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Everything posted by PhenoVenom

  1. TRA was simply pointing out that it makes it lower doing it that way. The video is filmed from some distance and that "1cm" maybe in reality 1.2 inches which would make that only 140 cm which TRA has also made. Nothing "funny" about that in my opinion.
  2. PhenoVenom

    Gu Mod

    Someone was asking about GU mods earlier, so here you go http://www.gubike.com/ I hated the stock version but I think the mod looks pretty nice. Sorry if this is a repost.
  3. Great video, very creative riding going on. Only minus was that TRA already used that song in his may28 video (Y) :)
  4. PhenoVenom

    Rowan Johns

    Holy hell, nice video! Amazing riding and the music fit the video well too. Definately going to keep this one. Keep it up!
  5. Hehe I'm the only one who voted "no". Well I live in Finland so during winter its -5 to -30 C and half a meter of snow, so yes I ride only indoor during winter.
  6. PhenoVenom

    New Video

    Cool video, very nice riding, wish I had places like that to ride ;)" Are those "So What" shoes? I use them as riding shoes too, they're great! :angry: (Y)
  7. Talking about Benito? I seem to remember him not getting the 10 pallets and next there was only 9 which he nailed. Could you upload the vid somewhere, please?
  8. Benito did NOT get 10 pallets to 2 wheels, his backwheel slipped, so only to bash/pedal and it wasn't from flat, it was a slight hill so it was lower. Hermance has made 3.3 meters rolling, but that was over a year ago. For the record it's Marc CAISSO, not cassio the calculator company.
  9. Hehe great vid, you got some serious skills :- Make a proper vid as soon as you can! What's the song on the vid?
  10. PhenoVenom

    Ptc 9

    "You see this - instead of the file you requested, because you followed a direct link from some other site." Could someone post an undirect link, please. :)
  11. Yay we want a picture already! Is the freshproducts website down? Won't open for me. Do they sell abroad? edit: ahh, got the site open, going to email them :-
  12. I would like to see a close-up picture of one of those on a bike, please. To see how it works sort of. Looks pretty good to me though.
  13. Umm the Marco Hoesel "Pro model" is just a painted xtp. So if you want to pay extra for a xtp with an ugly paintjob and Marco Hösel written on it then go right ahead >_<
  14. I thank thee Siders77 for this most noble deed.
  15. Could someone upload the vid somewhere, please? That link ain't working anymore. Pretty please :)
  16. Could someone show me a video of somebody trying to backwheel something, slipping and denting the downtube? Because I don't get it, I though your supposed to go more up then forward while "upping" something (suprisingly) and when you slip I just don't see how you can hit your downtube. I thought people only dented downtubes to rails, in frontwheel moves etc.
  17. I'd say 90 % Technique 5 % Strenght 5 % Mentality 0 % Balls Seems to me some people are saying that you won't progress if you don't have enough balls, I must disagree, dropping from 10 feet doesn't make you a better rider than someone who drops with perfect technique but only from 4 feet.
  18. Video clips from the event: http://www.koxx.fr/index.php?lg=fr_...DB430b2edea3794
  19. Um I don't think anybody should start with a pedal-kick if you can't even hop on your back wheel. Or can you already do that? Just do the endo, lock your brakes and lean back, then start jumping. Just keep practising, first you'll propably only jump backwards, then on the spot and then you can start practising pedal-kicks. edit: by the way I first read that you had been trying for 2-3 weeks to put your back tire on your bike :(
  20. He was propably like "yeah I'm gonna be better than CLS and Tunnicliffe!... WTF THIS ****ING SUCKS! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE, it must be because of my lousy spec!" then he went to buy some golden rims and such things and went for another ride "WTF I STILL CAN'T SIDEHOP THIS 55" WALL, THIS IS TOTAL BS!!! I'm selling this crappy bike!" (Y)
  21. Nice little vid, how long you've been riding?
  22. PhenoVenom


    Sorry for my ignorance but why isn't Kenny Baleay in the results? Or why didn't he enter?
  23. Nice video guys, how long you've all been riding? The thing I don't get is that it seems to me that some riders in England don't care much for their rims, dropping from 6.5 feet without the ability to land it smooth looks B) to me every time.
  24. I fell asleep during the pedal-up to bench slow-mo I swear... the riding was pretty good though :ermm:
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