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Everything posted by delusional

  1. I live in St. Agnes, which is only about 12 miles south of Newquay. There's loads of good places to ride along the St.Agnes -> Perranporth bit of coast. I'd probably be up for going for a ride at some point, although I don't have transport (other than my bike), so couldn't go much further north than Perranporth. Drop me a line if you decide to bring your bike and I'll show you some of the local spots :)
  2. Look it up on a map :op What's confusing is that Edgware road (the road, not the station) runs from central london all the way out to Edgware town (which is so far out it doesn't have a London postcode), yet the Edgware Road station is right down near the bottom of Edgware Road (near the centre, not Edgware town). I didn't mean to say that there isn't a Jewish population in Edgware, but it's definitely not an area particularly known for it's Jewish population.
  3. Let's not get into a debate about that right now. My point isn't just about ID cards, but all the topical legislation the government have been trying to put through on the pretense of protecting us from terror. I think it's quite valid to assume that such legislation will be stepped up and pushed through with greater ease now.
  4. It's not confirmed as such. There's been a website found where a group claiming to be an Al-Qaeda associate have claimed responsibility. Apparantly the site is usually trustworthy, but then again there's a good chance that every extreme group under the sun will be claiming responsibility. The truth is that at this stage we can only speculate very vaguely about who is responsible. Again not definitely true. People are just speculating, it's just as likely that the bomb on the bus was a package left there and not a suicide bomber. It wasn't in Edgware, it was Edgware Road Station, which is right at the opposite end of Edgware Road from Edgware. Basically it's nowhere near Edgware. Edgware doesn't have a particularly high Jewish population anyway, that's more conentrated around Golders Green. Really, everything we know about this at the moment is just speculation. We don't even have a clear idea of how many people are killed/injured (although you can guarantee it'll be more than 2 deaths). Give it a few days before we can cite anything as 'fact' about the whole situation. I'm really worried about the way this can now be used by the government to push through all their "civil liberty infringing" stuff they've been after (id cards, etc).
  5. What do you want to learn? There are many different languages you can learn on a Linux machine. The most basic is probably bash scripting (which you've probably done a little of already). Other than that you could learn another scripting language like perl (if you're utterly mad), python, etc; Or you could learn a compiled language like C (or C++; or C#), python, etc; Or you could be like 95% of the other people who learn to code these days and go straight into web based programming. In which case PHP is really the only sensible option (although PHP can also be compiled or run locally as a scripting language, so it's pretty good for most things). If you're really undecided PHP is probably a good place to start. It's easy to learn to write a basic script in, but allows you to do all sorts of amazingly complicated stuff when you get a bit better. Just google for "PHP tutorial" to get you started, and when you start getting the hang of things a little more go and buy Advanced PHP Programming which is just about the best PHP book I've ever seen. Although it's a little above beginner level. All you need to code any of the things above is a text editor (vim will do nicely) and in the case of the compiled languages a compiler, or in the case of the web based stuff a server. Easy. Chess is great. I used to play a lot, but haven't played properly for years now. At one point I was actually doing fairly well in the county championships - but that was when I was about 12 or something silly. I've been meaning to buy a nice new chess computer for ages actually - the rare times I get someone to play against these days I always seem to beat them really easily - which isn't to say I'm still an amazing player, I just always end up playing against people who are far less than amazing.
  6. My cat always dribbles when she's happy. As soon as she starts purring you can guarantee you'll have a wet patch wherever she's sat. It's kind of wrong when curling up in bed with the cat leaves a wet patch! Mind you, if your (todge that is) cat is losing it's hair as well I'd probably take it to the vet to get checked out!
  7. I'll be there. edit forget it, just found the directions (right in front of my face as well).
  8. Sounds like real trialsy stuff to me!
  9. Yeah, sorry it's hard to explain. I've tried the adaptor both ways up, to no avail. If you look at this image of a BB7 you can see the raised sections around the threads where the capliper mounts to the fork - my forks look like they're shaped to only take a bracket of a similar-ish shape. By contrast my mounting bracket looks like this: (it looks the same on the other side) Very square, so the shaped bits of the fork get in it's way, and I can't get both threads lined up with both holes in the fork at the same time. On top of that, it looks like even if I could get them both lined up the caliper would be too high to make decent contact with the rotor!
  10. I'm having some problems mounting my disc brake on my new forks. I've never used a disc brake on any kind of push bike before, so I'm not entirely sure if I'm missing something. Basically I can't get the c shaped bar on my BB5 to line up with both the mounting holes on my Brisa forks. The section of the bar that the threads are in is dead straight, so that it should sit parallel to the fork leg. However, the mounts on the forks seem to be shaped to take a c shaped bracket on which the threaded parts bulge slightly from the rest of the bracket (in both directions - they are slightly recessed towards the bolt head and away from the caliper). So... is it advisable to file the bracket down to fit? Or, can I get hold of another bracket somewhere that will fit on these forks? What's the best (and cheapest and quickest) solution to this?
  11. Playing The Suffering alone in the dark. That's some seriously scare stuff.
  12. An evil layer of what? Or just a layer of pure, distilled evil? Although, covering the world in a layer of evil may inhibit your plan to take over the world, as everyone else could suddenly have the same idea! :op
  13. delusional


