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Everything posted by hill_393

  1. Hi Guy's; I need your help. As above says i'm looking for the name of a song from the film Collateral. The song is in the Club, where Tom Cruise takes out the Chinese Witness whilst the FBI are trying to protect him, and then shoots Detective Fanning on the way out. It's just a song I really like and am after. Any help would be great. Cheers Darren
  2. Thanks, and that's alright with me, I'm NEVER gonna set the trials world on fire, but I love riding my bike all the same! That last bit of the sentence sums up trials riding for me No matter how old/young/fat/thin, it's all about fun Keep up the riding mate. I'm 26 today, and no where near stopping!!! Darren www.thinkbikes.com
  3. Hi Guy's. I've just got back from abroad, and I'd like to go riding somewhere. Anyone for Maidstone, Folkestone or the sort? Ashford maybe? Pete if you read this I'll PM you in a sec Darren www.thinkbikes.com
  4. I thought the film was fantastic! Better than the original, as you saw more of the rage outbreak, and it's effects. And the ending was great! Easily the best Zombie Film I have ever seen Bring on 28 Months later! Darren
  5. Spode, I think you should spend less time on vengance plans, and a little bit more time on that novel you've been working on! Darren
  6. Hi Guy's Very late I know, but I'm riding Hasting's tonight with a few friends. We are starting at the Crazy Golf Course at 630 ish Come on down My number is 07809 573083 Give me a call Darren
  7. Phillipa Mason's Sister............... Darren
  8. Well all I can say is, I've known the bloke for about 10 or so years, and i'm not sure........ Remember the night on the lash in Tenterden Spode? The Policeman and the Telephone Pole? Darren
  9. hill_393


    Hi Guy's; Was just thinking about this today, so I thought i'd put the question out there to get some people's opinions. Basically in a little over a month, I'm giving up Trials for a few years to go work as a Retail Manager on a Cruise Ship. I'll be travelling around the world 8 months a a time, and home for no longer than about 3 weeks per placement. Planning on doing this for about 3 or so years. The whole selfish reason is money. I'll be earning a decent amount of money, with the benefit of no overheads, as all accomodation and food is payed for. Perks obviously are getting to see the world. As it's technically as Duty Free shop, it has to shut when the ship docks at any prot. I'll be literally able to et off at every port - RESULT! It'll be a great chance to meet new people, make new friends ,and have the experience of a lifetime. The cost though is giving up everything I know and love. Trials will have to be put at the side for a few years, and I'll be about 29 before I'll be back on British Soil again long enough to get back on the bike on a regular basis. I'll be leaving all my friends amd family behind for a good few years. - With the people Ill meet on the ship, I may stay at there's during my breaks as oppossed to coming back to England. Does it sound silly to say that whilst I'm excited - Anyone who knows me knows how much - Spode-Tall Rob-Chai-Dave Lowe. But at the same time i'm absolutely terrified! Has anyone been in this situation before? Giving up everything you know to do something copmpletely new? Just be nice to get some opinions Darren
  10. Damn you Rob! Make it another day - I can't make tomoz! I still love you Mr Tickle!! Your Mum's got Athlete's Foot! Darren x quote name='Tall_Rob' date='Apr 9 2007, 08:34 PM' post='1226709'] Yo peeps... looking to do natural and then some street. Have my driving theory test in the early hours and then will be out riding around 11-12. All welcome..... Let me know if you wanna tag a long. Rob
  11. Big Fish 9.5 Out of 10 Really good ending, and a classic fairy tale stlye film Darren
  12. Hey mate; A couple of us are going to be riding street in Tonbridge on Sun or Mon. Care to join us? Darren
  13. Quagmire is a god! Giggety Giggety - Oooh I just pooped a litttle! Darren
  14. Par When you coming to Kent mate? Darren
  15. I personally think linking one discipline to the next does no harm - Each individiual discipline will benefit - It also allows more variation to moves, and makes it more open to the general public Darren
  16. Ha ha Spode; I remember that comp! You fell in the stream! he he Darren
  17. hi mate; I have bucket loads here. PM me Darren
  18. That's a bit harsh mate really. If someone chooses to ride without a helmet, that's their choice and their responsibility. Ulitmately their mistake if they fall, but they know that risk. Matt chose not to wear a helmet. That doesn't change the fact he's one of the nicest blokes i've ever mate, and has really been an inspiration to my riding. Getting angry or bitching about it wont change anything. It's a person's individual choice. Darren
  19. Hi Guy's; I agree with that one Spode. There is always a general rule of thumb - If you bike is working perfectly, then GUARANTEED things will all start going wrong at once. I've got a new one today, which beats everything I've done so far On my Ashton, ive not only been riding for over 6 months with 2 threaded magura brake mounts (SHIT!), but Ive just found a crack on the brake mount itself. I'm missing a bloody London Ride cause I've gotta get it re welded!! GRRRRR! Still got a new Job today ,so its not all bad! Darren
  20. Update : Right, my Interview is at 12,and I shall be occupied for a few hours. Spode is coming with me, and I will direct him to the church at the top of the hill in Bristol. The one with the walls in front, the name evades me. He'll be there for 12. Ill be coming along later after the Interview, Ill call Spode. Be there, or be slightly square shaped! Darren
  21. Hi Guy's; To my knowledge, it's Dave Lowe, Spode and myself riding Bristol on Wed. Any takers want to join us? Darre www.thinkbikes.com
  22. Hey Guys; Just spoken to Spode, and I'm prob going to come along for some fun packed jollyness and activities. Ill be at the Tie Rack Shop in London Bridge for 10.30. Look forward to seeing everyone there. Darren www.thinkbikes.com
  23. Hey Guy's; I'm going down Bristol on the above date for a Work Interview. As I don't get down there very often, I'm going to stay there and have an afternoon/evening ride, and enjoy all the festivities it has to offer. Interview is at 12, so i should be free for 2. Speaking to Spode and Tall Rob, they said they should be up for it. Anyone interested? Darren www.thinkbikes.com
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