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Everything posted by delusional

  1. Yeah, it took me a minute to work out what was going wrong there :)
  2. I don't think McDonalds quite understood that little piece of youth vernacular... edit Damnit, image path has a swear-filtered word in it, my server's down and TF galleries convert gifs to jpg :o/ This strip illustrates the point quite well though. What I was trying to post above was the actual ad using said phrase.
  3. Good man! Over-complicated sites are just a pain in the neck really, nice and simple with a direct, intuitive route to the information is what you want. The Curtis site is pretty good for this really, although I'd probably be rid of the splash screen. A few of the pages I glanced at could do with proof reading/neatening up as well - some grammatical and typing errors and most of the frame pages I looked at seem to have a spurious line of whitespace near the bottom of the first picture; it's all fairly minor issues though.
  4. Indeed! I had to skip back and watch that bit several times to believe it. Mental stuff. That's all just.... brilliant. Something for everyone really :)
  5. She got 157 votes. Have a look here. Anyone else looking to follow the results in detail would do well to use the BBC's rather useful scoreboard.
  6. I'm curious as to how representative of the UK in general the political views of Trials Forum are... let us know how you did/would have voted yesterday and we can see how the totals compare overall to the national results. Hopefully I've got all the key parties (listings drawn from the BBCs league tables). If you select "other" please let us know who you did/would be voting for.
  7. delusional

    Site Help

    Do you mean to create thumbnails programmatically on the site, or do you want to create them locally and then upload them as thumbnails? If it's the former, take a look at ImageMagick via PHP. For the latter I think you can do batch jobs in programs like potato-shop quite easily... someone else will be able to fill you in on the details better than me though.
  8. Well I'm #4996, so I guess there's been some pretty heavy pruning going on over time. Shame I didn't wait for 4 more people and get #5000 :)
  9. Well aren't you really cool. I wish I was cool enough to scratch the hell out of peoples cars because they were a little confused about my sexuality! Hmm, sorry, just because your post happens to be the last one in this subject that has irritated me you've received my slightly irked response that others are far more worthy of. This seems to be another great oh-so-tolerant TF topic, with the ubiquitous subjects of revenge and racism. I started to reply to this earlier and ended up wanting to quote and reply to about 15 posts from here, but I just get the feeling I've gone over all this ground so many times before. You know, I thoroughly support everyones right to hold any opinion they see fit, but that doesn't stop your opinions making me sick. Oh yes, starting a sentence "I'm not racist, but..." in no way makes the following sentiment any less prejiduce. Come on people, I didn't think anyone was actually foolish enough to use those 4 words seriously anymore!
  10. Ok, several technical points in this. Firstly there is no requirement for a person to keep their server logs, in fact it would really be good practice for most people running servers that hold/deal with data that may be infringing copyright to just redirect their logs to /dev/null (i.e. never even save them to disk). There are some restrictions on ISP's keeping their transit logs I think, but I'm not too up on them and they'll generally only be requested/given when an individual is already under investigation. Just running a firewall (like smoothwall) won't in anyway help you get around this kind of thing unless it's located offsite and routing the data back to you in some encrypted/unreckognisable form, then the owner of the connection where it's located will get done instead! Home taping of TV programs isn't really illegal, this is how things like Tivo and Sky+ can be sold to us :) Oh yes, deleting your data wouldn't do any good, if they've been investigating you they probably have all your ISP logs showing you downloading the data, so the only way you could get out of that is if you could prove your machine had been hacked and the downloading had been done by a third party. Even then you may be responsible for not taking proper care of your machine to ensure such things didn't happen... The only way to do truly anonymous p2p is Freenet. With that it's absolutely impossible to prove what you have been using your 'net connection for.
  11. Definitely. Even better, I was just having a poke around on the Cleanbikes news page and came across a bit about Trialsworld, we will apparantly be already getting more biketrials features in future! So no need to write to your MP just yet :) Heh, I already did that once while looking for their site :) BTW, now you mention your Trialsworld site, I've tried to download the FIM Motorbike Trials videos from there a few times, but I never seem to get the full video. Do you know wether anyone else has been having any issues with this? I'm using Firefox on Linux to try and get them.
  12. I had an absolutely brilliant day. I rode absolutely abominably, and I think 3'ed the majority of my sections (with 1 clean all day... riding whites...) but it was excellent fun. Next time I intend to get more than 3 hours sleep the night before so I might not make quite so many stupid mistakes :) My only problem with the day is that I'm going to have to wait nearly 2 months until the next one!