    Indeed. Leah Betts is a good example of what happens when you drink too much water. Recently I've had a lot of energy issues, although I think that's largely due to being a lazy stoner more than anything else. Also, the heat at the moment really doesn't help. I find that I'm exhausted within minutes of getting on my bike in this weather.
  14. delusional

    random pics

    see title
  15. edit Managed to get the video now. Cheers. Very, very smooth and flowy. I like. I can see why people are confused about the length of your bike - it no way looks like an 1100! I guess you're just massive :)
  16. Umm, while I don't in any way wish to demean Jonny's riding, Mr Leech is a million miles away from him (and pretty much anyone else). Thanks for the heads up on this one... I'll definitely try and make the effort to get along and see Ryan ride if I I'm able to.
  17. Easy solution: don't do it. It'll look a lot better if the whole page scrolls, not just the content. It should also make it a lot easier to be sure the page will scale well to different resolutions if it's not seperated into different frames/scrolling areas. However, if you absolutely have to do it there are several possible solutions. The first, and least elegant, is to simply use frames. Either a single iframe to contain the content or a frameset to lay out the whole page. This is pretty easy to do, but you shouldn't do it, because frames are bad and wrong, mmmkay. If I remember correctly it should be possible to use div tags in a similar way to a frameset, setting fixed (or relative - i.e. fixed height/width with percent variables instead of a fixed number) size divs and allowing only the content pane to scroll. I'm not sure of the syntax for this, but I'm pretty sure it's achievable with div tags (and by extension, is achievable via CSS). This should give you a page that looks similar to what you would have achieved using a frameset, but it could be quite tricky to get working correctly (if it is, in fact, achievable). Another option is to use float and background tags. With this option you can set a div to 'float' in one part of the screen, then when you scroll the page down said div will remain in the specified position in relation to the browser window. I seem to remember this being a bit of a pain to make work in all browsers, it also can look a little jumpy when scrolling, which is ok for a menu but a bit shit for headers and footers. Although, if your header and footer don't have any interactive elements (i.e. they're just images) you may be able to set them as fixed background images (meaning they don't scroll) and then arrange the content in a relative positioned div over the top. This should give you a normal, full length, scroll bar, but only scroll the content. It'll probably be a pig to fine tune it across all browsers though. Really, unless there's some really compelling reason to use a seperate scrolling area, I'd just make it all fixed. It'll be easier to code, easier to use and look a lot less like it was made in the mid 90's :)
  18. Really sorry to hear about this :o/ I hope something comes through to keep the shack going. It'll be weird if it disappears, TS has been around since I joined the forum and seems quite an integral part of the place. It's all really appreciated Si - do let me know if there's anything I can contribute to help. I think the problem with that maybe where they say: If we cannot host your Website due to high bandwidth we will refund the entire hosting fee. Considering the crazy amount of bandwidth that TS eats through, I think it wouldn't be long before the hosting costs would be refunded :) It seems like a very good deal though, depending on what sort of limit they would normally start to consider more than they could handle.
  19. According to Ashton the mech hangers they use are fairly standard, and compatible with several other available hangers. Unfortunately I forgot to ask them which other frames use a hanger that will fit an Ashton and my LBS are having problems finding one to fit just by eye. Ashton aren't getting any new hangers in for several weeks and aren't answering the phone today (I guess they're closed on Saturdays). So, does anyone know which other frames use the same mech-hanger/dropout as Ashtons?
  20. Unless you automagically seed it as well :op I've been meaning to code a 'proof of concept' thing to see if I can make this work for a while now (well, since we last talked about it)... I ought to be keeping up with my PHP anyway, so I might see if I can write some tools to make it all work soon. Only problem is that I can't fit my nice monitor on my desk here, so I'm using one of my parents spare TFT's that only does 1024x768 - I'm not sure I can code in this resolution :o/ edit In answer to the original post... another issue with using bittorrent, without having a fairly good server that stores+seeds them ad-infinitum, is that videos are only available for a short time. As soon as interest for a video wanes, it'll no longer be available for late comers. Wether or not this is a major issue is debatable, but it's certainly far from ideal.
  21. Haha, an old friend of mine (also called Dan strangely enough) stretched his labret to something like 6mm. Mind you, that's not as bad as another Dan I know, who not only did his own P.A. but then stretched it to about 8mm himself ! I saw the ring that he wore in that (it wasn't in at the time) and it looked more like a bracelet than a piercing ring. Scary, scary stuff.
  22. Is there any sort of directory of the location of all these trials parks? Would be great to be able to travel around France visiting a load of them :)
  23. delusional


    Any real pizza without dead things on it. Definitely not any branded crap, which about as much resembles real pizza as Ginsters shite resembles real pasties.
  24. It's very easy to share an internet connection, you shouldn't need to spend anywhere near as much as that. What you need all depends on how your computer is currently connected to the interweb. If it's via a USB or internal modem, you will either need a hub (from £10) or an ethernet router (from about £35). The former will mean that you'll need to leave the computer connected to the modem on whenever you want to get interweb access from the other computer; the latter will allow you to connect with either computer no matter the status of the other. If your currently connected via an ethernet modem (using a network cable) then you may not need to buy anything (if the modem has another network port). If it only has the one port, you only need to buy a hub, which will plug into your modem and then offer several extra ports to plug other computers into. Easy. It makes no difference where the computers are, as long as you can run a cable to both from the modem. Or you could spend a little more and go wireless, then you don't even need to run a cable.
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