f**k.
  16. Indeed. It's easy to modify, but it's not a direct fit by any means.
  17. Could do far worse, that's for sure
  18. I wouldn't buy them new, there's plenty of better tyres out there (and NS2R's are cheaper). However, if they were on a set of wheels, I wouldn't be pulling them off to change them.
  19. Relentless isn't a direct fit for an LCR (trust me on that...I had to modify it!). To be honest, the 3" Cobra turbo-back is hard to beat at £650. Shame you weren't ready for it a few weeks ago
  20. Those wheels are so f**king hideous. Other than that, it looks cool. I'd love a 1.8t mk2 golf!
  21. http://www.badger5.biz actually
  22. I wouldn't say Prada's are shit. I had some on my Audi, and rated them fairly well. They are disasterous in the wet, but if the road is dry, they feel good for a road hoon. They are quite soft, so grip well. They go off very quickly on track though.
  23. Bill's a fanny. Very good at fabrication work, but he is a miserable b*****d, and his customer service is appaulling. He also puts SUCH a markup on things its ridiculous.
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