  13. This month (actually late last month, but n/m) there was a new magazine released on the Trials world called, rather aptly, Trialsworld. This is a monthly glossy, sistered with T+MX News. I picked up a copy from my local newsagents last week and it's really very, very good. It's at heart a motorbike trials mag, but seems to have taken a really good broad view of trials in general, with articles on everything from sidecar trials, to pre-65 and even an article on Biketrials (listed under "regulars" in the menu, so it seems this isn't just a first issue thing). So, this is basically a reccomendation for a very promising looking magazine. Having such a broad spectrum of articles means nearly every thing in it is worth reading, which fills me with glee really. Perhaps if enough biketrials riders starting buying it, and letting the publishers know they're buying it, it'll develop more into a magazine that covers the whole trials world and not just a motorbike trials mag with a monthly bike trials article, then we could all join hands and dance around in unified glee. Or maybe not. Website is here: http://www.trialsworld.co.uk Get it at your local newsagents.
  14. I should be there, on a T-Pro with purple stuff tied around the down tube. I think I'll be riding whites as I'm a bit crap still :)
  15. In this situation, assuming that you have some intentions of doing something with web-design/coding in the future, I would do this website for free to get the experience. Or maybe ask for a token amount, like £10 or £20.
  16. Bittorrent isn't a centralised network in the same way that things like winmx, kazaa, etc tend to be. As such, there's nowhere for all the torrents to work together. Rather, bittorrent is a simple little piece of software that any person can run on their server. When you want to publish a file via a bittorrent server you create a .torrent file that contains information about the file you want to publish as well as information on the server that's acting as tracker for said file, then when someone runs that file in their BT client it connects to the named server (tracker) and uses that to connect to clients. You will only download from other people using the exact same .torrent file to connect to the exact same tracker, it doesn't connect anywhere else. The main reason BT is so fast is because it makes very effective use of the available bandwidth from all the people connected, downloading sections of the file from whatever is available via the tracker.
  17. In Firefox terminology they're actually called Extensions, and they can all be found here or by selecting "tools"->"extensions"->"get more extensions" from your firefox menus. There are descriptions for what they all do on that site :)
  18. On my home machine I have: Adblock - The one and only, most useful extension ever. Tabbrowser Preferences - absolutely invaluable. I think this should be integrated into the main product really. Download Manager Tweak - now my download window shows up as another tab (as well as other useful things) BugMeNot - seemed like a great idea, in reality often not as useful as it could be. Down them all - useful, but in limited range. I used to have a lot more on my work machine, including things like all the web-developer extensions and a whole pile of other things that made it a little easier to do web coding stuff. I can't remember what they all were now though.
  19. Yikes, I'm actually a little shocked at the amount of people who are still willing to put their little x down for Labour. This afternoon I was discussing this with my dad and decided that "only idiots and the horrificly un-informed would vote for labour now", but that was probably a little blase on my part. In a manner that makes me feel a little ill, I'd almost be more likely to vote Conservative than Labour, and I really dislike Conservative style politics. There's quite a long list of horrible things that Labour have done over the last few years, with the war and the multitude of attempts to enroach upon civil liberties being the most prominent. However, those actions in themselves aren't what have put me off Labour as a whole. Rather, I am repelled by the style of government they now seem to espouse. Where once stood a party that still wore it's socialist roots on it's shoulder, now stands a right of center party that seem to be slipping further right all the time. Where once stood a very British, cabinet based democratic party now stands a man and his 'advisers' wishing to create themselves a presidency - it's truly scary how much Blair's been allowed to erode away systems of governing that have been at the core of how our country has been run for generations in only a few short years. Essentially the Labour party today are a right wing, short sighted and economically driven party with aspirations to US style politics. These are all things that disgust me. The Conservatives barely even deserve a mention, their right wing, nationalistic crap was utterly repellant when it was wielded by the she-demon Thatcher. Today it is nothing but a shadow of itself, it's a poor imitation of an abhorrent past and I can see no place for them in the present or the future. The Liberal Democrats stand apart from the Big Two in my mind for several reasons. Firstly, they appear to have generally workable and sensible policies. Points in case: death to council tax - it's crap, structured in an utterly unfair manner and in no way sensible; heavier taxation on top wage earners - damn right, in terms of the needs of the few < the needs of the many this is right on. No-one needs to earn >100k, and if they do they're hardly going to miss a little extra taxation on the coinage that comes in over that figure; death to tuiton fees - education should be available to anyone able and willing, not just anyone who can afford it. Those are just the main examples that stick in my mind, alongside them you of course have their traditional support for the legalisation of cannabis (although I'm not sure how they stand on that contemporarily). Which, while not an issue worthy of a vote in itself, is to me indicative of a party with eyes on the future and feet planted in reality. More than anything else though, the Lib Dems have impressed me by seeming to have ideals and dreams for the future - things which seem to have been missing from mainstream politics for too long. In fact the Lib Dems are in real danger of actually acting like politicians and not business men sometimes, which is something I've been longing to see for quite some time. I think, in summation, I see the Lib Dems as a party that have high ideals that they want to achieve, but realistic policies for the short term that both make sense in themselves and lay the beginnings of a path that could lead to those ideals. Another party that really deserves a mention is Respect. At the moment they're a little young and rough around the edges to actually garner my election support, however they certainly have the right idea - I think they'll be a party to watch in the next couple of elections. From that you can probably guess where my vote is going. The way I see it, I have a choice between two parties that are going to lay the groundwork for two distinctly different futures. One seems to be heading towards a police state, with a highly concentrated power base, global unrest and the further enshrinement of economic in-equality; while the other shows me a vision of greater economic equality, increased social freedoms and a generally nice attitude. I won't even consider the future with the Conservatives, as I don't think they really have one.
  20. How old are you? 22 What made you join Trials-Forum? I was starting trials and looking for somewhere to meet other people who rode, learn more about the sport and generally chat about bike stuff. Are you, or have you been a member of another Internet forum? Which one? What made you join? Lots at varying times, currently active on forums.gentoo.org, OpenZaurus forums, altbristol.org.uk. The former two are for technical advice and knowledge and the latter for furthering real life social things. How often do you use Internet forums? every day. Do you use forums specifically for getting answers to questions and discussing relevant topics, or do you use them to chat to friends as well (chit chat)? Depends on the forum. Trials forum sits neatly in the middle, whereas technical forums are mostly for questions/relevant topics and social forums are for meeting people (which really is relevant topics, so I suppose somewhat sits in both camps). Have you found yourself sat in front of an Internet forum for more than an hour, sifting through posts just to keep yourself entertained? Yes, quite often. Have you ever had an Internet forum as a homepage? Yes, TF is one of my two homepages. Have you ever had anal sex? Not in the last week. As a member of an Internet forum, do you feel like you belong to some sort of community? Depending on the forum, yes. Define the word community in your own words Essentially a socially connected group of people that link together in some way. This link is normally either living geographically close to one another or (especially in the 'communication age') holding a similar interest/hobby. Do you feel you are a part of a community? (not trials forum) yes.
  21. I don't really see how speed limits are a joke... 30mph speed limits are generally there for a very good reason (in this instance I'm guessing it's a residential area). Even with the speed limits we have lots of people are hurt/killed in car related accidents - often because people aren't sticking to the speed limit as well. Cars are really very dangerous things and they would still be dangerous even if everyone on the road had perfect driving skills and kept to the speed limit. As no-one is a perfect driver they can at least minimise the risk by keeping to the speed limit.
  22. Nice vid, good riding and swish editing. I've been riding those spots in St. Agnes solidly for the last few days. It's nice to see some of the lines I've been looking at for 'some time in the future' being conquered there :) Let me know if you come over to St.Agnes again any time soon, I'll be living just up from the beach for the next few months now.
  23. I've been thinking about plans for the summer a bit over the last few days, so I thought I'd bump this with my current list. In order of 'most likely to attend' first, I'm currently planning: NASS, Glade and Rhythms of Peace. I'm also keeping an eye on Reading as there are vague rumours that The Mars Volta may be playing, it's looking pretty unlikely though (and even if they are tickets would likely be hard to get hold of/too expensive at this point). For similar reasons to Reading, I've been looking at Oxegen in Ireland, but that clashes with NASS, so pretty unlikely as well. If I don't make it to Rhythms of Peace I might also consider going to Infest, but that's low down on my list of places I want to go. I'm really excited by the prospect of Rhythms of Peace actually, the idea of spending 5 days at a psy-trance/chillout festival, on a beach in Morocco, with a bunch of hippies sounds great. Wether or not I'll be able to afford the time and money required to get there is a different matter though.
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